Projection pursuit regression

In statistics, projection pursuit regression (PPR) is a statistical model developed by Jerome H. Friedman and Werner Stuetzle which is an extension of additive models. This model adapts the additive models in that it first projects the data matrix of explanatory variables in the optimal direction before applying smoothing functions to these explanatory variables.

Model overview

The model consists of linear combinations of non-linear transformations of linear combinations of explanatory variables. The basic model takes the form

where xi is a 1 × p row of the design matrix containing the explanatory variables for example i, yi is a 1 × 1 prediction, and {βj} is a collection of r vectors (each a unit vector of length p) which contain the unknown parameters. Finally r is the number of modeled smoothed non-parametric functions to be used as constructed explanatory variables. Good values for the hyperparameter r can be determined through cross-validation or a forward stage-wise strategy which stops when the model fit cannot be significantly improved. For large values of r and an appropriate set of functions fj, the PPR model is considered a universal estimator as it can estimate any continuous function in Rp.

Thus this model takes the form of the basic additive model but with the additional βj component; making it fit rather than the actual inputs {xj}. The vector is the projection of X onto the unit vector βj, where the directions βj are chosen to optimize model fit. The functions fj are unspecified by the model and estimated using some flexible smoothing method; preferably one with well defined second derivatives to simplify computation. This allows the PPR to be very general as it fits non-linear functions fj of any class of linear combinations in X. Due to the flexibility and generality of this model, it is difficult to interpret the fitted model because each input variable has been entered into the model in a complex and multifaceted way. Thus the model is far more useful for prediction than creating a model to understand the data.

Model estimation

For a given set of data , the goal is to minimize the error function

over the functions and vectors .

After estimating the smoothing functions , one generally uses the Gauss–Newton iterated convergence technique to solve for ; provided that the functions are twice differentiable.

It has been shown that the convergence rate, the bias and the variance are affected by the estimation of and . It has also been shown that converges at an order of , while converges at a slightly worse order.

Advantages of PPR estimation

Disadvantages of PPR estimation

Extensions of PPR

PPR vs neural networks (NN)

Both projection pursuit regression and neural networks models project the input vector onto a one-dimensional hyperplane and then applies a nonlinear transformation of the input variables that are then added in a linear fashion. Thus both follow the same steps to overcome the curse of dimensionality. The main difference is that the functions being fitted in PPR can be different for each combination of input variables and are estimated one at a time and then updated with the weights, whereas in NN these are all specified upfront and estimated simultaneously.

Thus, PPR estimation is more straightforward than NN and the transformations of variables in PPR are data driven whereas in NN, these transformations are fixed.

See also


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