Routing indicator

In telecommunication, the term routing indicator (RI) has the following meanings:

  1. In a message header, an address, i.e., group of characters, that specifies routing instructions for the transmission of the message to its final destination.

A Routing Indicator is a group of letters assigned to identify a station within a tape relay network to facilitate routing of traffic. It indicates the status of the station and may indicate its geographical area. The following factors are reflected in routing indicator assignment:

Routing indicators consist of not less than four, and not more than seven letters, including suffixes. The intent of allocated letters and of letter position is as follows:

  1. Normally identifies the geographical area in which a station is located or from which it is served.
  2. Exceptionally, may be used by nations or international alliances irrespective of geographical area for specific alternative purposes, such as when the capacity of assigned second letters is insufficient to meet the requirement, or when more than one geographical area is involved as in the case of a tributary actively connected to two different major relay stations. In conjunction with the second letter ā€œJā€, may be reallocated, on a national basis, to a country not listed.
  1. Indicates major relay stations, as generated by assignment requirements.
  2. Identifies the service or other national/international entity, as shown in the delineation table.


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