Membras martinica

Membras martinica
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Atheriniformes
Family: Atherinopsidae
Genus: Membras
Species: M. martinica
Binomial name
Membras martinica
(Valenciennes, 1835)

Membras martinica, the rough silverside, is a species of fish, a member of the genus Martinica.


This species has short jaws and large scales, which differentiates it from other silversides. It closely resembles species of Menidia, but differs from them in that its scales are lacinate, that is, with scalloped edges that make the fish slightly rough to the touch, which is where the name "rough silverside" is derived from. It also has sheaths of scales at the bases of the dorsal and anal fins. These sheaths consist of single rows of large scales that are easily dislodged. The edges of these scales are scalloped or undulating.


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