Public holidays in Abkhazia

The following is a list of Public holidays in Abkhazia:

Date English name Abkhaz name Russian name Remarks
January 1-2 New Year's Day Новый год
January 7 Christmas Рождество Христово Celebration of the Birth of Jesus
January 14 Azhyrnykhua Ажьырныҳәа Ажьырныхуа Celebration of the creation of the world
March 8 International Women's Day Международный женский день
May 9 Victory Day День Победы On 9 May 1945, Nazi Germany was defeated and the Second World War came to an end in Europe
May 23 Day of the Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot День Святого Апостола Симона Кананита
May 31 Day of remembrance of the Caucasian War and the forced evictions of the Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus День памяти жертв Кавказской войны и насильственного выселения горских народов Кавказа
July 23 Flag Day День Флага Республики On 23 July 1992 the Flag of Abkhazia was officially adopted
August 14 Day of the Defenders of the Fatherland День памяти защитников Отечества On 14 August 1992 the 1992-1993 war with Georgia started
September 30 Liberation Day/
Independence Day
День освобождения Республики Абхазия/
День независимости Абхазии
On 30 September 1993 the 1992-1993 war with Georgia ended and Abkhazia gained de facto independence
November 26 Constitution Day День Конституции Республики Абхазии On 26 November 1994 the current Constitution of Abkhazia was adopted
December 14 Day of the children killed during the 1992-1993 war in Abkhazia День памяти детей, погибших в Отечественной войне в Абхазии (1992—1993 гг.) On 14 December 1992 a helicopter carrying evacuees from the Siege of Tkvarcheli was shot down, killing 25 children
Dhul Hijja 10 Eid al-Adha Курбанныхуа Commemoration of the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismael in obedience to Allah


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