Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE)

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden is a network of Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs), wholly or partly owned by the Swedish state. The RTOs within RISE perform industrial research and innovation. Some of the RTOs also perform testing and certification. In 2012, the RISE RTOs had altogether 2195 employees and a total turnover of 2.63 billion Swedish kronor.[1]

Holding company

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, in everyday speech RISE AB, is the Swedish state’s holding company for ownership of the RTOs of RISE. RISE AB’s task is to gather, develop and renew the RTOs of RISE into an internationally competitive and efficient Swedish force for industrial research and innovation.[2]

RISE AB was founded in 1997 under the name Ireco Holding AB by the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications and the government agency The Knowledge Foundation. The company became wholly state-owned in 2007. In 2009, the company changed its name to RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Holding AB and received an expanded mandate and significantly increased resources. In August 2013, the company changed its name to RISE AB.

The RISE network

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden consists of four corporate groups with a total of 16 RTOs and their subsidiaries. Two of the parent companies are also RTOs in themselves.


  1. "Year End Report 2012, RISE Holding", pages 1 and 4 (in Swedish), Stockholm, February 2013
  2. "About RISE",

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