Qashqai people

Total population
(c. 1.5 million (1997) [1])
Regions with significant populations
Southern Iran, Central Iran
Qashqai, Persian
Shia Islam[[2]
Related ethnic groups
Lori, Kurdish, Arab[3][4] Turkic peoples

Qashqai (pronounced [qaʃqaːjiː]; also spelled Qashqa'i, 'Qashqay,' Kashkai, Kashkay, Qashqayı, Gashgai, Gashgay, in Persian: قشقایی) is a conglomeration of clans of different ethnic origins, Lori, Kurdish, Arab and Turkic. But most of the Qašqāʾi are of Turkic origin, and almost all of them speak a Western Ghuz Turkic dialect which they call Turki.[5] They mainly live in the Iranian provinces of Fars, Khuzestan, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Bushehr and southern Isfahan, especially around the city of Shiraz and Firuzabad in Fars. Almost all of them are bilingual, speaking the Qashqai language – which is a member of the Turkic family of languages and which they call Turki – as well as (in formal use) the Persian language. The majority of Qashqai people were originally nomadic pastoralists and some remain so today. The traditional nomadic Qashqai travelled with their flocks twice yearly to and from the summer highland pastures north of Shiraz roughly 480 km or 300 miles south to the winter pastures on lower (and warmer) lands near the Persian Gulf, to the southwest of Shiraz. The majority, however, have now become partially or wholly sedentary. The trend towards settlement has been increasing markedly since the 1960s.

The Qashqai are made up of five major tribes including the Amale / Amaleh, the Dere-Shorlu / Darreh-Shuri, the Kashkollu / Kashkuli, the Shishbeyli / Sheshboluki, the Eymur / Farsimadan, and some small tribes such as Qaracha / Qarache'i, Rahimli / Rahimi and Safi-Khanli / Safi-Khani (the first of these pair spellings is the rendering of these names as they are pronounced in the Qashqai language and the second forms are the transliteration of these names as written in Persian[6]


Qashqai in Iran (red)

Historically, the Turkic languages are believed to have arrived in Iran from Central Asia from the 11th or 12th centuries onwards.

"To survive, nomads have always been obliged to fight. They lead a wandering life and do not accumulate documents and archives.
But in the evenings, around fires that are burning low, the elders will relate striking events, deeds of valour in which the tribes pride themselves. Thus the epic tale is told from father to son, down through the ages.
The tribes of Central Asia were forced by wars, strife, upheavals, to abandon their steppes and seek new pasture the Huns, the Visigoths, and before them the Aryans, had invaded India, Iran, Europe.
The Turks, forsaking the regions where they had dwelt for centuries, started moving down through the Altai Mountains and Caspian depressions, establishing themselves eventually on the frontiers of the Iranian Empire and in Asia Minor.
We are of Turkish language and race; some say that we are descendants of the Turkish Oghuz Tribe, known for its cruelty and fierceness, and that our name is derived from the Turkish "Kashka" meaning "a horse with a white star on its forehead". Others think this name indicates that we came from Kashgar in the wake of Hulagu. Others still that it means "fugitive".
Though these versions differ, we believe that the arrival of our Tribes in Iran coincided with the conquests of Jengis Khan, in the thirteenth century. Soon after, our ancestors established themselves on the slopes of the Caucasus. We are descendants of the "Tribe of the Ak Koyunlu" the "Tribe of the White Sheep" famed for being the only tribe in history capable of inflicting a defeat on Tamerlane. For centuries we dwelt on the lands surrounding Ardebil, but, in the first half of the sixteenth century we settled in southern Persia, Shah Ismail having asked our warriors to defend this part of the country against the intrusions of the Portuguese. Thus, our Tribes came to the Province of Fars, near the Persian Gulf, and are still only separated from it by a ridge of mountains, the Makran.
The yearly migrations of the Kashkai, seeking fresh pastures, drive them from the south to the north, where they move to their summer quarters "Yailaq" in the high mountains; and from the north to the south, to their winter quarters, "Qishlaq".
In summer, the Kashkai flocks graze on the slopes of the Kuh-è-Dinar; a group of mountains from 12,000 to 15,000 feet, that are part of the Zagros chain.
In autumn the Kashkai break camp, and by stages leave the highlands. They winter in the warmer regions near Firuzabad, Kazerun, Jerrè, Farashband, on the banks of the river Mound, till, in April, they start once more on their yearly trek.
The migration is organised and controlled by the Kashkai Chief. The Tribes carefully avoid villages and towns such as Shiraz and Isfahan, lest their flocks, estimated at seven million head, might cause serious damage. The annual migration is the largest of any Persian tribe.
It is difficult to give exact statistics, but we believe that the Tribes now number 400,000 men, women and children." Told to Marie-Tèrése Ullens de Schooten by the 'Il Begh' Malek Mansur, brother of the 'Il Khan', Nasser Khan, Chief of the Kashkai Tribes, in 1953.[7]
Nomadic Qashqai man with his hookah. Sepidan county, Iran.
Qashqai Hunter and his wife

The Qashqai were a significant political force in Iran during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During World War I they were influenced by the German consular official Wilhelm Wassmuss and sided with the Germans.[8] During World War II the Qashgais attempted to organize resistance against the British and Soviet occupation forces and received some ineffectual help from the Germans in 1943 by the means of Operation ANTON, which (along with Operation FRANZ) proved a complete failure.[9] In 1945–1946 there was a major rebellion of a number of tribal confederacies, including the Qashgais, who fought valiantly until the invading Russians were repelled. The Qashgais revolted during 1962–1964 due to the land reforms of the White Revolution.[10] The revolt was put down and within a few years many Qashqais had settled.[10] Most of the tribal leaders were sent to exile. After the Iranian Revolution of 1979 the living leader, Khosrow Khan Qashqai, returned to Iran from exile in the United States and Germany. He was soon arrested and executed publicly in Shiraz in 1982 for promoting an uprising against the government.

Major Tribes of the Qashqai Tribal Confederation

Qashqai tribal confederation consist of five major tribes including Dareshuri, Farsimadan, Sheshboluki, Amaleh, and Kashkuli.[11]

Amale / Amaleh

People of the Amaleh tribe were originally warriors and workmen attached to the household of the Ilkhani, or paramount chief; recruited from all the Qashqai tribes they constituted the Ilkhani’s bodyguard and retinue.[12] By 1956, the Amaleh tribe comprised as many as 6,000 families.[13]

Dere-Shorlu / Dareshuri

The Dareshuri are said to have joined the Qashqai tribal confederation during the reign of Karim Khan Zand (1163-93/1750-79).[14] According to Persian government statistics, there were about 5,169 Dareshuri families, or 27,396 individuals, in 1360 sh./1981.[15] The Dareshuri were “the greatest horse-breeders and owners among the Qashqai”. The policy of forced sedentarization of the nomadic tribes pursued by Reza Shah Pahlavi (1304-20 SH./1925-41) resulted in the loss of 80-90 percent of the Dareshuri horses, but the tribe made a recovery after World War II.[16]

Kashkollu / Kashkuli

During World War I, the Kashkuli khans supported the British in their struggle against Ṣowlat-al-Dowla (Iyl-khan) and the German agent, Wilhelm Wassmuss. After the war, Ṣowlat-al-Dowla punished the Kashkuli. He dismissed the Kashkuli leaders who had opposed him and “deliberately set out to break up and impoverish the Kashkuli tribe”.[17] Two sections of the tribe, which consisted of elements which had been loyal to Ṣowlat-al-Dowla, were then separated from the main body of the tribe and given the status of independent tribes, becoming the Kashkuli Kuchak (“Little Kashkuli”) and Qarachahi tribes. The remaining tribe became known as the Kashkuli Bozorg (“Big Kashkuli”) tribe.[18] The Kashkuli Bozorg tribe comprised 4,862 households in 1963. As Oliver Garrod observed, the Kashkuli Bozorg are “especially noted for their Jajims, or tartan woolen blankets, and for the fine quality of their rugs and trappings”.[19]

Shishbeyli / Sheshboluki

[information to be added]]

Eymur / Farsimadan

The Farsimadan claim that they are of Ḵhalaj origin, and that, before moving to southern Persia, they dwelled in Ḵalajestan, a region southwest of Tehran.[20] The tribe was already in Fars by the late 16th century, for it is known that in October 1590 their leader, Abul-Qasem Beyg and some of his followers were punished for having sided with Yaqub Khan the Zul-Qadr governor of Fars, in a revolt against Shah Abbas I.[21] The population of the Farsimadan was estimated by Afshaar-Sistaani at 2,715 families or 12,394 individuals, in 1982.[22]

Qashqai carpets and weavings

The Qashqai are renowned for their pile carpets and other woven wool products. They are sometimes referred to as "Shiraz" because Shiraz was the major marketplace for them in the past. The wool produced in the mountains and valleys near Shiraz is exceptionally soft and beautiful and takes a deeper color than wool from other parts of Iran.

"No wool in all Persia takes such a rich and deep colour as the Shiraz wool. The deep blue and the dark ruby red are equally extraordinary, and that is due to the brilliancy of the wool, which is firmer and, so to say, more transparent than silk, and makes one think of translucent enamel".[23]

Qashqai carpets have been said to be "probably the most famous of all Persian tribal weavings".[24] Qashqai saddlebags, adorned with colorful geometric designs, "are superior to any others made".[25]

Cultural references


See also


  2. "QAŠQĀʾI TRIBAL CONFEDERACY i. HISTORY". "In all likelihood, they spent some time in Northwestern Persia before making their way to Fars. Until recently, there was a clan by the name of Moḡānlu among them, a name which is undoubtedly derived from that of the Moḡān steppe, north of Ardabil, in Persian Azerbaijan. The clan names of Āq Qoyunlu, Qarā Qoyunlu, Beygdeli and Musellu also suggest a past connection with Northwestern Persia. Moreover, the Qašqāʾi often refer to Ardabil as their former home." In: Encyclopaedia Iranica. Retrieved 7 December 2016.
  3. "Qaşqayıstan (Qaşqay yurdu)". "Qaşqaylar Azərbaycan Türklərinin bir elat boyudur". Retrieved 7 December 2016.
  4. "QAŠQĀʾI TRIBAL CONFEDERACY i. HISTORY". "Like most present-day tribal confederacies in Persia, the Il-e Qašqāʾi is a conglomeration of clans of Turkic ethnic origins. But most of the Qašqāʾi are of Turkic origin, and almost all of them speak a Western Ghuz Turkic dialect which they call Turki." In: Encyclopaedia Iranica. Retrieved 13 May 2015.
  5. Dolatkhah, Sohrab (2016). Le qashqay: langue turcique d'Iran. Online: CreateSpace, Independent Publishing Platform. p. 13.
  6. Ullens de Schooten, Marie-Tèrése. (1956). Lords of the Mountains: Southern Persia & the Kashkai Tribe. Chatto and Windus Ltd. Reprint: The Travel Book Club. London, pp. 53-54. See also pp. 114-118.
  7. Ullens de Schooten, Marie-Tèrése. (1956). Lords of the Mountains: Southern Persia & the Kashkai Tribe. Chatto and Windus Ltd. Reprint: The Travel Book Club. London, p. 114.
  8. O'Sullivan, Adrian. (2014) Nazi Secret Warfare in Occupied Persia (Iran): The Failure of the German Intelligence Services, 1939-45>Nazi Secret Warfare, pp. 58 passim.
  9. 1 2 Federal Research Division, p.125
  10. Encyclopaedia Iranica. "QAŠQĀʾI TRIBAL CONFEDERACY i".
  11. Magee, G. F. (1948). The Tribes of Fars. p. 71.
  12. Pierre, Oberling (1974). The Qashqai Nomads of Fars. p. 223.
  13. Beck, Lois (1986). The Qashqai of Iran (1st ed.). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. ISBN 0300032129.
  14. Afshaar-Sistaani, Iraj (1987). Eall-ha, Chaadorneshinan va ṭavayef-e ashayeri-e Iran. Tehran: Iraj Afshaar.
  15. Oberling, Pierre (June 1974). The Qashqai Nomads of Fars. Walter De Gruyter Inc. p. 277. ISBN 9992263113.
  16. Magee, G. F. (1945). The Tribes of Fars. London. p. 79.
  17. "Kashkuli". Encyclopedia Iranica. Iranica. Retrieved 12 May 2015.
  18. Oberling, Pierre (June 1974). The Qashqai Nomads of Fars. Walter De Gruyter Inc. p. 40. ISBN 9992263113.
  19. Magee, G. F. (1948). The Tribes of Fars. p. 54.
  20. "FĀRSĪMADĀN". Encyclopedia Iranica. Iranica. Retrieved 24 May 2015.
  21. Afshaar-Sistaani, Iraj. Eall-ha, Chaadorneshinan va ṭavayef-e ashayeri-e Iran. Tehran. p. 628.
  22. Hawley, Walter A. (1913) Oriental Rugs Antique & Modern. Reprint: Dover Publications, New York (1970), p. 116.
  23. Bennett, Ian (1978) "Later Persian Weaving." In: Rugs & Carpets of the World, edited by Ian Bennett, pp. 241, 243. Ferndale Editions, London, 1978. ISBN 0-905746-24-4.
  24. Hawley, Walter A. (1913) Oriental Rugs Antique & Modern. Reprint: Dover Publications, New York (1970), p. 117.
  25. "Nissan Qashqai :: Concept Car Database". Retrieved 13 May 2015.
  26. " Where It's Easy to Compare Car Insurance Quotes". Retrieved 13 May 2015.
  27. "NISSAN - NEWS PRESS RELEASE". 5 December 2006. Retrieved 13 May 2015.
  28. "Nissan crosses over into new territory - News - by Car Enthusiast". Retrieved 13 May 2015.
  29. Robert Farago. "Precast: Nissan Qashqai, Mulally Doolally?". The Truth About Cars. Retrieved 13 May 2015.
  30. Hitler's Peace. New York: Marian Wood, 2005. ISBN 0-399-15269-5
  31. Nazi Secret Warfare, pp. 132, 134, 245.


Further reading

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