Protected areas of Albania

Network of protected areas of Albania

There are 799 Albanian protected areas covering a surface of 4,600.61 square kilometres. These include 15 national parks, 8 archaeological parks, 5 protected landscape areas, 4 strict nature reserves, 23 managed nature reserves, 2 nature and science reserves, 4 protected resource areas and 750 monuments of nature.[1] The national parks covering a surface area of 210,668.48 hectares (2,106.6848 km2) or roughly 13.65% of the overall territory.[2] The nation host also 8 archaeological parks covering a surface area of 1,120 hectares (11.2 km2).

Main protected areas generally suffer from lack of information, maintenance, and illegal logging and hunting. However, these areas are gradually being equipped with trail markings, information centers, while a hunting and logging moratorium has revived the flora and fauna in some areas.[3]

National Parks and Archaeological Sites

  World Heritage Site or part of a World Heritage Site
  Marine National Park or part of a Marine Protected Area
Name Photo Area Established Location
Butrint National Park 9,424.4 hectares (94.244 km2) 1966
Llogara National Park 1,010 hectares (10.1 km2) 1966
Karaburun Sazan National Park 12,570.82 hectares (125.7082 km2) 2010
Divjaka-Karavasta National Park 22,230 hectares (222.3 km2) 2007
Dajti National Park 29,384.18 hectares (293.8418 km2) 1966
Lurë National Park 1,280 hectares (12.8 km2) 1966
Prespa National Park 27,750 hectares (277.5 km2) 1999
Theth National Park 2,630 hectares (26.3 km2) 1966
Valbonë Valley National Park 8,000 hectares (80 km2) 1996
Fir of Hotova National Park 34,361.1 hectares (343.611 km2) 2008
Shebenik Jabllanicë National Park 33,927.7 hectares (339.277 km2) 2008
Shtamë Pass National Park 2,000 hectares (20 km2) 1996
Fir of Drenova National Park 1,380 hectares (13.8 km2) 1966
Mount Tomorr National Park 24,723.1 hectares (247.231 km2) 1996
Zall Gjoçaj National Park 140 hectares (1.4 km2) 1996
Amantia 15 hectares (0.15 km2) 2005
Antigonea 92 hectares (0.92 km2) 2005
Apollonia 140 hectares (1.4 km2) 2006
Byllis 30 hectares (0.30 km2) 2005
Lissus 22 hectares (0.22 km2) 2005
Oricum 694 hectares (6.94 km2) 2005
Phoenice 57 hectares (0.57 km2) 2005
Shkodër 70 hectares (0.70 km2) 2005

Nature Parks

Name Photo Area Established Location
Ulza Lake 220 hectares (2.2 km2) 2013
Korab-Koritnik 5,500.70 hectares (55.0070 km2) 2011[4]
Shkrel 20,282 hectares (202.82 km2) 2015[5]
Fierza Lake 7,000 hectares (70 km2) 2014[6]
Nikaj-Mërtur 7,300 hectares (73 km2) 2014[7]

National Importance

Name Photo Area Established Location
Tirana Greenbelt 40,287 hectares (402.87 km2)[8] 2014[9]
Albanian Riviera - 2014[10]

Protected Landscape Areas

Nature Reserves

  • Balloll
  • Berzane
  • Bogovë
  • Cangonji
  • Dardhe-Xhyre
  • Karaburun
  • Krastafillak
  • Kune - Vain
  • Korab-Koritnik
  • Kuturman
  • Levan
  • Maliq
  • Patok-Fushe-Kuqe
  • Pishe - Poro
  • Polisi
  • Qaf-Bushi
  • Rrezoma
  • Rushkull
  • Shelegur
  • Shkodër Lake
  • Sopot
  • Stravaj
  • Tej - Drini i Bardhe
  • Ulza Lake

Natural Resources

Nature Monuments


  2. Përshkrimi i Rrjetit aktual të zonave të mbrojtura
  3. Përshkrimi i Rrjetit aktual të zonave të mbrojtura
  4. "Korab - Koritnik Natural Park Management Plan" (PDF). p. 9.
  5. "Parku Natyror Rajonal i Shkrelit". (in Albanian). 3 June 2015. Parku Natyror Rajonal i Shkrelit 0:04:15 0:00:00/0:04:15 ▶ Direct link Ndajeni Print Në Malësi të Madhe u inaugurua Parku Natyror Rajonal i Shkrelit, i cilësuar si Porta e Alpeve Shqiptare.
  6. "REGIONAL NATURAL PARK – FIERZA LAKE". In the framework of the decision of the Regional Council of Kukes, No. 34 dated 13.10.2014 "On the Promulgation of the natural ecosystem of Fierza Lake Regional Natural Park, Kukes Regional Council held a meeting with the working group.
  7. "Tropojë, krahina e 'Nikaj Merturi' shpallet Park Natyror Rajonal". (in Albanian). 26 October 2014.
  8. "Baza Ligjore" (PDF). (in Albanian).
  9. "Njoftim per shtyp lidhur me dy Vendimet e KKT-se lidhur me Kuroren e Gjelber te Tiranes dhe zonat e urbanizuara te territorit te Shqiperise". (in Albanian). 30 December 2014.
  10. "Observatory of Mediterranean Basin / Albanian Riviera". 15 October 2016.
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