The Riyria Chronicles

Riyria Chronicles
Author Michael J. Sullivan
Language English
Genre Epic fantasy
Publisher Orbit Books
Published 2011 - 2015
Media type Print (Paperback)
Followed by [The Riyria Revelations]

The Riyria Chronicles series is a set of high fantasy novels written by Michael J. Sullivan and published by Orbit Books. The series consists of three original titles, The Crown Tower, The Rose and the Thorn, and The Death of Dulgath. These are a set of prequels to Sullivan's Riyria Revelations series.

Order of Books

There are two related series The Riyria Revelations and The Riyria Chronicles which can be read in chronological order or order of publication. The author has recommended reading in publication order.

Order of Publication

  1. Theft of Swords (contains The Crown Conspiracy and Avempartha)
  2. Rise of Empire (contains Nyphron Rising and The Emerald Storm)
  3. Heir of Novron (contains Wintertide and Percepliquis)
  4. The Crown Tower
  5. The Rose and the Thorn
  6. The Death of Dulgath

Chronological Order

  1. The Crown Tower
  2. The Rose and the Thorn
  3. The Death of Dulgath
  4. Theft of Swords (contains The Crown Conspiracy and Avempartha)
  5. Rise of Empire (contains Nyphron Rising and The Emerald Storm)
  6. Heir of Novron (contains Wintertide and Percepliquis)


Hadrian - Hadrian Blackwater is an ex-soldier/mercenary in search of a purpose in life. He is an excellent swordsman and follows the ancient but antiquated code of the knights. He is said to be a tall and well built and very observant. He is trusting, optimistic and virtuous to a fault. He was brought up in a small village and he has a natural ability to inspire trust and loyalty in people.

Royce - Royce Melborn is a thief who has grown on the streets of a violent city. He is very agile, quick on his feet, has sharp senses and is an excellent climber. Due to his tenuous childhood, he suspects everyone around him to be evil unless proved otherwise. Hadrian and Royce are opposite personalities who have come together to form an unlikely partnership called Riyria (Elvish for "two").

Gwen is a former prostitute and owner of the Medford house. She has the ability to see the future and is in love with Royce. She is a central character in the Riyria Chronicles novels.

Arista - Princess of Melengar. She possesses the ability to perform magic. In the earlier books she is pompous and spoiled, but interactions with other characters change her into a kind and worldly person.

Alric is the prince of Melengar and Arista's brother.

Reuben - Reuben Hilfred is a sixteen year-old boy who is serving in the castle guard. He has a crush on Princess Arista. A heroic act where he saves the Princess from certain death earns him the title of Royal Sergeant at Arms.


The series takes place in a secondary world known as Elan, which consists of the following regions: Westerlins (unexplored), Apeladorn (domninated by men) and Erivan (the elvenlands).

Nations of Apeladorn

Kingdoms of Avryn


Political Parties


Sullivan has written a series of novels entitled The Riyria Revelations that take place twelve years after the events in The Riyria Chronicles.

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