Publius Vitellius the Elder

Publius Vitellius, born in Luceria, was a Roman who lived in the 1st century BC and in the 1st century AD. Publius was the son of Quintus Vitellius, who served as a Quaestor under Emperor Augustus, and the brother of Vitellia, the wife of Annius Plautius, Suffet Consul in 1 BC.


Publius was a Knight, served as a Quaestor and Steward (Procurator) of Augustus at around 10 BC. Publius had four sons. Three of the four sons died through politics. The third of them was Aulus Vitellius, Suffect Consul in July 32, killed in office during the purges of Tiberius, and the second one was Publius Vitellius the Younger. The oldest son was Lucius Vitellius and the youngest son was Senator Quintus Vitellius. Publius was the paternal grandfather to Emperor Aulus Vitellius and his younger brother Lucius Vitellius the Younger.

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