Coast Guard (Russia)

Coast Guard of the Border Service of FSB
Береговая охрана ПС ФСБ России

Active 2005–present
Country  Russia
Type Coast Guard
Size 301 vessels
Part of Federal Security Service
Border Service
Colors blue-green
Equipment Vessels and aircraft
Engagements War against piracy
Russo-Georgian War
Annexation of Crimea
Commander of the Coast Guard Admiral Yuri Alekseyev
Inokentiy Nalyotov
Vyacheslav Serzhanin
Racing stripe

The Coast Guard of the Border Service of the FSB (Russian: Береговая охрана Пограничной службы ФСБ России, Beregovaya okhrana Pogranichnoy sluzhby FSB Rossii), previously known as the Maritime Units of the KGB Border Troops (Russian: Морские части Пограничных Войск КГБ СССР), is the coast guard of the Russian Federation. The Coast Guard is part of the Border Guard Service of Russia under the Federal Security Service of Russia (Береговая охрана Пограничной службы ФСБ России).[1]


The roots of the Coast Guard lie in the Russian Maritime Forces of the KGB's Border Services.

Training and Study

The FSB Coast Guard Institute (Институт береговой охраны ФСБ России), located in Anapa, was established in 2007.


The Russian Coast Guard has various missions, such as the protection of Russian maritime borders, ensuring safe navigation in territorial waters, assisting vessels and aircraft, weather reconnaissance, fisheries protection, and fighting against smuggling and piracy. To perform these missions the Russian Coast Guard uses a variety of vessels and aircraft.[2]


The Russian Coast Guard is equipped with a variety of vessels, aircraft, and small arms/mounted weapons.


Vessels of the Russian Coast Guard are:

The number of vessels listed above are based on a list of currently active Russian Coast Guard vessels.[6]



The Russian Coast Guard uses a variety of weapons, this includes but is not limited to the AK series of rifles, pistols, grenade based weapons such as the DP-64 hand anti-diver grenade launcher and the 30 mm AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher, and a variety of machine guns from 7.62 mm machine guns to 14.5 mm machine guns. Large weapons aboard vessels can be anything from naval guns, torpedoes, and missiles.[9][10][11][12]


See also


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