The Vagina Monologues

The Vagina Monologues

The Vagina Monologues poster
Written by Eve Ensler
Date premiered  1996 (1996-MM)
Place premiered
Original language English
Official site

The Vagina Monologues is an episodic play written by Eve Ensler which began in 1996 at the Off-Broadway Westside Theatre after a limited run at HERE Arts Center. The play delves into consensual and nonconsensual sexual experiences, body image, genital mutilation, direct and indirect encounters with reproduction, sex work, and several other topics through the eyes of women with various ages, races, sexualities, and other differences.[1] Charles Isherwood of The New York Times called the play "probably the most important piece of political theater of the last decade."[2] Ensler originally starred in the production which was produced by David Stone, Nina Essman, Dan Markley, The Araca Group, Willa Shalit and the West Side Theater. When she left the play, it was recast with three celebrity monologists. The play has been staged internationally, and a television version featuring Ensler was produced by cable TV channel HBO. In 1998, Ensler and others, including Willa Shalit, a producer of the Westside Theatre production, launched V-Day, a global non-profit movement that has raised over US$100 million for groups working to end violence against women and girls anti-violence through benefits of The Vagina Monologues.[3]


Eve Ensler wrote the first draft of the monologues in 1996 (there have been several revisions since) following interviews she conducted with 200 women about their views on sex, relationships, and violence against women. The interviews began as casual conversations with her friends, who then brought up anecdotes they themselves had been told by other friends; this began a continuing chain of referrals. In an interview with, Ensler said that her fascination with vaginas began because of "growing up in a violent society".[4] "Women's empowerment is deeply connected to their sexuality." She also stated, "I'm obsessed with women being violated and raped, and with incest. All of these things are deeply connected to our vaginas."

Ensler wrote the piece to "celebrate the vagina". Ensler states that in 1998, the purpose of the piece changed from a celebration of vaginas and femininity to a movement to stop violence against women. This was the start of the V-Day movement[5] which has continued strong every year since, has turned into a worldwide phenomenon, and a very successful non-profit organization.[5]

The play opened at HERE Arts Center in New York City on 3 October 1996 with a limited run that ran through November. The play gained popularity through a word of mouth campaign that culminated with a performance at Madison Square Garden in 2001, which featured Melissa Etheridge and Whoopi Goldberg performing segments of the play.

In 2004, the first all-transgender performance of The Vagina Monologues was held, resulting in the creation of the documentary Beautiful Daughters (2006), which displays the hardships the all-transgender cast faced with the production. The monologues were read by eighteen notable transgender women, and a new monologue revolving around the experiences and struggles of transgender women was included.[6]

The play was also adapted into a Marathi play called Yonichya Maneechya Gujagoshti by feminist writer-activist Vandana Khare in the year 2009.[7]

Plot summary

The Vagina Monologues is made up of various personal monologues read by a diverse group of women. Originally, Eve Ensler performed every monologue herself, with subsequent performances featuring three actresses, and more recent versions featuring a different actress for every role). Each of the monologues deals with an aspect of the feminine experience, touching on matters such as sex, sex work, body image, love, rape, menstruation, female genital mutilation, masturbation, birth, orgasm, the various common names for the vagina, or simply as a physical aspect of the body. A recurring theme throughout the piece is the vagina as a tool of female empowerment, and the ultimate embodiment of individuality.

Some monologues include:

Every year a new monologue is added to highlight a current issue affecting women around the world. In 2003, for example, Ensler wrote a new monologue, called Under the Burqa, about the plight of women in Afghanistan under Taliban rule. In 2004, Ensler also wrote a monologue called They Beat the Girl Out of My Boy. . .Or So They Tried after interviewing a group of women whose gender identity differed from their assigned gender at birth.[8] Every V-Day thousands of local benefit productions are staged to raise funds for local groups, shelters, and crisis centers working to end violence against women.


V-Day logo

V-Day operates as 501c3 non-profit organization.[5] As a non-profit organization, V-Day distributes funds to national and international grassroot organizations and programs that work to stop violence against girls and women.[5] The Vagina Monologues is the cornerstone of the V-Day movement, whose participants stage benefit performances of the show and/or host other related events in their communities. Such events take place worldwide each year between 1 February and 30 April, many on college campuses as well as other venues as well. All performances must stick to the annual script that V-Day puts out specifically for the V-Day productions of The Vagina Monologues.[9] The V-Day organization encourages the renditions to include as many diverse actors as possible.[9] With a minimum of 5 actors required by V-Day, the organization also has no maximum limit on the amount of actors that can be included in the productions and encouragement to include as many actors as possible.[9] The performances generally benefit rape crisis centers and shelters for women, as well as similar resource centers for women and girls experiencing violence against them.

On 21 February 2004 Miss Ensler in conjunction with Jane Fonda and Deep Stealth Productions produced and directed the first all-transgender[10] performance of The Vagina Monologues, with readings by eighteen notable transgender women and including a new monologue documenting the experiences of transgender women. It debuted in connection with "LA V-DAY Until the Violence Stops" with monologues documenting the violence against transgender women. Since that debut, many university and college productions have included these three "Transgender Monologues". Beautiful Daughters (2006) is a documentary about the cast of the first performance by transgender women.[11]


Christine M. Cooper's journal, published in The University of Chicago Press, begins by applauding The Vagina Monologues for benefit performances done within the first six years (1998-2004). These performances raised over $20 million, 85% of which was donated to grassroots organizations that fight against violence towards women.[12]


Criticism from feminists

The Vagina Monologues has been criticized by some within the feminist movement, including pro-sex feminists and individualist feminists.[13] Sex-positive feminist Betty Dodson, author of several books about female sexuality, saw the play as having a narrow and restrictive view of sexuality. Ms. Dodson's main concern seemed to be the lack of the term "clitoris" throughout the play. She believes that the play sends a message that the vagina is the main sex organ, not the clitoris. She also noted that the "V" in V-Day no longer stands for vagina, but for violence. There is also criticism of The Vagina Monologues about its conflation of vaginas as women, more specifically for the message of the play that women are their vaginas, as Susan E. Bell and Susan M. Reverby argue, “Generations of feminists have argued that we are more than our bodies, more than a vagina or “the sex.” Yet, TVM re-inscribes women's politics in our bodies, indeed in our vaginas alone”.[14] The focus on women finding themselves through their vaginas, many say it feels more like a Second Wave consciousness-raising group rather than a ground-breaking, inter-sectional, Third Wave cornerstone.[14]

Criticism for being anti-transgender

Because of the title and content of The Vagina Monologues being body-centric, American University chose to change their production of it to a new show including all-original pieces, giving the production the name of Breaking Ground Monologues.[15] Although members of American University's Women's Initiative believe that the show was revolutionary in the 1990s, they concluded that equating having a vagina with being a woman is not an accurate display of womanhood today, suggesting that The Vagina Monologues continues to perpetuate the gender binary and erase the identity of those who are genderqueer.[15]

In 2015 a student organization at Mount Holyoke College canceled its annual performance of the play for being, in its opinion, insufficiently inclusive of transgender people. "At its core", Erin Murphy, the president of the school's theater group, said, "the show offers an extremely narrow perspective on what it means to be a woman … Gender is a wide and varied experience, one that cannot simply be reduced to biological or anatomical distinctions, and many of us who have participated in the show have grown increasingly uncomfortable presenting material that is inherently reductionist and exclusive." The traditionally all-female college had begun admitting students who identified as female the previous year, but the college denied that had anything to do with the decision to discontinue the annual performances of the play[16]

Criticism for being colonial

Kim Hall, a professor of Philosophy at Appalachian State University, further criticizes the play, particularly the sections dealing with women in developing countries, for contributing to "colonialist conceptions of non-Western women,"[17] such as the piece "My Vagina was a Village." Although she supports frank discussions about sex, Hall rescales many of the same critiques leveled by feminists of color at white privilege among second-wave feminists: "premature white feminist assumptions and celebrations of a global 'sisterhood.'"[17]

In The Vagina Monologues, depictions of sexual violence are told through mostly non-white and non-US centered stories, as Srimati Basu states, "While a few of these forms of violence, such as sexual assault and denigration of genitalia, are depicted in U.S. locations, violence is the primary register through which 'the global' is evoked, the main lens for looking outside the United States. These global locations serve to signify the terror that is used to hold the laughter in balance, to validate the seriousness of the enterprise, while the 'vagina' pieces are more directly associated with pleasure and sexuality and set in the United States".[18]

In 2013, Columbia University's V-Day decided to stage the play with a cast entirely of non-white women because of the misrepresentation. That decision, too, was controversial.[19]

Social conservative criticism

The play has also been criticized by social conservatives, such as the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), and the Network of Enlightened Women. The TFP denounced it as "a piece replete with sexual encounters, lust, graphic descriptions of masturbation and lesbian behavior",[20] urging students and parents to protest. Following TFP and other protests, performances were cancelled at sixteen Catholic colleges. Saint Louis University made the decision not to endorse the 2007 production, claiming the yearly event was getting to be "redundant." The response of the university's student-led feminist organization was to continue the production at an off-campus location.

Robert Swope critique

In 2000, Robert Swope, a conservative contributor to a Georgetown University newspaper, The Hoya, wrote an article critical of the play.[21] He suggested there was a contradiction between the promotion of rape awareness on V-Day and the monologue "The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could", in which an adult woman recalls being given alcohol and statutorily raped at 16 by a 24-year-old woman[22] as a positive, healing experience, ending the segment with the proclamation "It was a good rape." Outcry from the play's supporters resulted in Swope's being fired from the staff of The Hoya, before the piece was even run. Swope had previously criticized the play in an article he wrote entitled "Georgetown Women's Center: Indispensable Asset or Improper Expenditure?" His termination received critical editorial coverage in The Wall Street Journal,[23] Salon,[24] National Review,[25] The Atlantic Monthly, The Washington Times, The Weekly Standard, and by Wendy McElroy of iFeminists.[26]

College performances

In 2002 the first major proposal to host The Vagina Monologues at Gonzaga University resulted in a decision by then-President Father Robert Spitzer, S.J., to ban the performance. After a vote, the Gonzaga Board of Trustees supported Spitzer's decision. Father Spitzer retired as president in 2009.[27]

In 2010, students accompanied by faculty and the Women's and Gender Studies department again proposed performing The Vagina Monologues on campus. After deliberation and discussion among Gonzaga's administration, it was reported on 19 March 2010 that Interim President Thayne McCulloh, although in support of the Monologues, would uphold the decision of Father Spitzer's 2002 ban. McCulloh stated in an email to the University that he "could not ignore the historical context that informs review of the current proposal". As a result of Dr. McCulloh's decision, the supporters of The Vagina Monologues held on campus protests the day the play was originally scheduled to be performed. The play was performed instead at an off-campus location.[28]

In March 2011, it was announced that for the first time in Gonzaga University's history, The Vagina Monologues would be allowed on campus. (Palmer, 2011) The women and gender studies program, the English department, the sociology department, the Honors Program, and the Institute for Hate Studies all teamed up to sponsor Monologues, Dialogues, & Stories, Interdisciplinary Academic Discussion on Women's Narratives, Catholic Theologies, Violence Against Women, and The Vagina Monologues.[29] On 10 April 2011 the first performance of The Vagina Monologues was performed in Wolff Auditorium at Gonzaga.[30]

The Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) launched a campaign to stop The Vagina Monologues performances, and a public reading, on Catholic Campuses, across the United States was a success. A then-record-low 22 Catholic colleges and universities hosted The Vagina Monologues in February and March, a significant decline from 27 performances or readings in 2005, 29 in 2004, and 32 in 2003.[31] As of 2010, the Cardinal Newman Society reported that there were 14 Catholic colleges and universities hosting the Monologues. It was later noted that in 2010, only 13 catholic institutions hosted the Monologues.[28]

The Cardinal Newman Society reported the presentation after much protest, stating that with Gonzaga University's production of the performance on campus, the count of productions on Catholic campuses in 2011 had risen to 14: ten of those schools being Jesuit institutions.[31]

While Gonzaga University has had a complicated relationship, there has been many other colleges that have put on their own performances. These colleges include the University of Michigan (who puts on a show every year). Performances at colleges are always different. This is because they monologues are not always pre-written. While some actors are given scripts, others are given the opportunity to write their own monologue. The performances change based on the climate of the campus.

See also


  1. "THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES". EVE ENSLER. Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  2. "The Culture Project and Plays That Make a Difference". The New York Times. 3 September 2006. Retrieved 9 March 2016.
  3. Glamour Magazine. "We found it: The absolute best thing to do on Valentine's Day.". Glamour. Retrieved 9 March 2016.
  4. "Random House". Archived from the original on 15 April 2015. Retrieved 9 March 2016.
  5. 1 2 3 4 "About V-Day". V-Day. Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  6. Archived 6 August 2012 at the Wayback Machine.
  7. "What's vagina in Marathi?". Retrieved 9 March 2016.
  8. S, Jamie (2014-04-10). ""They Beat the Girl Out of My Boy… Or So They Tried"". PFLAG Coeur d'Alene. Retrieved 2017-02-28.
  9. 1 2 3 "Organize a V-Day Event". V-Day. Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  10. "First Ever Transgender Cast Performance of ‘Vagina Monologues’ to Benefit National Gay and Lesbian Task Force". Press Releases: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation. Archived from the original on 3 March 2011. Retrieved 2 March 2011.
  11. "Beautiful Daughters". LOGO TV Listings. Retrieved 2 March 2011.
  12. Cooper, Christine M. (2007-01-01). "Worrying about Vaginas: Feminism and Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues". Signs. 32 (3): 727–758. doi:10.1086/499084.
  13. Sommers, Christina Hoff. (2008), What’s Wrong and What’s Right with Contemporary Feminism?, Hamilton College. Retrieved 2014-01-27. Archived 2 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine..
  14. 1 2 Bell, Susan E.; Reverby, Susan M. (2005-09-01). "Vaginal politics: Tensions and possibilities in The Vagina Monologues". Women's Studies International Forum. 28 (5): 430–444. doi:10.1016/j.wsif.2005.05.005.
  15. 1 2 "Campus Reform". Campus Reform. Retrieved 2017-04-28.
  16. Kingkade, Tyler (6 January 2015). "Mount Holyoke Cancels 'Vagina Monologues' For Not Being Inclusive Enough". The Huffington Post. Retrieved 3 October 2015.
  17. 1 2 Kim Q. Hall, "Queerness, Disability and The Vagina Monologues," Hypatia – Volume 20, Number 1, Winter 2005, pp. 99-119
  18. Basu, Srimati (2010). "V Is for Veil, V Is for Ventriloquism: Global Feminisms in The Vagina Monologues". Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies. 31 (1): 31–62. doi:10.5250/fronjwomestud.31.1.31.
  19. "Dialogue about The Vagina Monologues". Columbia Spectator. 4 October 2013. Retrieved 3 October 2015.
  20. Editor. "Tradition, Family, and Property". Retrieved 9 March 2016.
  21. "Applauding Rape at Georgetown". Archived from the original on 16 July 2006. Retrieved 9 March 2016.
  23. Georgetown Exorcised by Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition via Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
  24. Imagination unleashed in all its perverse glory – Camille Paglia – Archived 9 July 2008 at the Wayback Machine.
  25. NR Comment Archived 23 July 2008 at the Wayback Machine.
  26. " > editorial > Take Back Valentine's Day!". Retrieved 9 March 2016.
  27. "Gonzaga to Ban Vagina Monologues Again". 2010. Archived from the original on 3 June 2012. Retrieved 6 December 2011.
  28. 1 2 "Vagina Monologues banned from Catholic university in Spokane". Spero News. Retrieved 6 December 2011.
  29. "Vagina Monologues ok'd on campus". Gonzaga Bulletin. Retrieved 6 December 2011.
  30. Gerbec, Michael (March 2011). "Vagina Monologues staged on campus". Gonzaga Bulletin.
  31. 1 2 "Campaign to stop the V Monologues on college campuses". Cardinal Newman Society. Archived from the original on 15 April 2012. Retrieved 6 December 2011.


The television production

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