Ram Nam
Ram Nam means "the name Rama", which can imply either devotion to Rama, the avatar of Vishnu, (termed as "साकार - with shape ") or the ultimate God with no form (termed as "निराकार" - no shape). Whilst poet Tulsidas wrote about Ram - son of King Dashratha; the poet Kabir wrote about Ram as non-form God. Rama's name is often chanted or sung within the many traditions of Hinduism. A popular mantra is Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram (often prefixed with "Om"), which was popularized in western India by Samarth Ramdas.
In Mahabharata, Shiva states that uttering "Rama" three times is equal to pronouncing the thousand other names of God..
"Ram Nam Satya Hai" (The name of Ram is truth) is commonly chanted by Hindus while carrying a dead body to the cremation ground in India, Nepal, Guyana, and southern Bhutan. This recitation implies that the dead body no longer sustains the truth (breath) which is Ram Nam.
Individuals connected to the mantra
The mantra was often used by Mahatma Gandhi.
Neem Karoli Baba encouraged the constant repetition of "Ram" in order to become closer to God, saying: "By taking the name of Ram, everything is accomplished."
Tyagaraja, a composer of carnatic music, regarded music as a way to experience the love of God. His songs were on Ram Nam.
Swami Ramdas is said to have attained Nirvana through constant repetition of "Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram". He established Anandashram, where this mantra is sung continuously from morning to night.