Pyrolobus fumarii

Pyrolobus fumarii
Scientific classification
Domain: Archaea
Phylum: Crenarchaeota
Class: Thermoprotei
Order: Desulfurococcales
Family: Pyrodictiaceae
Genus: Pyrolobus
Binomial name
Pyrolobus fumarii
Blöch, Rachel, Burggraf, Hafenbradl, Jannasch & Stetter, 1997

Pyrolobus fumarii is a species of archaea known for its ability to live at extremely high temperatures that kill most organisms.[1]

It was first discovered in 1997 in a black smoker hydrothermal vent at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, setting the upper temperature threshold for known life to exist at 113 °C.[2][3]

Strain 121, a microbe from the same family found at a vent in the Pacific Ocean, survived and multiplied during a 10-hour interval spent at 121 °C in an autoclave.[2]


  1. C.Michael Hogan. 2010. Extremophile. eds. E.Monosson and C.Cleveland. Encyclopedia of Earth. National Council for Science and the Environment, washington DC
  2. 1 2 Davison, Anna (26 June 2008). "The most extreme life-forms in the universe". news service. Retrieved 2008-06-26.
  3. Blöchl E; Rachel R; Burggraf S; Hafenbradl D; et al. (February 1997). "Pyrolobus fumarii, gen. and sp. nov., represents a novel group of archaea, extending the upper temperature limit for life to 113 degrees C.".

Further reading

fr:Pyrolobus fumarii

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