
RD-8 (РД-8)
Country of origin Soviet Union
First flight April 13, 1985
Designer Yuzhnoye Design Bureau
Manufacturer Yuzhmash
Application Second Stage Vernier
Associated L/V Zenit
Successor RD-809M
Status In Production
Liquid-fuel engine
Propellant LOX / RG-1
Mixture ratio 2.4
Cycle Staged Combustion
Chamber 4
Thrust (vac.) 78.45 kN (17,640 lbf)
Chamber pressure 7.747 MPa (1,123.6 psi)
Isp (vac.) 342 s (3.35 km/s)
Burn time 1100 s
Gimbal range ±33°
Length 1,500 mm (59 in)
Diameter 4,000 mm (160 in)
Dry weight 380 kg (840 lb)
Used in
Zenit family second stage
References [1][2][3][4][5][6]

The RD-8 (Russian: РД-8 and GRAU Index: 11D513) is an Ukrainian liquid propellant rocket engine burning LOX and RG-1 (a rocket grade kerosene) in a oxidizer rich staged combustion cycle.[5][6] It has a four combustion chambers that provide thrust vector control by gimbaling each of the nozzles in a single axis by +/- 33°.[2] It was designed in Dnipropetrovsk by the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau as the vernier thruster of the Zenit (GRAU: 11K77) second stage.[7] As such, it has always been paired with the RD-120 engine as main propulsion.[8][1]

It can only be started once, and as a high altitude engine it has a thrust of 78.45 kN (17,640 lbf) and a specific impulse of 342 s (3.35 km/s).[5][6] It is the first ever steering engine to use the staged combustion cycle, and as such is the basis for a family of planned engines for the Mayak launch vehicle family.[3]

The engine itself is built like a hollow cylinder, with a cylindrical space in the center so the RD-120 nozzle can pass through.[9]


Whilst Yuzhnoye's propulsion experience had been mostly on hypergolic propellants engines, like RD-855 or RD-861, they are considered too toxic for current ecological standards.[7][8] While Yuzhnoye still offer to develop hypergolic propulsion, such as RD-843 for the Vega's AVUM stage or the Tsyklon-4 project, Yuzhnoye selected a more environmentally friendly LOX and kerosene propellant for the Mayak launch vehicle family.[3]

Not only had Yuzhnoye mastered the most complex cycle for the propellant (oxidizer rich staged combustion cycle) with the RD-8, but they had worked closely with NPO Energomash during the RD-120 program. The manufacturing is done at its sister company of Yuzhmash in Dnipropetrovsk, and the RD-120 thrust augmentation project of 2001 to 2003 had been a mixed project between the three companies.[3]

On the base of this experience, a family of derivatives engines were proposed. While the RD-801 and RD-810 are really just based on the general technology, the other members of the family are related enough that they reuse many components of the RD-8.[3] One characteristic of this family is the limitation of keeping the preburner output temperature below 500 °C (932 °F).[3]


  1. 1 2 Gunter Dirk Krebs (2015-12-15). "Zenit family". Gunter's Space Page. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  2. 1 2 Brügge, Norbert (2016-07-11). "Ukrainian space-rocket and missile liquid-propellant engines". B14643.de. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Degtyarev, A . V.; Shulga, V . A.; Zhivotov, A . I.; Dibrivny, A . V. (2013). "Создание семейства кислородно-керосиновых жидкостных ракетных двигателей на базе отработанных технологий для перспективных ракет-носителей гп «Кб «Южное»" [The development of LOX - kerosene liquid rocket engines family for perspective launch vehicles of SDO Yuzhnoye based on proven technologies] (PDF). Авиационно - космическая техника и технология (in Russian). National Aerospace university them. NE Zhukovsky. 2013 nr. 01 (98): 44–50. ISSN 1727-7337. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  4. "RD-8". Defense Industry Of Ukraine Products And Services. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  5. 1 2 3 "RD-8". Yuzhnoye. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  6. 1 2 3 "Liquid rocket engine RD-8". Yuzhmash. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  7. 1 2 "Двигатели 1944-2000: Аавиационные, Ракетные, Морские, Промышленные" [Aviadvigatel 19442-2000: Aviation, rocketry, naval and industry] (PDF) (in Russian). pp. 265–266. Retrieved 2015-07-25.
  8. 1 2 Hendrickx, Bart; Vis, Bert (2007-10-04). Energiya-Buran: The Soviet Space Shuttle (UK 2007 ed.). Springer. p. 80. ISBN 978-0-387-69848-9.
  9. Zak, Anatoly (2013-01-31). "Stage II of the Zenit rocket". Russian Space Web. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  10. "RD-802". Defense Industry Of Ukraine Products And Services. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  11. "RD-809". Yuzhnoye. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  12. 1 2 "RD-809K". Yuzhnoye. Retrieved 2016-07-14.

See also

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