Rockox family

Rockox or Rockocxs is the name of a family of politicians in Antwerpen; many among them belonged to the wealthy upper class. The younger generation married into important noble houses.

The family is still famous for being the protector of Rubens and other artists.

Adriaan II en Isabella van Olmen, Adriana, Clara, Joannes I, Jacobus Dassa and Magdalena van Gammeren are buried inside St James.[1]


Crest of Rockox family
The Incredulity of Saint Thomas depicts Nicolaas II Rockox and his wife.
  1. Adriaan I Nicolaas Rockox, marr. in 1501 to Catherine van Overhoff.
    1. Barbara Rockox, (1501-1576) marr. Ferdinand Dassa, knight.[2]
      1. Jacobus Dassa, died 1615: knighted, Mayor of Antwerpen. Marr. Elisabeth van Deursten..
      2. Joannes Dassa, died 1603: Knight of the Order of Christ. Marr. Jakoba van Cloeteringe.
      3. Adriaan Dassa, marr. Marie van der Laan.
    2. Cecilia Rockox,(1505-1541): Marr. Joost van Heetvelde.
      1. Adriaan van den Heetvelde, marr. Anna van der Dilft.
    3. Magdalene Rockox, (1506-1539), Marr. Phillip de Lannoy.
    4. Nicolaas I Rockox, (1514-1577), resided in de Zonnewijzer.[3]
    5. Clara Rockox, died 1559: marr. John III van de Werve, Lord of Hovorst, Schepen of Antwerpen.
    6. Adriana Rockox, married Lancelot II of Ursel, Lord mayor of Antwerpen.
      1. Barbe of Ursel: died whitout heirs,adopted her Nephew, Conrad III Schetz.
        1. Conrad III Schetz,(1553–1632): 1st Baron of Hoboken.
    7. Isabella Rockox, (1520-1582). Marr. Antoon van Liere.[4]
    8. Adriaan II Rockox, (1525-1570): mar. Isabella van Olmen, burried in Saint James' church.
      1. Nicolaas II Rockox, (1560-1640): knighted By archdukes Albrecht, marr. Adriana Perez, (1568 – 1619).[5] His residence, The Rockox House is a museum.
      2. Adriaan III Rockox, died 1638: Canon of the Cathedral Chapter.[6]
      3. Joannes II Rockox
    9. Joannes I Rockox

Family tree

Catherine van Overhoff
Adriaan I Nicolaas Rockox
Barbara Rockox
Ferdinand Dassa
Cecilia Rockox
Joost van Heetvelde
Nicolaas I Rockox
Clara Rockox
John III van de Werve
Adriaan II Rockox
Isabella van Olmen
Isabella Rockox
Antoon van Liere
Joannes I Rockox
Adriaan van den Heetvelde
Magdalene Rockox
Phillip de Lannoy
Lancelot II of Ursel
Adriana Rockox
Nicolaas II Rockox
Adriana Perez
Adriaan III Rockox
Joannes II Rockox
Jacobus Dassa
Elisabeth van Deursten
Adriaan Dassa
Marie van der Laa
Barbe of Ursel
Joannes Dassa
Jakoba van Cloeteringe
Conrad III Schetz


  1. Antwerpen - Parochiekerken ; 1. Afdeeling, Volume 1
  2. "Balat Kik-Irpa". Retrieved 2017-06-21.
  3. "De Zonnewijzer - Erfgoedobjecten - Inventaris Onroerend Erfgoed". Retrieved 2017-06-21.
  4. Annales de l'Academie d'archeologie de Belgique, Volumes 37-38
  5. "Nicolaas Rockox (1560–1640) - Burgemeester van de Gouden Eeuw" (in (in Dutch)). 2010-12-14. Retrieved 2017-06-21.
  6. Notice des œuvres d'art de l'église paroissaile ... de St. Jacques à Anvers ...
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