Prime TV Moldova

Prime TV is a Romanian language television station in Moldova. It gets much of its Russian language programming from Channel One (Russia). The programmes that the channel have are WOW Kids, Prima Oră, Discuţii la oa cafea cu Doina Popa, Replica, De Facto cu Valeriu Frumusachi, Da sau Nu which is the Moldovan format of Deal Or No Deal which is hosted by Dan Negru, Cafeaua de vis-a-vis, Tradiţii culinare, O zi, Cronica lui Bogatu, Jdi Menea Moldova which is the Moldovan format of Long Lost Family, Moldova are talent which is the Moldovan format of the Got Talent series which is hosted by Mircea Marco and Adrian Ursu, news programme Primele Ştiri hosted by Dorin Ţurcanu and Olivia Furturnă and the new series called Vreau a minune which is hosted by Adrian Ursu.

official website Vreau a minune official website

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