No Name (Slovak band)

No Name

No Name is a Slovak rock band. It was formed in Košice on August 26, 1996 by Viliam Gutray and three Timko brothers - Igor, Roman and Ivan. Today, the band has six members.

Their real breakthrough came with their second album Počkám si na zázrak (English: I'll Wait for a Miracle) featuring hit singles Ty a Tvoja sestra (You and Your Sister) and Žily (Veins).


Year Title
1998 No Name
2000 Počkám si na zázrak (English: I'll Wait for a Miracle)
2001 Oslávme si život (Let's Celebrate Life)
2003 Slová do tmy (Words to the Darkness)
2005 Čím to je (Why Is It)
2008 V rovnováhe (In Balance)
2009 The Best of No Name
2011 Nový album (New Album)
2015 S Láskou (With love)

See also

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