Richard Landwehr

Book cover of Landwehr's 1981 revisionist work glorifying the role of the Waffen-SS in the Battle of Narva; the image appeared as an advertisement in a periodical sympathetic to the Waffen-SS.[1]

Richard Landwehr is the author of numerous books about the Waffen-SS, its non-German volunteers in particular, providing revisionist and apologetic accounts of these men and their battles. He has been producing the magazine Siegrunen on the same topic for over 30 years. Landwehr has written for the Journal for Historical Review (JHR) which is published by the Institute for Historical Review, an American Holocaust denial organization.

The military historian S.P. MacKenzie describes Landwehr as an "extreme admirer [from] the fringes of the far-right."[2] MacKenzie connects Landwehr with the contemporary Waffen-SS historical revisionism, first propounded by HIAG, the Waffen-SS lobby group from the 1950s–1990s. Commenting on this contemporary trend, Mackenzie writes that "as older generation of Waffen-SS scribes has died off, a new, post-war cadre of writers has done much to perpetuate the image of the force as a revolutionary European army" and includes Landwehr in this group.[3]

Select works

See also




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