
Radijojo World Children's Radio Network (in brief: Radijojo) is a global non-profit initiative empowering children to use radio and internet as tools for global learning and cultural exchange. Radijojo is a Germany based NGO cooperating with schools, community radios, education, youth and culture organisations worldwide.

Radijojo's content is produced by children for children. All programming is free of advertising and offered to schools and community radios worldwide free of charge.

Radijojo World Children's Radio Network has established educative and participative projects e.g. in Afghanistan, India, Sierra Leone, Russia, Kyrgysztan, Thailand, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, China, Chile, Ghana, Tanzania and Namibia.,[1][2] Radijojo has established the first Transatlantic children's radio platform connecting kids in the US, Canada and Europe, called "Across the Ocean".[3][4]

In Europe, Radijojo has established the first European Children's Radio EUCHIRA.[5] Radijojo has been awarded be the EU commission, the International Association of Journalists and Internews as one of the 30 top projects in Europe in the field of media and diversity,[6] by UNICEF New York [7] and by the Federal Government of Germany.[8] Patron for Radijojo's European Chapter EUCHIRA is German chancellor Angela Merkel. Patron for Radijojo is conductor Daniel Barenboim.[9] Radijojo is member of the World Association of Community Radios (AMARC).[10]

It partners with organisations like UNESCO, UNICEF, One Laptop Per Child,[11] Pacifica Radio and the network of young producers within the Public Radio Exchange, Generation PRX. Radijojo was founded in 2002 by German sociologist and media manager Thomas Röhlinger (MBA).


2014 United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, official Project 2014 / 2013 / 2013 and 2010 / 2011

2013 Children's Media Prize of the Federal Agency for Civic Education

2012 WSYA - World Summit Youth Award 2012

2012 Goldene Göre - deutschen Kinderhilfswerks

2011 Member of the UNAOC - World intercultural Facility for Innovation (wifi)

2011 Bildungsidee 2011 / 2012, Federal Ministry of Education and Research

2010 Media Prize Development Policy of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

2010 UNICEF New York - icdb Regional Award and also 2009



  1. http://www.world-childrens-radio.net
  2. http://www.global-radio-kids.org
  3. http://www.across-the-ocean.org
  4. http://www.atlantic-times.com/archive_detail.php?recordID=1736
  5. http://www.euchira.eu
  6. http://www.media4diversity.eu
  7. http://www.unicef.org/videoaudio/video_18112.html
  8. http://www.land-der-ideen.de/CDA/ort_des_tages,1987,1,,de.html?action=detail&id=3796
  9. http://www.radijojo.de
  10. http://amdb.amarc.org/MZ/searchmember.php?key=dr
  11. http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Partners
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