Religious Brothers Conference

The Religious Brothers Conference (RBC) is a service organization in the Catholic Church. Its goal is to promote an awareness of the calling of male religious in the Church and in modern society.

RBC Assemblies

The Religious Brothers Conference holds assemblies every year. Each assembly has a theme and presenter.

Year Location Theme Presenter
1972 Clarkston, MI Constitutional Assembly Br. Robert Francoeur, FIC
1973 Washington, DC Ministry: Response to the Gospel Br. Nivard Scheel, CFX
1974 St. Louis, MO Prayer Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
1975 San Francisco, CA Reconciliation Br. John Dondero, FSC
1976 Philadelphia, PA Hunger for Brotherhood Br. Albert Grosskopf, SJ
1977 Providence, RI Sexuality: The Celibate's Response Br. Charles Henry, FSC
1978 Dayton, OH New Ministries, New Life Sr. Mary Finn, HVM
1979 New Orleans, LA To Act Justly, Love Tenderly and Walk Humbly Sr. Marjories Tuite, OP
1980 Detroit, MI Call to Brotherhood Rev. James Ratigan
1981 Boston, MA A Point of Turning: Brothers in the '80s Br. Martin Helldorfer, FSC
1982 San Francisco, CA If You Will Be My Disciple... Br. Mark Murphy, FSC
1983 Washington, DC Networking: Prophets & Peacemakers in the '80s Bishop Walter Sullivan
1984 Chicago, IL Brothers: Creating the Third Millenium Br. Sean Sammon, FMS
1985 New York City, NY Brothers as Healer, Enabler, Proclaimer Sr. Claire Fitzgerald, SSND
1986 San Antonio, TX Community and Culture Archbishop Patrick Flores
1987 St. Louis, MO Unique Spirituality for Ministry Rev. Howard Gray, SJ
1988 St. Paul, MN Collage of Possibilities: Exploring the Brother's Vocation Br. Robert McCann, FSC
1989 New Orleans, LA Challenging Brothers for the Future Br. Loughlan Sofield, ST
1990 San Francisco, CA Prayer: Wellspring at the Center Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
1991 Chicago, IL Intimacy, Sexuality, and Celibacy Br. Sean Sammon, FMS
1992 Baltimore, MD Brothers in the Church: Dying or Daring Sr. Miriam Ukeritis, CSJ
1993 Los Angeles, CA Faces of Challenge: Issues of Cross Cultural Ministry
1994 New Rochelle, NY New Wine for New Wineskins Tom Zanzig
1995 San Antonio, TX Brother: A Gift to the Collaborative Church Br. Loughlan Sofield, ST
1996 Chicago, IL Celebrating Brothers Rev. Gerald Brown, SS

Br. Damian Carroll, CP

Br. Edward Coughlin, OFM

1997 San Francisco, CA Spirituality on the Threshold of the New Millennium Bishop Kenneth Untener
1998 New Orleans, LA Peaceful Center, Peaceful Action Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ
1999 Washington, DC To Brother is to Serve Sr. Dianna Ortiz, OSU
2000 St. Louis, MO Proclaiming God's Favor Through Brotherhood Br. Armand Alcazar, FSJ

Br. Jeffrey Gros, FSJ

2001 Tampa, FL Growing from Our Blessings Br. Stephen Glodek, SM

Bishop Robert Lynch

2002 Cambridge, MA Bringing Our Gifts to Light Rev. Tony Gittins, CSSp
2003 Albuquerque, NM Proclaim Brotherhood Alexander Shaia

Rev. William Jarema

2004 Atlanta, GA Brothers: Bridge Builders in a Diverse Church Rev. Gary Riebe
2005 Denver, CO Brothers as Spiritual Mentors Br. James Zullo, FSC
2006 Dallas, TX Brothers as Collaborators in Ministry Br. Loughlan Sofield, ST
2007 St. Louis, MO In the Footsteps of Christ Our Brother Br. Stephen Glodek, OOOOOOO

Sr. Mary Bendyna

2008 St. Louis, MO In Our Own Backyards Rev. Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ
2009 St. Louis, MO Leaving Our Own Backyards Rev. Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ
2010 St. Louis, MO The Brother's Vocation in the World Today Br. Sean Sammon, FMS
2011 St. Louis, MO The Future of Religious Life: Prophetic Life of the Brother Br. Kevin Griffith, CFC
2012 St. Louis, MO Brothers: Models of Discipleship Br. Sean Sammon, FMS
2013 New Orleans, LA Brothers: Instruments of Charity Br. Angel Mendoza, OP

Sr. Jamie Phelps, OP

2014 New Orleans, LA Brotherhood: Distinct and Diverse Br. Mark McVann, FSC
2015 Marriottsville, MD Brotherhood: Today's Reality, Tomorrow's Hope Rev. John Pavlik, OFM Cap.
2016 Racine, WI Brothers: Missionaries of Mercy Stephen Bevans

Sr. Barbara Reid, OP

2017 Sierra Madre, CA Brothers: Ministers at the Margins Rev. Greg Boyle, SJ

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