
Spouse(s) Kshama, Gati
Children Kardama, Kanakapeetha, Urvarivat, Peevari, Karmasreshtta, Vareeyaamsu and Sahishnu

Rishi Pulaha or Pulaha is the son of Brahma, the cosmic creator, and also one of the Saptarshi (Seven Great Sages Rishi), in the First Manvantara, with others being Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Kratu, Pulastya, and Vashishtha.[1] In another classification, Pulaha one of the ten Prajapatis, the ruler of people created by Brahma.[2]


During his birth in the first Manvantara, Pulaha was married to Daksha's daughters, Kshama. Together they had three sons, Kardama, Kanakapeetha and Urvarivat, and a daughter named Peevari. According to Bhagavata Purana Pulaha Rishi was also married to Gati, a daughter of Kardama and Devahuthi. The two had three sons – Karmasreshtta, Vareeyaamsu and Sahishnu.[3] Pulaha is believed to be the fifth son who sprang from Brahma's head. Brahma created saptharishis (the seven sages) and ten prajapathi (some accounts place it at 21), from whom all human beings are believed to have been born. Pulaha learned the power of knowledge from sage Sanandana and in turn transmitted all knowledge to sage Gautama. He performed intense penance on the banks of river Alaknandha and was rewarded to be present in the court of Indra. King Bharata renounced all his kingdom and sought refuge in the hermitate of Pulaha. The sage is believed to be an ardent worshipper of Shiva. Pleased by the devotion of the sage, Shiva manifested in the form of Pulaheswar in Varanasi.[4]


  1. Inhabitants of the Worlds Mahanirvana Tantra, translated by Arthur Avalon, (Sir John Woodroffe), 1913, Introduction and Preface. The Rishi are seers who know, and by their knowledge are the makers of shastra and "see" all mantras. The word comes from the root rish Rishati-prapnoti sarvvang mantrang jnanena pashyati sangsaraparangva, etc. The seven great Rishi or saptarshi of the first manvantara are Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya, and Vashishtha. In other manvantara there are other sapta-rshi. In the present manvantara the seven are Kashyap, Atri, Vashishtha, Vishvamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni, Bharadvaja. To the Rishi the Vedas were revealed. Vyasa taught the Rigveda so revealed to Paila, the Yajurveda to Vaishampayana, the Samaveda to Jaimini, Atharvaveda to Samantu, and Itihasa and Purana to Suta. The three chief classes of Rishi are the Brah-marshi, born of the mind of Brahma, the Devarshi of lower rank, and Rajarshi or Kings who became Rishis through their knowledge and austerities, such as Janaka, Ritaparna, etc. Thc Shrutarshi are makers of Shastras, as Sushruta. The Kandarshi are of the Karmakanda, such as Jaimini.
  2. Wilkins, W.J. (2003). Hindu Mythology. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld (P) Limited. p. 370. ISBN 81-246-0234-4.
  3. "Pulaha Rishi".
  4. Sathyamayananda, Swami. Ancient sages. Mylapore, Chennai: Sri Ramakrishna Math. pp. 29–31. ISBN 81-7505-356-9.
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