Public domain equivalent license

WTFPL license logo, a public-domain-like license
CC0 license logo, a copyright waiver and public-domain-like license[1]
Unlicense logo, a copyright waiver and public-domain-like license

Public domain equivalent license are licenses that grant public-domain-like rights or/and act as waivers. They are used to make copyrighted works usable by anyone without conditions, while avoiding the complexities of attribution or license compatibility that occur with other licenses. The extremely permissive terms of public domain equivalent licenses meet the definition of copyfree licenses.


No permission or license is required for a work truly in the public domain, such as one with an expired copyright; such a work may be copied at will. Public domain equivalent licenses exist because some legal jurisdictions do not provide for authors to voluntarily place their work in the public domain, but do allow them to grant arbitrarily broad rights in the work to the public. The licensing process also allows authors, particularly software authors, the opportunity to explicitly deny any implied warranty that might give someone a basis for legal action against them. While there is no universally agreed-upon license, several licenses aim to grant the same rights that would apply to a work in the public domain.


In 2000 the "Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License" (WTFPL) was released as public-domain-like license/waiver/anti-copyright notice especially for software.[2] It is distinguished among public domain equivalent software licenses by its informal style and lack of a warranty disclaimer. In 2016, according to Black Duck Software,[nb 1] the WTFPL was used by less than 1% of FOSS projects.

The Unlicense software license, published around 2010, offers a public-domain waiver text with a fall-back public-domain-like license, inspired by permissive licenses but without an attribution clause.[4][5] In 2015 Github reported that approximately 102,000 of their 5.1 million licensed projects, or 2%, use the Unlicense.[nb 2]

The Free Public License, also known as the zero-clause BSD license (0BSD), is a software license originally adopted for the Toybox command tool. It deletes all conditions from the ISC license, leaving only an unconditional grant of rights and a warranty disclaimer.[7]

In 2009 Creative Commons released CC0, which was created for compatibility with jurisdictions where dedicating to public domain is problematic, such as continental Europe. This is achieved by a public-domain waiver statement and a fall-back all-permissive license, for cases where the waiver is not valid.[8][9] The Free Software Foundation[10][11] and the Open Knowledge Foundation approved the Creative Commons CC0 as a recommended license to dedicate content and software to the public domain.[12][13] In June 2016 an analysis of the Fedora Project's software packages revealed the CC0 as the seventeenth most popular license.[nb 3]


There is a long existing skepticism in Free and open source software community, regarding the question if Public domain waivers and public domain equivalent licenses can and should be considered open source licenses.

For instance, around 2004 there was a debate whether public-domain software can be considered part of the FOSS ecosystem, as lawyer Lawrence Rosen argued in the essay "Why the public domain isn't a license" that software could not truly be given into public domain,[15] a position that faced opposition by Daniel J. Bernstein and others.[16]

On the other hand, in 2011 the Free Software Foundation added CC0 to its free software licenses and named it "the preferred method of releasing software in the public domain",[17][18] while in general not recommending the usage of CC0 as software license but the GPL.

On the February 2012 submission of the CC0 to the Open Source Initiative (OSI) for approval,[19] controversy arose over its clause which excluded from the scope of the license any relevant patents held by the copyright holder. This clause was added with scientific data in mind rather than software, but some members of the OSI believed it could weaken users' defenses against software patents. While Rosen had changed his mind and accepted the CC0 as open-source license, admitting that contrary to previous claims copyright can be waived away backed by a Ninth circuit's decision, he still didn't recommended it due to perceived legal risks.[20] As a result, Creative Commons withdrew their submission, and the license is not currently approved by the OSI.[21][22]

The legal unclear situation regarding software patents with public domain software, as no patent usage grant is given unlike other open source licenses (Apache license, GPLv3), is an often raised issue and was debated again in context of White House public domain software submissions in 2016 to GitHub.[23]

See also


  1. 1. MIT License: 26%; 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0: 21%; 3. Apache License 2.0: 16%; 4. GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0: 9%; 5. BSD License 2.0 (3-clause, New or Revised) License: 6%; 6. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 2.1: 4%; 7. Artistic License (Perl): 4%; 8. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 3.0: 2%; 9. ISC License: 2%; 10. Microsoft Public License: 2%; 11. Eclipse Public License (EPL): 2%; 12. Code Project Open License 1.02: 1%; 13. Mozilla Public License (MPL) 1.1: < 1%; 14. Simplified BSD License (BSD): < 1%; 15. Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL): < 1%; 16. GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later: < 1%; 17. Microsoft Reciprocal License: < 1%; 18. Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0: < 1%; 19. DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE: < 1%; 20: CDDL-1.1: < 1%[3]
  2. 1. MIT: 44.69%; 2. Other: 15.68%; 3. GPLv2: 12.96%; 4. Apache: 11.19%; 5. GPLv3: 8.88%; 6. BSD 3-clause: 4.53%; 7. Unlicense: 1.87%; 8. BSD 2-clause: 1.70%; 9. LGPLv3: 1.30%; 10. AGPLv3: 1.05% (30 mill * 2% * 17% = 102k)[6]
  3. In the above bar-chart I have counted GPL and its different versions as one family, and I did the same with LGPL too. From this diagram it is very much clear that the MIT License is the most used license, with a total number of use case of 2706.Therefore comes GPL (i.e GNU General Public License) and its different versions, BSD, LGPL (i.e GNU Lesser General Public License) and its different versions, ASL (i.e Apache Software License) family, MPL (i.e Mozilla Public License). Apart from these licenses there are projects who has submitted themselves in to Public Domain and that number is 137.[14]


  1. "Downloads". Creative Commons. 16 December 2015. Retrieved 2015-12-24.
  2. "Version 1.0 license".
  3. "Top 20 licenses". Black Duck Software. 31 May 2016. Archived from the original on 2016-07-19. Retrieved 2016-05-31.
  4. Joe Brockmeier (2010). "The Unlicense: A License for No License".
  5. "The Unlicense".
  6. Ben Balter (9 March 2015). "Open source license usage on". Retrieved 2015-11-21.
  7. Toybox is released under the following "zero clause" BSD license by Rob Landley
  9. Till Kreutzer. "Validity of the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication and its usability for bibliographic metadata from the perspective of German Copyright Law" (PDF).
  10. "Using CC0 for public domain software". Creative Commons. 15 April 2011. Retrieved 2011-05-10.
  11. "Various Licenses and Comments about Them". GNU Project. Retrieved 2015-04-04.
  12. "licenses". The Open Definition.
  13. Timothy Vollmer (27 December 2013). "Creative Commons 4.0 BY and BY-SA licenses approved conformant with the Open Definition".
  14. Anwesha Das (22 June 2016). "Software Licenses in Fedora Ecosystem". Retrieved 2016-06-27.
  15. Lawrence Rosen (2004-05-25). "Why the public domain isn't a license". Retrieved 2016-02-22.
  16. Placing documents into the public domain by Daniel J. Bernstein on "Most rights can be voluntarily abandoned ('waived') by the owner of the rights. Legislators can go to extra effort to create rights that can't be abandoned, but usually they don't do this. In particular, you can voluntarily abandon your United States copyrights: 'It is well settled that rights gained under the Copyright Act may be abandoned. But abandonment of a right must be manifested by some overt act indicating an intention to abandon that right. See Hampton v. Paramount Pictures Corp., 279 F.2d 100, 104 (9th Cir. 1960).' " (2004).
  17. "Using CC0 for public domain software". Creative Commons. April 15, 2011. Retrieved May 10, 2011.
  18. "Various Licenses and Comments about Them". GNU Project. Retrieved April 4, 2015.
  19. Carl Boettiger. "OSI recognition for Creative Commons Zero License?". In the Open Source Initiative Licence review mailing list. Retrieved February 1, 2012.
  20. Lawrence Rosen (2012-03-08). "(License-review) (License-discuss) CC0 incompliant with OSD on patents, (was: MXM compared to CC0)". The case you referenced in your email, Hampton v. Paramount Pictures, 279 F.2d 100 (9th Cir. Cal. 1960), stands for the proposition that, at least in the Ninth Circuit, a person can indeed abandon his copyrights (counter to what I wrote in my article) – but it takes the equivalent of a manifest license to do so. :-) [...] For the record, I have already voted +1 to approve the CC0 public domain dedication and fallback license as OSD compliant. I admit that I have argued for years against the "public domain" as an open source license, but in retrospect, considering the minimal risk to developers and users relying on such software and the evident popularity of that "license", I changed my mind. One can't stand in the way of a fire hose of free public domain software, even if it doesn't come with a better FOSS license that I trust more.
  21. Christopher Allan Webber. "CC withdrawl of CC0 from OSI process". In the Open Source Initiative Licence review mailing list. Archived from the original on 2015-09-06. Retrieved February 24, 2012.
  22. The Open Source Initiative FAQ. "What about the Creative Commons "CC0" ("CC Zero") public domain dedication? Is that Open Source?". Retrieved May 25, 2013.
  23. Open Source Software” includes public domain software and requires clear international legal status #76 by brittag "Software patents make it unclear who can use public domain software. That is why the Open Source Initiative did not approve CC0. Copyright, or a lack of copyright, is not sufficient if the code is covered by a patent. This is why people have historically been concerned about Open Source code from some large companies like Microsoft. There's nothing stopping them from releasing the source code and then later suing for patent infringement. That is probably why some of their repositories include a separate patent promise." (Mar 24, 2016)
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