Publius Mummius Sisenna Rutilianus

Publicus Mummius Sisenna Rutilianus was a Roman senator of the second century AD. He is best known from Lucian's vivid portrayal of him in Alexander vel Pseudomantis, where the senator is described as a man of good family and tested in many Roman offices, but utterly sick as far as the gods were concerned," as only the most distinguished victim of the bogus oracle established by the story's namesake in Paphlagonia. Rutilianus was appointed suffect consul with Titus Prifernius Paetus Rosianus Geminus as his colleague in AD 146.[1]


Anthony Birley states he was "probably" the son of Publius Mummius Sisenna, consul ordinarius of 133.[2] According to two surviving inscriptions,[3] Rutilianus started his senatorial career as a decemviri stlitibus iudicandis, one of the vigintiviri, a minor collegia young senators serve in at the start of their careers. Next he was a military tribune in Legio V Macedonica, then stationed in Moesia Inferior. After the usual series of Republican magistries -- quaestor, plebeian tribune, praetor, he likely served as legatus legionis for Legio VI Victrix stationed in Roman Britain, under his father who was governor of the province c.133-138. "Such close links between governors and legionary legates were abnormal," notes Birley, "but they could be interpreted as as a sign of favor from Hadrian.[4] His next post was prefect of the aerarium Saturni early in the reign of Antonius Pius, then after his consulship he was prefectus alimentus per Aemilian. Otherwise, except for a term as governor of Moesia inferior at some time before 156, his only consular office was as proconsul of Asia.[2]

At some point prior to his consulate Rutilianus was accepted into the collegia of Augurs, which Birley notes, confirms his "high social standing."[2]

Rutilianus and the oracle

Alexander of Abonoteichus had established an oracle of Glycon in Western Asia Minor, whose fame eventually extended beyond Bithynia, Galatia, and Thrace to Italy and Rome. Rutilianus had been drawn to the oracle, ostensibly to serve his term as proconsul of Asia but instead very nearly abandoned the office entrusted to him in order to take wing to Abonoteichus."[5] Lucan explains Rutilianus "though a man of birth and breeding, put to the proof in many Roman offices, nevertheless in all that concerned the gods was very infirm and held strange beliefs about them. If he but saw anywhere a stone smeared with holy oil or adorned with a wreath, he would fall on his face forthwith, kiss his hand, and stand beside it for a long time making vows and craving blessings from it."[5]

Shortly after Rutilianus had been caught up in this oracle, Lucian had taken a personal interest in debunking it and paid a visit to Alexander. By this point Rutilianus had asked the oracle whom he should marry, the response was that the proconsul, who was in his sixties, should marry Alexander's daughter, allegedly engendered on the goddess Selene.[6] Lucian attempted to dissuade the proconsul from taking the girl in marriage, but by this time Rutilianus was credulous of all the claims of the oracle and would not listen to him.[7] Taking his leave, Lucian discovered that the crew of the boat Alexander had loaned him to take him home had been ordered to murder him, and avoided this fate by changing ships.[8] In response, Lucian decided to prosecute Alexander in court, but when he presented his case to the governor of Bithynia et Pontus, Lucius Hedius Rufus Lollianus Avitus, the latter convinced him that it would be futile, for even if Lucian won his case Rutilianus would use his influence to prevent Alexander from being punished.[9]


  1. Géza Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter den Antoninen, (Bonn: Habelt Verlag, 1977), p. 151.
  2. 1 2 3 Birley, The Fasti of Roman Britain, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981), p. 249
  3. CIL XIV, 3601, CIL XIV, 4244
  4. Birley, The Fasti, p. 250
  5. 1 2 Lucian, Alexander vel Pseudomantis, 30.
  6. Lucian, Alexander, 35
  7. Lucian, Alexander, 54
  8. Lucian, Alexander, 56-57
  9. Lucian, Alexander, 57
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