Right to Recall

"Right To Recall (RTR)" is a proposed law in India that would allow citizens to replace public servants holding key posts in the government. RTR law will be implemented if majority Indian citizens display their support via TCP law. This article explains TCP law and then gives example of RTR of one position and complete draft of another public representative position. External links show the complete RTR law draft of approximately 300 positions. [1]

TCP, RTR law drafts are proposed by a non registered group called Right to Recall Group. These laws will reduce corruption and give more power to the citizens.

The draft of proposed TCP Gazette Notification at National level
Clause No Officer Procedure
1 Collector or his clerk) The President hereby orders Collector that : if a woman voter or dalit voter or senior citizen voter or poor voter or farmer voter or any citizen-voter in his district submits a Right to Information application or complaint against corruption or any affidavit to the Collector and requests to be put on the website of Prime Minister, the Collector or his designated clerk will issue a serial number and put that affidavit on the website of the Prime Minister for a fee of Rs 20 per page.
2 Talati, Patwari, Village Officer (or his clerk) The President orders Patwari that :

(2.1) if any citizen-voter comes with voter ID, and specifies Yes-No on an RTI application, complaint or any affidavit submitted in above cluase-1, the Patwari will enter his Yes-No on the PM’s website with his voter-ID and give a printed receipt for Rs 3 fee. (2.2) The Patwari will also allow citizen to change his Yes-No for Rs 3 fee. (2.3) The fee will be Re 1 for BPL card holder (2.4) The Collector may create system of sending SMS feedback to voters (2.5) The Collector may create a system of taking finger-print and picture of the voter and putting it on the receipt. (2.6) The PM may create a system where by citizens can register YES/NO via ATM using ATM-cards for a charge 50 paise (2.7) PM may enable citizens to register YES/NO via SMS for 5 paise

3 [To all Citizens, Officers, Ministers …] (3.1) This TCP GN is not a referendum procedure. The Yes-No count will not be a binding on PM, CMs, officers, judges etc. If over 37 crore women voters, dalit voters, senior citizen voters, poor voters, farmer voters or ANY 37 crore citizen-voters register Yes on a given affidavit, then the PM may or need not take necessary action on the affidavit ; may print it in Gazette or the PM may or need not resign. PM’s decision will be final.

(3.2) Further, the Collector may design and propose a system to collect Yes-No in clause-2 over SMS, and implement after approval of PM.


The Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill, 2016 was introduced by Varun Gandhi in Lok Sabha.[2]

See also


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