
Rostest is the largest organization of practical metrology and certification on the territory of the Russian Federation. The main goal of Rostest is the governmental metrological controlling aimed at ensuring and maintaining of uniformity of measuring in industry, health care, communication systems, trading, military defense, in the process of resource counting as well as in nature-protecting and other sorts of economic activities.


The Rostest specialists perform checking, calibrating, testing different means of measuring for approving the type, validation of the testing equipment as well as the methods of performing measurements.

Certification in Russia

In order to import and sell goods in Russia it is necessary to draw up permissive documents. They include drawing up Correspondence Certificates, Correspondence Declaration, Letters of Refusal. The main objective of Rostest is to draw up permissive certification documents. The institution that cooperate with Rostest in Russia include: Russian Techno Regulation, Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES), Russian Consumer Rights' Supervision, RRIS (Russian Research Institute of Certification). On receiving the necessary Russian certificates any foreign manufacturers get an advantage over other manufacturers: they can provide suggest their products with necessary documents an thus, they save money of distributors. If earlier distributors and Russian buyers of foreign products had to draw up the certification documents, so nowadays most Russian customers wish to purchase the products that already have all necessary Russian certificates. The ROSTEST certification center cooperates directly with manufacturers and draws up the certificates according to different certification schemes. One of them is to draw up the documents for the series of products. This scheme allows transfer the copy of the certificate to any Russian buyer or distributor.

Mission of Rostest

On the base of Rostest in Moscow they founded one of the first organs for certification of products services and the quality systems within the system of obligatory certification in early 1990-s. The certification within the obligatory certification system (OCS) proves the safety of goods and services for people and for environment. Such type of certification is necessary for importing and selling of your products into the territory of the Russian Federation .Rostest also owns one of the Europe's largest testing centers where they perform testing of products, household appliances and consumer goods for their feasibility and quality in accordance with the requirements of Russian as well as international standards.


Rostest owns a modern testing base and the most recent equipment. Rostest actively cooperates with the outstanding testing centers and laboratories in Russia as well as abroad. In the Rostest laboratories they perform tests in the sphere of obligatory as well as voluntary certification in order to prove the safety and quality of the products in accordance with normative documents.



    1. Replaced by GOST 7.79-2000 in 2002
    2. "GOST 27974-88 Programming language ALGOL 68 - Язык программирования АЛГОЛ 68" (PDF) (in Russian). GOST. 1988. Retrieved November 15, 2008.
    3. "GOST 27975-88 Programming language ALGOL 68 extended - Язык программирования АЛГОЛ 68 расширенный" (PDF) (in Russian). GOST. 1988. Retrieved November 15, 2008.
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