Dovid S. Gottlieb

Dovid Gottlieb

Dovid Gottlieb (October 18, 1973) is an American born Orthodox rabbi[1] who made aliyah to Israel in the summer of 2010. He is currently the rabbi of Ganei Ha’Ela, a new community being built in the suburbs of Ramat Beit Shemesh, as well as on the faculty of Yeshivat Ashreinu.


Raised in Cincinnati, OH, Gottlieb went away to high school, first in New York and then to the Yeshiva of Greater Washington in Silver Spring, MD, where he was a student of the late Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer. He then spent 2 years studying in Israel at Yeshivat Shaalvim after which he entered Yeshiva University. While at YU Gottlieb studied both general and Jewish philosophy and continued his Talmudic studies in the advanced shiur of Rabbi Michael Rosensweig. After college Gottlieb received his rabbinic ordination from RIETS and then spent 4 years as a fellow in their prestigious Wexner Kollel Elyon. During his 10 years studying at YU’s various schools Gottlieb studied with numerous leading scholars, such as Rabbi Michael Rosensweig, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Rabbi Hershel Schachter, and Rabbi Mayer Twersky.

Professional Career

Rabbi Gottlieb began his professional career as the first rabbinic intern at Manhattan’s famous Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, where he trained under Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, one of America’s leading pulpit rabbis. Gottlieb also received additional mentoring from Rabbi Mordechai Willig at the Young Israel of Riverdale.

In the fall of 2003 Gottlieb became the rabbi of Congregation Shomrei Emunah, a prominent synagogue in Baltimore, MD. While at Shomrei Emunah Rabbi Gottlieb was known for his inspiring talks, numerous weekly shiurim, high energy, and strong leadership, as well as for his deep care and concern for every member. Among the highlights of his tenure at Shomrei Emunah, the synagogue embarked on a capital campaign to triple the size of the building, a project successfully completed shortly after Gottlieb moved to Israel.

Ganei Ha’Ela

In the summer of 2012 Gottlieb partnered with a real estate developer, Yehuda Fulda to launch a new community, Ganei Ha’Ela, primarily serving American and Anglo Olim, on the outskirts of Beit Shemesh. In the spring of 2013 the project was relocated to a suburb of Ramat Beit Shemesh. The community will be built with a synagogue, of which Gottlieb will serve as rabbi, and has a projected completion date of May, 2017.


Gottlieb has published extensively on talmudic, halachic, and general Jewish topics. He is the author of Ateret Yaakov (Hebrew), a book of in-depth essays about a wide range of halachic topics and the forthcoming Concise Code of Jewish Law, volume 3 - Holidays (OU Press). Fear and Joy in Religious Experience “We Have to Try” - Goodbye Drasha to Shomrei Emunah Yom Ha-Zikaron Reflections Not Always Divine


A highly regarded speaker and teacher, Gottlieb has served as a Scholar in Residence for numerous communities and travel programs[2] in the United States and Israel, and was one of the featured speakers at the 12th Siyum Hashas at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue, delivering a talk entitled, “The Power of Daf Yomi and the Beauty of Torah.”


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