SAMCEF is a finite element analysis (FEA) software package dedicated to mechanical virtual prototyping. SAMCEF development started in 1965 at the University of Liège and is still developed and sold by SAMTECH, a Belgian company the HQ of which is located in Liège, Belgium.

Software features

SAMCEF software package is made of several modules that can be used and bought independently from one another.

SAMCEF Field is the package Graphical User Interface (GUI) where users will define their models based on CAD geometry. SAMCEF Field is able to drive all SAMCEF solvers modules within the same environment, making it easy for users to investigate different aspects of the case he is studying without having to learn new ways of doing it for each of them.

Here is the list of the most important modules available:

SAMCEF modules are also used as the foundation for solutions dedicated to specific industries. In that case, users can use SAMCEF products inside environments dedicated to their specific applications:

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