Ruby Finch

Ruby Finch

The kitchen maid Ruby Finch dressed like a "soldier", saluting and holding the salute
Created by Upstairs, Downstairs
Portrayed by Jenny Tomasin
Gender female
Nationality British

Ruby Finch (born 1892), is a fictional character in the British television series, Upstairs, Downstairs. She was portrayed by Jenny Tomasin.

She is the kitchen maid at Eaton Place. She was preceded by Doris (Maggie Wells), Nellie (Sylvia Brayshay) and Emily, who in I Dies from Love falls hopelessly in love with a footman and commits suicide.

The scullery maid is a hardworking young woman who is rather slow and is frequently scolded by Mrs Bridges.It is suggested several times that she is mildly mentally retarded.

Ruby first comes to Eaton Place in 1908 or 1909, just after Elizabeth's marriage to Lawrence, but leaves in 1915 to become a munitionette at Silvertown. She returns early in the following year after the factory is destroyed in the Silvertown explosion. She briefly leaves again in 1929 to become maid of all work to the middle class dragon Mrs Waddilove. In 1930 she goes with Mr and Mrs Hudson to work at their boarding house with hopes to inherit it after their deaths.

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