Renata Thiele

Renata Anna Thiele (born in Zielona Góra) is a German writer.[1]

She was above all known for her soft thriller about the Aachen Pilgrimage and the Salvator relics in Kornelimünster.


Thiele studied German studies in her hometown of Zielona Góra in Poland and from 1988 in research studies in German studies and Comparative literature at RWTH Aachen. Today she works in her adopted place of residence Aachen as a tour guide, translator and language teacher.[2]

Between 1980 and 1987 she was in the student organization of the UN Friends (SSP ONZ) worked as a co-organizer of scientific seminars on economic, political and social issues - two years as secretary of the Audit Board of the organization and two years as a board member.

In 1988 she was appointed by the District Court in Zielona Góra for sworn translator, which corresponds to a certified translator.

She writes detective novels, short stories, travelogues[3] and articles[4] for magazines and internet portals in German and Polish.[5]

Many of her articles have appeared in the Euregional cultural magazine Polregio that has been available in the region around Aachen in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands and in which she worked as chief editor between 2005 and 2010.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12]



  1. German National Library personal data
  2. Berlin, Waldweg. Wedding Connections. Karo Krimi, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-937-881-02-6 page 153
  3. Travelogue Alexandria
  4. Online article "Mensch und Raum"
  5. Polish online article "Unijne stereotypy: Niemcy, Francuzi i my"
  6. Polregio magazine 03/2005 page 47
  7. Polregio magazine 02/2005 page 31
  8. Polregio magazine 01/2005 page 32
  9. Polregio magazine 01/2006 page 3
  10. Polregio magazine 02/2006 page 3
  11. Polregio magazine 03/2006 page 3
  12. Polregio magazine 04/2010 page 15
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