Risk 2210 A.D.

Risk 2210 A.D.

Rob Daviau

Craig Van Ness
Publisher(s) Avalon Hill
Players 2–5
Setup time 5–10 minutes
Playing time 240 minutes
Random chance Medium
Skill(s) required Strategic thought

Risk 2210 A.D. is a 2–5 player board game by Avalon Hill that is a futuristic variant of the classic board game Risk. Risk 2210 A.D. was designed by Rob Daviau and Craig Van Ness and first released in 2001. In 2002, it won the Origins Award for "Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board Game of 2001".[1]


The boxed set includes:

Box redesign

2210 A.D. originally came packaged in a rectangular boxed set with a playing board that folded into fourths. At some point the design changed to a square, like the packaging for Risk Godstorm. The board in the square box folds into sixths, the cardboard playing pieces are one-sided as opposed to being printed on both sides as they were for the rectangular box, and the Moon was printed on much thinner cardstock.

Setup, Determining Turn Order, and Ending Game


Before the game, 4 cards are randomly selected from the land territory deck. Each of the 4 territory cards drawn will have a "devastation marker" placed on its corresponding territory on the earth game board. These territories are impassable for the rest of the game.

Each player is allocated 3 energy chips before the game begins. The number of armies allocated to each player and the process of claiming territories is identical to the Standard Risk board game, but the armies are called MODs; therefore, number of MODs allocated to each player at the beginning of the game depends on the number of players. If three people are playing, each player counts out 35 MODs; four players, 30 MODs; five players, 25 MODs. Players then take turns claiming land territories by placing a 1.0 MOD on an unoccupied land territory until all the land territories are occupied. Players then take turns placing their remaining armies on their claimed land territories. Following MOD placement, each player places a space station, a land commander, and a diplomat on any of their claimed territories.

Water and Lunar territories may not be claimed at the beginning of the game. Devastated land territories can not be claimed or occupied at any point during the game.

Determining Turn Order

The game is limited to five rounds called years. At the beginning of each year, players use energy chips they have accumulated to bid for turn order through a First-price sealed-bid auction format. Player secretly bid energy by placing the corresponding of energy chips they would bid into a closed hand. Players open their hands containing their bids simultaneously. The highest bidder selects which turn order he/she wants, then the next highest bidder, and so on. The highest bidder may select any turn the player wants, the player is not limited to "first."

Ending game

After each player has completed his turn, a year is considered to have past. At the end of year 5, each player's score is calculated based on the number of territories the player owns, colonies the player holds, and the number of colony influence cards the player has the commanders to activate. The player with the highest score wins.

Player Turn

Turn order overview

At the beginning of each player's turn, based on the number of countries the player owns and whole continents the player holds, the player gains additional MODs and energy. The player places the MODs and then has the opportunity to buy additional commanders, cards, and space stations. Then the player may play command cards that he has sufficient energy to activate. Next comes the attack phase which, if the player successfully takes three contested territories, the player receives one bonus energy and one bonus command card. After the attack phase, the player may move one group of units from any one of the player's territories to any other territory the player occupies, so long as both territories are connected by a path of his own territories.

Collection of Energy and Deployment of MODs

Similar to the obtaining reinforcements in classic Risk, players receive additional MODs and Energy at the beginning of their turn. The number of MODs received is a function of the number of territories a player owns, a players colony bonuses, and the number of space stations a player controls. Players divide their total number of territories, regardless of type, by three and receive that number of MODs rounded down to the nearest integer. If this result is less than three, round up to three MODs. The Score Chart is designed to aide players in this task. Additionally, players receive colony bonuses by occupying all the territories in a land, water, or lunar colony at the beginning of their turn. This is similar to continental bonuses in classic Risk. These MODs are dispersed among the player's controlled territories as the he/she chooses. Players also place one MOD on each of territory that contain a Space Station he/she controls.

Players receive Energy equal to the number of MODs received at this point in the turn.

Commanders and Space Stations

After players have Collected Energy and Deployed their MODs, players may purchase Commanders and Space Stations. Commanders cost three energy while space stations cost five energy. Commanders have 20 lives.

One of the biggest differences from classic Risk is the addition of commanders: land, naval, space, nuclear, and diplomat. These fill a number of roles. Their most basic function is to act as an improved army unit, enabling players to roll eight-sided dice rather than the typical six-sided ones. This is explained more thoroughly in the next section. Space and Naval commanders allow movement into Moon or Water territories respectively.

Command Cards

Perhaps one of the most important function of the commanders is allowing the purchase and use of commander cards. After players have purchased and placed their commanders or space station, players may purchase a maximum of four commanders cards at a cost of one energy per card. Players may only purchase commander cards if he/she has the corresponding Commander in play. The text of the commander card will illustrate when the card may, or must, be played. Many of the Commander cards have energy costs that must be paid if the card is to be put into play.

Each commander deck has adds its own strategic elements to the game. Diplomat Cards tend to be low cost cards that increase unit mobility or place negative affect on other players. Land Cards tend to be low cost cards that increase the number of MODs available to a player. Naval Cards tends to have the emphasize energy gain. The Nuclear Deck contains relatively higher cost cards with sweeping global affects. Space Cards tend to be a mixture of the elements already described. If an Armageddon card is played them even if your nuclear commander is destroyed mid turn you can finish playing the nuclear card.

Invading Territories

Three major elements differ invasion in Risk 2210 A.D. from classic Risk; limitations in which territories may be invaded, how commanders affect dice, and how space stations affect dice. Players may only invade Water or Lunar territories if they have the corresponding commander in play. Additionally Lunar territories can only be invaded from the Earth game board by a territory containing a space station. Only three of the territories on the Moon game board can be invaded into from the Earth game board. These are the Sea of Crisis, Tycho, and Bay of Dew. Players can not invade from the moon to earth without the "Invading Earth" card found in the Space Deck.

If no commanders are attacking or defending a territory, play continues identically to classical Risk. However, defending players may defend their territories using an 8-sided die instead of a 6-sided die if a commander is present in that territory. If two commanders are present in a defending territory, the defender may substitute both of the 6-sided dice used in defense for two 8-sided dice. This is true regardless of commander type for defending.

Substitution of 6-sided dice with 8-sided dice for invading players is contingent on the type of territory that player is invading into/from and the type of commander that player is invading into. The following table is provided in the Risk 2210 A.D. Gameplay Manual.

Commander Roll 8-sided die when attacking
Diplomat Never
Land When invading from or into a land territory
Naval When invading from or into a water territory
Space When invading from or into a Lunar territory
Nuclear Always
Tech (Frontline Expansion 2) Never

Players do not have to remove Commanders if they suffer a loss while using an 8-sided dice. Players may remove MODs from their corresponding invading or defending territories first. Commanders are removed from a defending player if an invading player destroys all MODs in an defending player's territory. Commanders may be repurchased.

All units in space stations, regardless of type, defend with 8-sided dice. If a territory with a Space Station is captured by an invading player, that Space Station is replaced with another of the invading players same color.

Similar classic Risk, if an invading player captured three or more contested territories, territories defended by another player, the invading player receives one energy and one commander card. Commander cards received this way can only be chosen from Commanders that the invading player currently has in play.


A player may end his turn by fortifying. To fortify, a player moves as many units from one territory, and only one territory, to another territory that is connected at all points by territories that player occupies. Players need not own a space or naval commander to fortify into lunar or water territories. However, to fortify from a territory on the Earth Game Board to a territory on the Moon Game Board one of the connected territories must be a space station.

Prominent differences from classic Risk


Geographically, the map is nearly identical to the classic Risk map. It has the same forty-two territories as before, but they have somewhat different names; Greenland, for example, is now the Exiled States of America. There is a tendency for large territories to be given the name of a present-day microstate (Andorra, Djibouti, Hong Kong, and Lesotho). Additionally, a few connections are removed from the Earth Board that are present in classic Risk board; the picture shows that Egypt is the only African country to have a connection with Middle East.

Thirteen water territories divided into five colonies and fourteen lunar territories divided into three colonies have been added. Similar to continental bonuses, if a player controls all the territories in a lunar or water colony at the beginning of his turn, he will receive additional MODs and Energy that turn.

The map changes each game — before any units are placed, four Devastation markers are positioned randomly on the board. Those four territories are nuclear wastelands that are impassable and uninhabitable during the game.

Commanders and cards

One of the biggest differences from classic Risk is the addition of commanders: land, naval, space, nuclear, and diplomat. These fill a number of roles. Card play can shift the balance of power rapidly. Players can only buy four cards at a time, and only for commanders in play. Like the new avenues of movement, cards open up the board by making no position impregnable, no attack a certainty. With cards in use, the game is more fluid and positions are constantly shifting. There is a separate deck of cards for each type of commander. Perhaps the most devastating card attacks are enabled by the nuclear commander: playing a nuclear card has the potential to destroy all the armies on an entire continent.


Energy also has a strategic importance. It is used to buy cards, to bring commanders and space stations into play, to bid for the most advantageous place in the turn order, and to play certain cards. Each round, players bid energy for the right to choose when they want to take their turns. But players who spend too much energy one turn may find themselves playing at a disadvantage the next turn, or even for the rest of the game.

Turn limit

Risk 2210 A.D. includes a five-turn limit, although it is possible to play as in normal Risk with unlimited turns. Whoever controls the most territories (and bonuses) at the end of the fifth year wins.

The game includes the necessary equipment and cards for playing the classic version of Risk.

Renamed territories

A map of the original Risk board, which does not contain the US Pacific regions, and has different oceanic connections. In more recent game boards, the connection between East Africa and the Middle East has been removed. There is also a moon map board used in Risk 2210 A.D. Note: there does not appear to be a bridge between the Exiled States of America and Canada on the actual artwork. Territories available in the edition with ISBN 978-0-7430-0764-8 are shown in quotes and items that are not present are noted by an asterisk.


Avalon Hill has released a number of expansions for the 2210 A.D. game. Used as Tournament awards, these expansions were originally available only to retailers and have not been released commercially. To date, there are four "official" expansions, under the name "Frontline".[2] A number of unofficial expansions have also been created by fans, covering such themes as terrorism, aerial assault, zombies, Antarctica and Godstorm-style relics[3]

See also


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