List of royal saints and martyrs

This list of royal saints and martyrs enumerates Christian monarchs, other royalty, and nobility who have been beatified or canonized, or who are otherwise venerated as or conventionally given the appellation of "saint" or "martyr". Their names are in English and, where known, in their own language. When the status of a nominee is dubious the whole entry is italicized.


This section enumerates Christian sovereigns, as opposed to mere consorts, who are enumerated in "Other royalty and nobility" below.


Abgar V of Edessa, the first Christian monarch in history, holding the Image of Edessa

Roman Catholic Beati, Venerabili, and Servants of God

The Roman Catholic Church classifies various holy persons who have not been canonized as saints in the inferior categories of beati, venerabili, and servants of God. These titles indicate grades on the path to canonization in that church.

Other royalty and nobility

This section enumerates Christian royalty, including consorts but not sovereigns, and nobility. Christian sovereigns, while also "royalty", are exclusively enumerated in "Monarchs" above.


Roman Catholic Beati, Venerabili, and Servants of God

The Roman Catholic Church classifies various holy persons who have not been canonized as saints in the inferior categories of beati, venerabili, and servants of God. These titles indicate grades on the path to canonization in that church.

Pre-Christian Saints

King David of the United Monarchy of ancient Israel and Kings Hezekiah and Josiah of the southern Kingdom of Judah are traditionally considered to be in Heaven by Catholic dogma.[17][18] They are named as saints of the Old Testament by the Orthodox Church, as numerous calendars, services for their intercession, and the custom of naming them patron saints attest. Some heterodox, however, do not recognise them as saints because they lived before the time of Christ.


See also

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