Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô!

Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô
English: Oh, Our Beloved Father Land

National anthem of  Madagascar

Lyrics Pasteur Rahajason, 1958
Music Norbert Raharisoa, 1958
Adopted April 27th, 1959 [1]
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Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô (instrumental)
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A monument in Antsirabe displaying the first two measures of Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô!

Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô! is the national anthem of Madagascar.[2] The lyrics were written by Pasteur Rahajason and the music by Norbert Raharisoa. It is similar to a march and is influenced by European music.[2] It is often played by Malagasy musicians on accordion.[2] The anthem was officially adopted on April 27, 1959 by the parliament of Madagascar.[1]

Malagasy lyrics French translation Approximate English translation
First stanza

Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô!
Ry Madagasikara soa.
Ny Fitiavanay anao tsy miala,
Fa ho anao, ho anao doria tokoa.

Ô Chère Terre de nos ancêtres
Ô belle Madagascar
Notre amour pour toi ne faillira pas
Et restera à ta cause éternellement fidèle.

Oh, beloved land of our ancestors!
Oh beautiful Madagascar.
Our love for you will never end,
And will remain forever loyal to you.

Chorus (2X in the end):

Tahionao ry Zanahary
'Ty Nosindrazanay ity
Hiadana sy ho finaritra
He! Sambatra tokoa izahay.

Benit, ô Créateur,
Cette île de nos ancêtres
Qu'elle connaisse joie et bonheur
Et que nous soyons vraiment heureux.

Bless, oh Creator,
This island of our ancestors
May it have joy and happiness.
And may we be truly happy.

Second stanza

Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô!
Irinay mba hanompoan'anao
Ny tena sy fo fanahy anananay,
'Zay sarobidy sy mendrika tokoa.

Ô Terre de nos ancêtres chérie
Nous espérons mettre à ton service
notre corps, notre cœur, notre âme,
qui est certes précieux et plein de dignité.

Oh beloved land of our ancestors!
We wish to serve you
With our body, heart and soul.
which are precious and dignified.

Third stanza

Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô!
Irinay mba hitahian'anao,
Ka Ilay Nahary 'zao tontolo izao
No fototra ijoroan'ny satanao.

Ô Terre de nos ancêtres chérie
Nous implorons que tu sois bénie,
par le créateur de l'Univers
qui est la base de ton existence

Oh beloved land of our ancestors!
We pray that you be blessed,
By the Creator of this world
who is the foundation of your existence.


  1. 1 2 "Madagascar". Nationalanthems. David Kendall. Retrieved 20 September 2012.
  2. 1 2 3 Emoff, Ron (2002). Recollecting from the past: musical practice and spirit possession on the east coast of Madagascar. Wesleyan University Press. p. 85. ISBN 978-0-8195-6500-6. Retrieved 2010-05-25.
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