
Hitler meeting Phillip Bouhler with Baldur von Schirach at extreme left, Munich 1938

Reichsjugendführer ("National Youth Leader") was the highest paramilitary rank of the Hitler Youth.[1] It was held first by Baldur von Schirach and later by Artur Axmann.[2] Originally, there was no insignia for the rank, and Schirach can be seen in contemporary photographs wearing a Nazi Party brown tunic with a Hitler Youth armband. However, Axmann later adopted an insignia similar to that of Reichsführer-SS.

Both Axmann and Schirach were condemned as war criminals by the leading Allies powers after the end of the Second World War, in particular for the role the two played in corrupting the minds of children.[3]



  1. McNab 2009, p. 15.
  2. Hamilton 1984, pp. 247, 334.
  3. Hamilton 1984, pp. 247, 335.


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