Ricard Zapata-Barrero

Ricard Zapata-Barrero is a political scientist specializing in immigration and diversity management in liberal democracies. He is Professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain). He has been visiting professor in Quebec. He is founder of the GRITIM-UPF (Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration),[1] a multi-disciplinary group of researchers interested in the aspects of innovation in research and management of change processes arising from human mobility and immigration. He is also director of the Official Master of Immigration Management at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He is author of a dozen books, editor of seventeen, and has frequently published articles to international peer reviewed journals. His publications include Diversity Management in Spain (Manchester University Press, 2013), Immigration and self-government in Minority Nations (Peter Lang, 2009), Multiculturalidad e Inmigración (Síntesis, 2004) He is a regular contributor to media and policy debates, and has served on a number of commissions and government committees.

Lines of research

Over the last five years, Ricard Zapata-Barrero’s main lines of research have been focused on contemporary liberal democracy in contexts of diversity immigration, wherein he combines political theory, public policy and applied research. His research follows a multidisciplinary analysis and interdisciplinary knowledge of immigration that is case study-oriented, with a conflict-driven analysis. He also undertakes comparative studies that use a contextual approach and discourse analysis.

His academic production has been mainly centered on two categories: Border and Diversity management. Within the Border Management category, he has undertaken empirical research on: circular migration, externalization of migration policies mainly in the Mediterranean area, the ethics of migration,[2] political theory of Borders[3] and global human movement, political discourse of borders and control of flows.

As regards Diversity Management, he has carried out a comparative analysis of Quebec, Flanders and Catalonia taking into account two types of cultural pluralism (immigration and minority nations). Furthermore, he has investigated: Federalism and immigration policies, multi-level governance and policy in immigration management, political discourse and xenophobia, Muslims and religious diversity in Europe, local diversity policies and intercultural approaches, cultural policy and diversity management.

His main academic objective is to contribute to the European approach on matters related to immigration and diversity.

Academic impact (Google scholar)[4]

Citations: 2607 h-index: 25


  1. Officially recognised as 'consolidated research group' in 2014
  2. See the special issue on this
  3. http://redfame.com/journal/index.php/ijsss/article/view/57
  4. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=08aSmOMAAAAJ
  1. Ricard Zapata-Barrero Website
  2. GRITIM-UPF, Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration
  3. Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
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