Public Ministry of Venezuela

View of Public ministry in Caracas

The Public Ministry of Venezuela is an organ belonging to Citizen Power, have an autonomous and independent character. It is under the direction of the Prosecutor General of the Republic who is elected by the National Assembly for a period of seven years.

Building of the Public Ministry in Caracas-Candelaria parish.

Article 285 of the Constitution of Venezuela provides that the Attorney General has the function:[1]


According to the historical review of the Public Ministry,[2] the colonial times the role of Attorney General was exercised by an officer appointed by the Monarchy of Spain, whose task was focused on ensuring the Spanish law enforcement in Captaincy General of Venezuela.

After being developed independence processes that gave rise to the Venezuelan nation, in 1819, under the origin of the republic, was when the figure of Procurator General was established, who was in charge of ensuring compliance with and implementation of the legal order. In 1830, the Constitution of the Gran Colombia, consecrate the Public Ministry as a dependent agency of the Executive Branch, in the figure of the Procurator General of the Republic. It was not until 1901 when the Constitution of the United States of Venezuela the Public Ministry is established, by the Procurator General of the Nation, differentiating their functions corresponding to Judicial Power.

In 1935, Isaías Medina Angarita enacted the Organic Public Ministry Law, designating for its direction the General Procurator. In 1948, the National Congress reformed legal arrangement and appointed as Fiscal General Fernando Álvarez Manosalva. In 1953, with the arrival of the dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez in power, they are assigned the functions of the Public Ministry to Procuratorate again. However, after the overthrow of Perez, in 1961 the Constitution of the Republic of Venezuela would establish the Public Ministry as an autonomous and independent institution of the other powers, under Prosecutor General Republic.

In the Fifth Republic, with the entry into force of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Constitution) Citizen Power is created, which is exercised by organ Republican Moral Council, composed of the Fiscal General of the Republic, the Ombudsman and the Comptroller General of the Republic, and at the same time, autonomy is established.

Prosecutors General of the Republic[3]

Prosecutors General of Venezuela
Order Name Period
1Fernando Álvarez Manosalva1948
2Pablo Ruggieri Parra1961
3Rolando Salcedo Delima1961 - 1964
4Antonio José Lozada1964 - 1969
5César Naranjo Ostty1969 - 1974
6José Ramón Medina1974 - 1979
7Pedro J. Mantellini González1979 - 1984
8Héctor Serpa Arcas1984 - 1989
9Ramón Escovar Salom1989 - 1994
10Iván Darío Badell González1994 - 1999
11Rafael Pérez Perdomo1999
12Javier Elechiguerra Naranjo1999 - 2000
13Julián Isaías Rodríguez Diaz2000 - 2007
14Luisa Ortega Díaz2007 - 2017
15Tarek William Saab2017 -

Mission and Vision


Acting on behalf of the public interest by ensuring compliance with the law by exercising constitutional and legal powers towards a democratic, effective and timely response to the community, that tends to the preservation of the rule of law and justice.” [4]


“Be an accessible, impartial and reliable guarantor institution of legality, characterized by the fulfillment of its powers and immersed in social dynamics in strict accordance with the preeminence of human rights.” [5]

Anthem of the Public Ministry

Letter: Nery Carballo
Music: Michel Eustache


Soy guardián de un anhelo que avanza,
con firmeza y audacia tenaz,
a construir la patriótica alianza
de la ley con el Pueblo y la Paz.
La justicia formó mi conciencia
para un noble y sagrado ideal:
Defender del Derecho la esencia
en el Orden Constitucional.
Oh, Simón del civismo radiante.
Oh, Bolívar de la Libertad:
Sea tu vida el ejemplo constante
que ilumine la legalidad...
Cuando enfrenta al poder mi camino,
el honor es mi espada y mi escuela,
pues mi afán tiene un solo destino
y una sola razón: ¡ VENEZUELA !...


I am the guardian of a longing that moves,
firm and tenacious courage,
to build the patriotic alliance
of the law with the People and Peace.
Justice form my conscience
for a noble and sacred ideal:
of Right Defender the essence
in the Constitutional Order.
Oh, Simón of the radiant citizenship.
Oh, Bolívar of the Liberty:
Your life Be a constant example
that illuminates the legality ...
When faced to power my way,
honor is my sword and my school,
because my eagerness has only one destination
and one reason only: VENEZUELA!...

See also


  1. Fiscalía General de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. "Ministerio Público" (in Spanish). Retrieved 2014-06-27.
  2. Fiscalía General de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. "Historia del Ministerio Público" (in Spanish). Retrieved 2014-06-27.
  3. Fiscalía General de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. "Galería de fiscales generales" (in Spanish). Retrieved 2014-06-27.
  4. Fiscalía General de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. "Misión del Ministerio Público" (in Spanish). Retrieved 2014-06-27.
  5. Fiscalía General de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. "Visión del Ministerio Público" (in Spanish). Retrieved 2014-06-27.
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