Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bari-Bitonto

Archdiocese of Bari-Bitonto
Archidioecesis Barensis-Bituntinus

Cathedral in Bari
Country  Italy
Ecclesiastical province Bari-Bitonto
Area 1,264 km2 (488 sq mi)
- Total
- Catholics
(as of 2015)
736,801 (98.4%)
Parishes 126
Denomination Catholic Church
Rite Roman Rite
Established 4th Century
Cathedral Cattedrale-Basilica di S. Maria
Co-cathedral Concattedrale di Maria SS. Assunta
Secular priests 196 (diocesan)
155 (Religious Orders)
76 Deacons
Current leadership
Pope Francis
Archbishop Francesco Cacucci
locator map for diocese of Bari
Co-cathedral in Bitonto

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bari-Bitonto (Latin: Archidioecesis Barensis-Bituntinus) is Metropolitan Latin rite archbishopric in the administrative Bari province, Puglia (Apulia) region, southeastern Italy (the 'Heel'), created in 1986, when the historical diocese of Bitonto was subsumed in the Archdiocese of Bari.[1][2]


The first known bishop of Bari was said to have been Gervasius,[3] or Gerontius,[4] who, in 347, was present at the Council of Sardica. Gerontius, however, was actually from the city of Beroea in Macedonia,[5] and there is no record of Gervasius, or of Bari, at the [[Council of Sardica.

In 530 bishop Peter is said to have held the title of Metropolitan under Epiphanius, bishop of Constantinople & Ecumenical Patriarch. This too is a fantasy. In the 6th century the bishops of Apulia were directly subject to the Roman pontiff. It was not until after the Byzantine Patriarchs regained their control of Calabria and Apulia after the decree of Leo I that Bari became an archbishopric, and that situation changed when the Normans invaded Calabria and Apulia in the 11th century and returned the Churches of Calabria and Apulia to the Roman obedience.[6]

In 780 bishop Leontius was present at the Second Council of Nicaea.[7]

In the ninth century the Saracens laid waste Apulia, destroyed the city of Canosa (Canusium) and captured Bari.[8] In 841, however, the Byzantine army reconquered Bari, and in 844 Bishop Angelarius, Bishop of Canosa, brought to Bari the relics of Rufinus, Memorus, and Sabinus of Canosa, which he had rescued from the ruins of Canosa. Pope Sergius II conferred on Angelarius the title of Bishop of the two dioceses of Bari and Canosa, a title which the archbishops of Bari retained up to 1986.[9] In 988 the Saracens descended upon Bari, depopulated the countryside and took men and women to Sicily as captives. In 991 Count Atto fought against the Saracens at Taranto, where he and many men of Bari fell. In 1002 Bari was besieged from 2 May until October, when they were rescued by Pietro Orseolo (II), the Doge of Venice.[10]

In 933 Pope John XI granted the bishops of Bari the use of the pallium. It seems that the bishops were dependent on the Eastern Ecumenical Patriarch until the 10th century. Giovanni II (952) was able to withdraw from this influence, refusing to accept the prescriptions of the patriarch concerning liturgical points. All connection with the Eastern Churches was finally severed during the eleventh century, as Bari became a direct ecclesiastical dependency of Rome. So before the 10th c was over, the top ranking Orthodox episcopal dignitary throughout Byzantine Italy, became the archbishop of Melfi, in spite of Bari remaining the center of Byzantine authority in the area, as the seat of the katepano of Italia until the capture of the city by the Normans in 1071.

Ironically the archbishop of Bari that irreversibly distanced his see from Byzantium, was Byzantius (1025), who obtained from the pope the privilege of consecrating his suffragans. He also began the construction of the new cathedral, which was continued by his successors, Nicolo (1035), Andreas (1062), and Elias (1089) of the Benedictine Order.

By contrast to Bishop Bisanzio's Catholicism affections, Andreas, the archbishop from 1062 to at least 1066, kept an eye to the roots of his Faith, for example journeying to Constantinople, and at some point even converting to Judaism. Archbishop Andreas then fled to Muslim-dominated Egypt, where he eventually died in 1078.[11]

Remarkably, the next archbishop Urso (1080–1089)[12] was captured by the Muslim forces and converted to Islam.[13]

In 1087 some sailors from Bari, on their return from the East, brought with them the relics of Saint Nicholas, bishop of Myra. Roger Borsa, the Norman duke of Apulia, built a church, the Basilica of San Nicola to house his remains. This church became the object of pilgrimage.

In the reorganization of the dioceses of the Kingdom of Naples, in accordance with the articles of the Concordat of 1818 between Pope Pius VII and King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies,[14] the diocese of Bitetto was suppressed and made a part of the Diocese of Bari. The suffragan sees under Bari historically were: the diocese of Conversano, diocese of Ruvo, and diocese of Bitonto.[15]

In the Apostolic Constitution Qui Beatissimo of 20 October 1980, Pope John Paul II suppressed the ecclesiastical province of Trani, and created the ecclesiastical province of Bari, with the Archbishop of Bari as its Metropolitan.[16] The province of Bari thus included: Bari, Conversano, Ruvo, Bitunto, Trani and Baroli (Barletta), Bisceglie and Andria, Gravina, Melphi, Giovinazzo and Terlizzi, Monopoli, and the prelatures of Altamura and Aquaviva. On 30 September 1986 the independent diocese of Bitunto was suppressed and united with the diocese of Bari, and its bishop, Andrea Mariano Magrassi (1982-1986), who had been Archbishop of Bari-Canosa since 1977, was named Archbishop of the united diocese of Bari-Bitonto.[17]

Bishops and Archbishops of the diocese

Bishops of Bari

Erected: by 5th Century
Latin Name: Barensis


Metropolitan Archbishops of Bari (-Canosa)

Elevated: 6th Century to Metropolitan See
Latin Name: Barensis (-Canusinus)

Sede Vacante (22 September 1225 – 21 December 1226)[36]
Metropolitan Archbishops of Bari-Bitonto

30 September 1986 United with the Diocese of Bitonto to form the Archdiocese of Bari-Bitonto
Latin Name: Barensis-Bituntinus

See also


  1. "Archdiocese of Bari-Bitonto" David M. Cheney. retrieved March 24, 2016
  2. "Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bari–Bitonto" Gabriel Chow. Retrieved March 24, 2016
  3. Ughelli, VII, p. 593.
  4. Gams, p. 856.
  5. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus III (Florence 1759), p. 46. Lanzoni, p. 300. There was a Gaudentius from Niassus (Dalmatia).
  6. Lanzoni, pp. 301-302. Cantel traces the story about "Metropolitan Peter" to the work of Antonio Beatillo in his History of Bari, though he expresses doubts as to its authenticity. Petrus-Josephus Cantel (1684). Metropolitanarum urbium historia civilis et ecclesiastica (etc.) (in French). Tomus primus. Paris: Stephanus Michallet. p. 415. So too: J.E.T. Wiltsch (1868). Handbook of the Geography and Statistics of the Church. Vol. II. London: Bosworth & Harrison. pp. 24–25. On doubts as to Beatillo's reliability see Giannone, I, p. 528.
  7. Cappelletti, XXI, p. 10. Gams, p. 856.
  8. According to Giannone, quoting Beatillo, Canosa had become a Metropolitan in 818. Giannone, p. 528.
  9. Pietro Giannone (1729). The civil history of the Kingdom of Naples: In two volumes. Volume I. London: W. Innys ... G. Strahan ... R. Willock ... A. Millar al. p. 398.
  10. Lupus Protospatarius: Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores, Tomus V (Hannover 1844), p. 56.
  11. Norman Golb (1987) Jewish Proselytism — A Phenomenon in the Religious History of Early Medieval Europe, pp. 10–11
  12. Thomas Forrest Kelly (1996) The Exultet in Southern Italy, p. 215 google books preview
  13. Steven Epstein (2007) Purity Lost: Transgressing Boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1000–1400, p. 145 google books preview
  14. Felice Torelli (1848). La chiave del Concordato dell'anno 1818 e degli atti emanati posteriormente al medesimo (in Italian). Stamperia del Fibreno. p. 121.
  15. Catholic Encyclopedia article
  16. Apostolic Constitution Qui Beatissimo: Acta Apostolicae Sedis Vol. 72 (Vatican City 1980), pp. 1232-1233.
  17. David M. Cheney,, Bitonto, retrieved: 2017-04-17.
  18. Concordius attended the Roman Synod of 465 under Pope Hilarius. Ughelli, p. 593. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus VII, p. 959. Gams, p. 856. Lanzoni, p. 301.
  19. Garruba, pp. 84-86. Gams, p. 856.
  20. Garruba, pp. 87-93. Gams, p. 856.
  21. Paul died in 993, according to the "Barenses Annales" of Lupus Protospatarius: Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores, Tomus V (Hannover 1844), p. 56. Garruba, pp. 94-95.
  22. Garruba, pp. 96-98.
  23. In Giovanni's term there was an uprising of the people of Bari against their Greek overlords. Garruba, pp. 99-100. Gams, p. 856.
  24. Bishop Bisantius was consecrated by Pope John XX. Ughelli, pp. 601-603. Gams, p. 856.
  25. Nicolas was a member of the family of Effrem, who were Lords of Cammarata and Belmonte. Nicolaus was consecrated in Rome by Pope Benedict IX. He constructed the church of S. Nicholas and S. Basil outside the walls at Torre Musarra. He was required by the Byzantine administration to make an ad limina visit to Constantinople, from which he returned in September 1042; he had just missed the accession of Patriarch Michael Cerularius (May 1043). He was deposed by Pope Leo IX at the synod of Siponto in April 1050 on a charge of simony. Whether he was restored to the See of Bari or not, surviving evidence is silent. In 1055 Nicolaus made another trip to Constantinople (Garruba, p. 119 note 10). He died in 1061. Ughelli, pp. 603-604. Garruba, pp. 109-121.
  26. Andreas was consecrated by Pope Alexander II. In 1062 he was granted the privilege of consecrating the twelve suffragan bishops in his Metropolitanate (Garruba, p. 124, note 1. P. Jaffe and S. Loewenfeld, Regesta pontificum Romanorum I (Leipzig Veit 1885), editio altera, p. 571, no. 4515, though the editors note that the document is not above suspicion). In 1063 a Council was held at Bari, under the presidency of Archbishop Arnolfo, the Papal Vicar of Pope Alexander. In 1064 Bishop Andreas held a synod in Bari. In 1067 the Norman Count Robert Guiscard began a siege of Bari, which lasted until 1070, after which the city was separated from the Byzantine Empire and the diocese from the oversight of the Patriarch of Constantinople (Garruba, p. 122). Garruba, pp. 122-125. Gams, p. 856.
  27. According to Gams, Urso was transferred from the diocese of Rapolla (1072–1078). He was elected Archbishop of Bari thanks to the patronage of Duke Robert Guiscard. On 9 May 1087 Archbishop Ursus presided over the reception of the relics of Nicholas of Myra in the new church of S. Nicholas at Bari. Ughelli, pp. 604-608. Garruba, pp. 126-133. Gams, p. 856, column 1; 915.
  28. Elias was a monk of S. Maria de Cava. He had been Prior of S. Nicolas in Bari and then Abbot of the monastery of S. Benedetto in Bari. In October 1098 Bishop Elias was the host of Pope Urban II and a total of 185 bishops at Bari, in an attempt to end the schism between the Greek and the Roman churches. Garruba, pp. 134-151. Gams, p. 856.
  29. Garruba, pp. 152-159. Gams, p. 856.
  30. Gualtieri was already Archbishop at the time of the visit of Pope Calixtus II to Bari in the winter of 1121/1122. Garruba, pp. 160-163.
  31. Matteo had been Abbot of the monastery of S. Lorenzo in Aversa. Bishop Matteo was consecrated by Pope Honorius II on 20 December 1126. Garruba, pp. 164-165.
  32. Kamp, pp. 572-574.
  33. Kamp, pp. 574-576.
  34. Berardus de Castanea was a privy councilor of King Frederick. By permission of Pope Innocent III, Berardus was consecrated in Bari by the bishops of Bitonto, Ruvo, Molfetta, Salpe, Giovinozzo, Conversano, and Pulignano. Garruba, 197-200. Kamp, pp. 576-581.
  35. Andrea de Celano: Garruba, pp. 201-206. Kamp, pp. 582-584.
  36. Kamp, pp. 584-585.
  37. Kamp, pp. 585-593.
  38. Enrico Filangeri was in exile from 6 May 1252 to 1254, due to the conflict with Conradus Teutonicus. A letter of 10 May 1252 from Pope Innocent IV to Errico refers to him as Electo Barensi and noting that he was chosen Archbishop by Pietro, Bishop of Albano and Papal Legate. He was not consecrated, however, until December 1255. A. Potthast, Regesta pontificum Romanorum II (Berlin: Decker 1875), p. 1202, no. 14578. Garruba, pp. 217-222. Kamp, pp. 593-595.
  39. Conrad was a member of the Swabian royal family, and as such was denied confirmation by Pope Innocent IV. Garruba, p. 217. Kamp, pp. 595-596.
  40. Giovanni had been Minister of the Franciscan Province of Apulia (Garruba says it was the province of Romagna). He was appointed by Pope Alexander IV. He restored a tower of the cathedral damaged in an earthquake. Garruba, pp. 223-251. Eubel, I, p. 128.
  41. Romualdo was a native of Bari and a Canon of the Cathedral. He was elected on the day before the death of Pope Nicholas III, and it took some time for his election to be confirmed. On 1 July 1282 his confirmation bull was finally issued by Pope Martin IV. He was distinguished for his restorations of churches Garruba, pp. 252-262. Eubel, I, p. 128.
  42. The Chapter of Bari engaged in a double election, of Matteo Caracciolo (Archdeacon of Caiazzo) and of Matteo Filomarino (a Canon of Naples). When the matter was brought before Pope Clement V, the Pope rejected both candidates in favor of Landolfo, a Canon of Padua. He was consecrated in Avignon by the Pope himself. Garruba, pp. 263-266. Eubel, I, p. 128.
  43. Roger had been a Canon of Naples and papal Chaplain. He was a close friend of King Robert and a state Councilor. He was consecrated in Rome by Cardinal Pierre Després, the Bishop of Palestrina. In 1344 he participated in the coronation of Queen Johanna of Naples. He was transferred to the diocese of Salerno on 23 May 1347. Garruba, pp. 267-270. Eubel, I, pp. 128 with note 9; 430.
  44. Carafa was a doctor of laws, and a teacher of civil law, as well as a papal Chaplain. He was appointed Archbishop of Bari by Pope Clement VI. He died in Naples, where he had gone on church business, on 16 March 1367. Garruba, pp. 271-274. Eubel, I, p. 128 with note 10.
  45. Brancaccio was transferred to the diocese of Cosenza on 13 January 1377 by Pope Gregory XI. Garruba, pp. 275-277. Eubel, I, pp. 129 with note 11; 220.
  46. A Doctor of Canon Law, Prignano's career was at Avignon from 1363. He worked in the papal Chancellery as examinator in graciis specialibus necnon presidens in cancellaria. Prignano had himself elected Pope, and began the Great Western Schism. He never visited Bari. Garruba, pp. 278-280. Eubel, I, p. 129.
  47. Maramaldo was appointed by Urban VI in 1378 as his successor at Bari. When he was named a Cardinal by Urban VI on 21 December 1381, he was still Archbishop-Elect. Maramaldo was forced out of office as a follower of Clement VII. He was restored by Pope Boniface IX (Roman Obedience). From 1406 to 1408 he was Legate in Perugia, and then was sent to Germany as nuncio of the cardinals gathered at Pisa. He took part in the Council of Constance, but died on 16 October 1415. Garruba, pp. 281-282. Eubel, I, p. 24 no. 30; 129.
  48. Giacomo had been Bishop of Imola (1373–1384). He was appointed by Urban VI, but he turned out to be a supporter of Clement VII (Avignon Obedience); he was therefore deposed. Garruba, pp. 283-285. Eubel, I, pp. 129 with note 14; 284.
  49. A Canon of Naples, Nicola Conciamura (or Aconciamura) had previously been Bishop of Acerenza (1377–1387) as the successor of Bartolomeo Prignano (Urban VI), who had also been a Canon of Naples. Garruba, p. 283. Eubel, I, pp. 70, 129.
  50. Guilelmus was Treasurer of the Cathedral Chapter of Taranto. Eubel, I, p. 129.
  51. Sanseverino: Garruba, p. 283. Eubel, I, p. 129.
  52. Pagano was transferred to the diocese of Otranto on Garruba, 286-288. Eubel, I, pp. 129, 280.
  53. Aiello had been a Canon of Salerno, Bishop of Cava (1394–1407) and Bishop of Todi (1407–1424). Garruba, pp. 289-293. Eubel, I, pp. 129, 179, 502.
  54. Guidano had previously been Bishop of Lecce (1438–1453). Garruba, p. 294. Eubel, II, pp. 102, 177.
  55. Latino Orsini was named Cardinal Bishop of Albano in 1465; in 1468 he was transferred to Frascati. On 9 August 1471 Orsini was named Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church. Garruba, 295-301. Eubel, II, p. 102.
  56. Agello: Garruba, pp. 302-305. Eubel, II, p. 102.
  57. Castiglione was a cleric of Milan. Garruba, pp. 306-311. Eubel, II, p. 102.
  58. Marino was transferred to the Patriarchate of the West Indies. Garruba, pp. 312-319.
  59. Garruba, pp. 320-321.
  60. Sauli was transferred to the diocese of Archbishop of Genoa on 18 April 1550. Garruba, pp. 322-323.
  61. Garruba, pp. 324-331.
  62. Garruba, pp. 332-337.
  63. Garruba, pp. 338-347.
  64. "Archbishop Giulio Cesare Riccardi" David M. Cheney. Retrieved March 21, 2016
  65. Bonvisi, who was a native of Lucca and had been a Cleric of the Apostolic Camera (Treasury), had been created a cardinal in the Consistory of 3 March 1599. Cardinal Bonvisi was provided by Pope Clement VIII on 18 March 1602, and consecrated by the Pope in the Sistine Chapel in April 1602. He arrived in Bari in the first week of November, and took possession on 7 November. He died some ten months later, on 1 September 1603. Garruba, pp. 348-353. Gauchat, IV, p. 110 with note 3.
  66. "Archbishop Galeazzo Sanvitale" David M. Cheney. Retrieved March 21, 2016.
  67. "Archbishop Decio Caracciolo Rosso" David M. Cheney. Retrieved March 21, 2016.
  68. "Patriarch Ascanio Gesualdo" David M. Cheney. Retrieved March 21, 2016. Gesualdo was known for charity in the earthquake of 1632.
  69. "Archbishop Diego Sersale" David M. Cheney. Retrieved March 21, 2016. Sersale, at his own expense, rebuilt the cathedral, the episcopal palace, and the seminary.
  70. "Archbishop Giovanni Granafei" David M. Cheney. Retrieved March 21, 2016.
  71. Ritzler, Remigius; Sefrin, Pirminus. Hierarchia catholica medii et recentioris aevi. Vol. V. pp. 114, with note 3. Ruffo belonged to the family of the Dukes of Bagnara.
  72. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 114 with note 4.
  73. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 114 with note 5.
  74. "Patriarch Muzio Gaeta (Sr.)" David M. Cheney. Retrieved December 17, 2016
  75. (Michele Carlo von Althan was transferred to the diocese of Vác, and authorized to continue to use the title of Archbishop. Garruba, pp. 415-418. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 114 with note 6.
  76. Gaeta was born in Naples in 1686. He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure (Civil and Canon Law) from the University of Naples (1707). He was Bishop of S. Agata dei Goti from 1723 to 1735, having been consecrated in Rome on 24 February 1723 by Cardinal Fabrizio Paolucci. He was transferred to the diocese of Capua on 16 September 1754. Garruba, pp. 419-426. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 71 with note 4; VI, p. 116 with note 2.
  77. Alessandro was born in Portici (diocese of Naples) in 1693. He held a doctorate in theology (1732). Alessandro was consecrated a bishop in Rome on 11 May 1732 by Cardinal Antonio Gentili. He had been named Archbishop of Santa Severina (1732–1743), and then Bishop of Alessano (1743–1754). Garruba, pp. 427-430. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, pp. 75 with note 2; 116 with note 3; 378 with note 2.
  78. Pignatelli was transferred to the diocese of Capua on 15 December 1777. Garruba, pp. 431-434. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 116 with note 4; p. 147 with note 5.
  79. Caracciolo was born in Naples in 1748. He taught theology and was master of novices in houses of his Order. He was provost of S. Maria degli Angeli in Naples. Caracciolo was consecrated a bishop in Rome on 7 June 1778 by Cardinal Innocenzo Conti. Garruba, pp. 435-438. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 116 with note 5.
  80. On 29 October 1804 Guevara was transferred to the diocese of Aversa while being permitted to retain the title of Archbishop. He died in Naples in September 1814. Garruba, pp. 463-471. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 116 with note 6.
  81. Mormile was born in 1750 of the noble Neapolitan family of Portanova. He was a theologian and a preacher. He took possession of the diocese of Bari by proxy, through the Archdeacon Gaetano Maddalena, who governed the diocese until the Archbishop appeared in person in September, though he was unable to enjoy his episcopal palace, which had been commandeered by the commander of the French garrison. The French remained for a decade. He was transferred to the diocese of Capua. Garruba, pp. 472-478.
  82. Coppola was transferred to the diocese of Nola and allowed to retain the personal title of Archbishop which he possessed at Bari. Garruba, pp. 479-493.
  83. Garruba, pp. 494-525.
  84. Robles, Vincenzo, ed. (1992). Un vescovo del Vangelo nella chiesa d'Italia unita, Francesco Pedicini (1858-1886). Per la storia della Chiesa di Bari: Studi e materiali, 6 (in Italian). Bari: Edipuglia.
  85. Mimmi was born in Poggio di Castro S. Pietro (Bologna). He taught in seminaries for twenty years. In 1930 he was named Bishop of Crema. He was appointed Archbishop of Naples on 30 August 1952. He was named a cardinal by Pope Pius XII in the consistory of 12 January 1953. In 1957 he was named Secretary of the Consistorial Congregation in the Roman Curia. He died in Rome on 6 March 1961. Martin Bräuer (27 February 2014). Handbuch der Kardinäle: 1846-2012 (in German). Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1947–1948. ISBN 978-3-11-026947-5.
  86. Andrea Riccardi, ed. (1989). Enrico Nicodemo a Bari, 1953-1973: un vescovo meridionale tra modernizzazione e concilio (in Italian). Bari: Edipuglia srl. ISBN 978-88-7228-052-2.
  87. Ballestrero was appointed Archbishop of Turin. Salvatore Palese (2001). L'arcivescovo Anastasio Ballestrero a Bari nel Postconcilio (1974-1977): Seminario di studi, Bari, 3 maggio 2001. Bari: EdiPuglia. ISBN 978-88-7228-284-7.


 This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Bari". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton. 


Further reading

Reference Works


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