QStar Technologies

QStar Technologies is a software company based in the United States. Initially designed to support large format optical drives and libraries on the SunOS platform, the company produces software and hardware for computer data storage management and archiving software using operating systems including Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS.


QStar was founded in 1987 in Bethesda, Maryland by Brian Swafford. Its European headquarters was established in Milan, Italy in 1994. The company's corporate headquarters is located in Navarre, Florida, with a network of distributors and resellers.

Software and hardware

QStar develops archive and data management software for storage devices. It supports several archive technologies (Tape, Optical, RDX, RAID, object storage and cloud) from several archive vendors. Options include proprietary and industry-standard file systems, such as Linear Tape File System and Universal Disk Format.

QStar promotes a policy where three copies of data are stored, consisting of a performance copy, a secure copy and a disaster recovery copy. Ideally this is achieved using a blend of two storage technologies - disk based and removable media. One copy always needs to be off-site at a remote site.[1]

In 2010, QStar helped found the Active Archive Alliance [2] a collaborative industry association to educate end user organizations on new technologies designed to help reliably store and retrieve archived data.



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