List of Flash enemies

The Rogues, a group of classic Flash villains, appearing in Salvation Run #1.

This is a list of fictional characters from the DC Comics universe who are or have been depicted as antagonists of the Flash.

The Golden Age

The Golden Age Flash enemies were all villains of the first Flash, Jay Garrick, later portrayed as living on Earth-Two after the introduction of the Silver Age Flash.


Clifford DeVoe (The Thinker)

In the Flash 2014 series, he is mentioned by Abra Kadabra and Savitar. In the future, the Flash uses a cerebral inhibitor to defeat him. In June 2017 he was announced to be the main villain in the upcoming season 4 of The Flash TV serie

Rag Doll


In the Flash 2014 series, Shade was a metahuman in Flashpoint. After the Flashpoint timeline was restored, he was summoned by Alchemy who restored his Flashpoint memories and powers. Alchemy sends him after the Flash. He kills a stockbroker and later combats the Flash at a carnival but is defeated. 3.6: Shade

The Rival

The Rival apprehend on the 2014 flash tv series in episodes 2 episodes of season 3 3.1: Flashpoint & 3.2: Paradox


Rose and Thorn are the two personalities of a Golden Age character in DC Comics. Thorn (Rose Canton) is a woman with a split personality whose villainous personality has the ability to control plants. Initially, she and her hired thugs opposed The Flash. After being (apparently) cured of her Thorn persona, Rose married Alan Scott and had two children, Jennie-Lynn Hayden and Todd James Rice with him. After a resurgence of her madness, she committed suicide.

Years later, a second "Rose and Thorn" appeared, Rhosyn Forrest. (Before the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Rose Canton came from Earth-2 and Rose Forrest from Earth-1; see Multiverse (DC Comics)).

Introduced in the Silver Age

The Silver Age Flash enemies all lived on Earth-One and started out as enemies of the second Flash, Barry Allen, as well as the third Flash, Wally West, and the fourth, Bart Allen, after the death of Barry Allen. The Silver Age is when some enemies started to use the name Rogues. Originally, the Rogues were just a few of the Flash's enemies teaming together, but since then they have formed a lasting team, and usually a Rogue will not commit a crime by himself. The original eight Rogues were Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard, Trickster, Pied Piper, Top, and Captain Boomerang. The current incarnation of the Rogues includes Captain Cold, Weather Wizard, Heat Wave, the second Mirror Master, and the second Trickster.

Abra Kadabra

Albert Desmond / Alvin Desmond

Albert Desmond, created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino, first appeared in Showcase #13 (April 1958) as Mister Element.[1] His second, and more frequently used identity of Doctor Alchemy first appeared in Showcase #14 (June 1958).

Within the context of the stories, Albert Desmond is a chemist who suffers from a multiple personality disorder with one law-abiding personality and another criminally inclined one. Under his darker personality he applies his knowledge of chemistry to create the identity of Mister Element, creating elemental weapons such as bulletproof silicon to shield his cars, and discovered a new element, Elemento, a magnetic light, with which he sent the Flash into space. After being sent to jail as a result of his first encounter with the Flash, he learns of the Philosopher's Stone from his cellmate. He escapes, finds the Stone, and uses its power to transmute one element to another to restart his criminal career as Doctor Alchemy.[2]

Over time he switches between the two identities, showing a preference for "Doctor Alchemy". Eventually his good personality resurfaces and he quits crime and hides the Stone. Shortly after a new Doctor Alchemy appears and is revealed to be his identical twin brother Alvin Desmond, with whom he shares a psychic link. This plot point was retconed in later stories to "Alvin" being a construct of the Stone created by Albert's criminal personality. When Albert confronts and defeats "Alvin" he resumes the role of Doctor Alchemy.

While he has alternated between incarceration and freedom, equipment for both of his costumed identities has been used by others. Curtis Engstrom used the Philosopher's Stone as The Alchemist and Alexander Petrov resurrected Mister Element.

As Mister Element, Albert Desmond uses a weapon that can affect the structure of elements. As Doctor Alchemy, he possesses the Philosopher's Stone, which once belonged to Merlin. The Stone allows him to transmute any element into any other element. He can control the Stone from a distance with telekinesis.[2]

Baron Katana

created by Frank Robbins and Ross Andru, first appeared in The Flash vol. 1 #180 (June, 1968)

Baron Katana controlled a group of samurai robots, with which he attacked The Flash.[3]

Big Sir

Captain Boomerang (Digger Harkness)

Captain Cold

Golden Glider

Gorilla Grodd

Heat Wave

Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)

Mister Originality

Created by Cary Bates, Bob Rozakis and Irv Novick, first appeared in The Flash vol. 1 #238 (December, 1975)

Mister Originality was a thief with disguise and teleportation powers.[4]

Pied Piper

Rainbow Raider

Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne)


Trickster (James Jesse)

Weather Wizard

Introduced in the Modern Age

In addition to the Silver Age Rogues, there have been many other Flash villains created in the past few years. The special issue Flash: Iron Heights was the first appearance of many of them. Some of the "new breed", as the old Rogues call them, made a team called the New Rogues, led by Blacksmith. They tried to take away the allies of the Flash so he would fight them alone, but the Flash beat them anyway. These villains are not part of the current Rogues, which are still the Silver Age villains. Also, new versions of Mirror Master, the Trickster, and Captain Boomerang were introduced and became part of the Rogues.

Alexander Petrov

First appearance The Flash vol. 2, #202 (November 2003)
Created by Geoff Johns and Alberto Dose
Aliases Mister Element

The character, created by Geoff Johns and Alberto Dose, first appeared in The Flash vol. 2, #202 (November 2003).

Within the context of the stories, Alexander Petrov is a criminologist working for the Keystone City Police Department. In order to advance his career he uses one of weapons Albert Desmond used as Mister Element to freeze the lab supervisor solid. Petrov is promoted to replace the dead supervisor and discovers he likes the thrill of killing. He continues to eliminate members of the department he sees as "threats" to his position, using the weapon and ice-based effects. He uses the effects and his position as head of the crime lab to shift suspicion to Captain Cold. His plan comes undone when profiler Ashley Zolomon enters his office as he is putting on his mask. The Flash is able to stop him from killing her, but Captain Cold interrupts them before the Flash can take him into custody. Cold kills Petrov for breaking the Rogues' code of "ethics" - framing another Rogue for your own crimes.[5]


The character, created by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver, first appeared in Flash: Iron Heights (2001).[6]

Within the context of the stories, Amunet Black operates an underground black market known as the Network in Central City and Keystone City. Early in her career she is briefly married to Goldface. When they divorce, she steals some of the elixir that gives him his powers. She has it modified before drinking it and gains the ability to reshape metal and merge it with flesh.

Using the Network as a power base, she assembles a new team of Rogues to take control of the two cities. As her plan unfolds, she is able to isolate the two cities and almost defeats the Flash. Her victory unravels due to dissension among her Rogues and Goldface leading the populace of the cities against her. Her defeat results in the Network being closed down and her incarceration in Iron Heights.[Flash 1]

Brother Grimm

The character, created by Geoff Johns and Angel Unzueta, first appeared in The Flash vol. 2, #166 (November 2000).[7]

Within the context of the stories, Brother Grimm is the son of Brother Nightingale, the king in the alternate dimension of Eastwind. When Nightingale plans an invasion of Earth, Grimm sends a warning to the Flash. When the Flash along with Kid Flash and Jay Garrick stop the invasion, Nightingale is deposed and Grimm offered the crown. He takes the advice of Kid Flash to "follow his own path" and lets his brother Angar take the crown. Grimm, regretting taking the advice, is forced to take the crown and kill Angar when it becomes apparent he is no better than their father. The regret becomes rage when he learns that Wally, contrary to his own advice, has taken up the mantle of the Flash.[Flash 2]

To punish the Flash, Grimm enlists Mirror Master and Captain Cold to trap him in a mirror world while he removed Keystone City to Eastwind and the citizens placed under his control. He makes the mistake of double-crossing the Rogues who work with the Flash to escape the mirror world, rescue the citizens of Keystone, and defeat Grimm.[Flash 3]

He later returned with a new identity of a classmate of Linda's in medical school, attempting to 'steal' her from the Flash and claim the Flash's 'kingdom' once again. To this end, he trapped Linda at the top of a giant beanstalk that would spread to consume Central City, but Wally was able to reach the top with the aid of Hawkman, who noted that he had once fought one of Grimm's ancestors who used a similar trick in one of his past lives, Hawkman destroying the beanstalk while Wally defeated Grimm.

Brother Grimm is a skilled sorcerer and warrior, able to create glamours that change his appearance and transport others between dimensions. He can also sense the use of extra dimensional forces such as the Speed Force.

Captain Boomerang (Owen Mercer)


The character, created by Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins, first appeared in The Flash vol. 2, #171 (April 2001).[8]

Within the context of the stories, sometime in the early 20th century, David Hersch murders his wife during a thunderstorm. Regretting this, he attempts to take his own life but is struck by lightning and has a vision: He has been chosen to live forever, and he will bring his wife back as well.[9]

Calling himself Cicada and keeping himself alive by transferring the life force of others to himself, Hersch accumulates followers and plans for the day when he will be able to resurrect his wife. To achieve his vision he faces a moral dilemma, he needs to sacrifice others to fuel the resurrection. While his followers would volunteer, he does not know if it would be enough. He finds an answer in the people who have been saved by the Flash. He sees the Flash as "a brother blessed by the lightning" and those who would have died without the Flash's interference as lives he can take with a clear conscience.

Acting on this, he has his followers go into Keystone City and kill those the Flash has saved with daggers that collect life energy. He also has Magenta bring the Flash to him to witness the resurrection. He briefly succeeds only to have his wife reveal his crime. The Flash is able to break free and in the ensuing fight Cicada drains the life of his followers and slashes Detective Morillo with his dagger before being captured.[9]

Cicada has the ability to steal the life-force of other living beings and use it to prolong his own life and regenerate physical damage. He carries a hilted blade capable of absorbing the life force of its victims in order to resurrect the dead (Contact with this knife granted Morillo a healing factor that even allowed him to return from death, but it is unclear if this ability has any limits or how the knife did this for him rather than anyone else).

Cobalt Blue

The character, created by Mark Waid and Brian Augustyn, first appeared in Speed Force #1 (November 1997).[10]

Within the context of the stories, Malcolm Thawne is the twin brother of Barry Allen (aka the Flash) and an ancestor of Eobard Thawne (aka Professor Zoom). At the time of the twins' birth, the doctor delivering them had already accidentally killed the child of Charlene Thawne during delivery. To cover his mistake, the doctor gave one of the twins to the Thawnes as their own and told the Allens that their second son had been stillborn.[11][Flash 4]

Raised by the Thawnes as a con artist, Malcolm learns of his brother by accident as an adult. He learns the full story by confronting his "parents" and the doctor who delivered him, then killed the doctor in a rage. His grandmother, seeing true potential in his passion, teaches him the family secret of controlling the "blue flame". Eventually he crafts a blue gem to contain the flame. The creation is fueled by his rage and jealousy of his twin "stealing his life" and can siphon off the Flash's superspeed.[11][Flash 4]

His first confrontation with the Flash and Kid Flash results in the flame absorbing him.[Flash 5] Emerging years later, he shifts his focus onto his brother's "legacy" since Barry Allen had died to stop the Anti-Monitor while he was in the flame. His plan spans from the present to near the end of the 30th century, targeting the Flashes of various eras in between. His plan is undone by Wally West who skirts the edge of the speed force while carrying the shards of the blue gem. The power pouring into the gem overloads and destroys it.[Flash 6]

Curt Engstrom (Alchemist)

The character, created by Mark Waid and Greg LaRocque, first appeared in Flash vol 2, #71 (December 1992).[12] The name "Alchemist" had previously been used for a Golden Age character in a Justice Society story.

Within the context of the stories, Curt Engstrom is a scientist working at S.T.A.R. Labs as a part of a team studying Doctor Alchemy's Philosopher's Stone. He steals the stone but is captured and jailed before he can figure out how to use it. Escaping, he creates the identity of the Alchemist and uses the stone in an attempt to get revenge on the lawyer who betrayed him. He is instead recaptured by the Flash.[Flash 7][Flash 8]

Double Down

The character, created by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver, first appeared in Flash: Iron Heights (2001).[6] In an interview with Wizard Magazine, Johns mentioned that Double Down was the one Rogue he would have loved to devote more time to and describing the character as "...the one that got away."

Within the context of the stories, Jeremy Tell is a con artist and compulsive gambler. After losing all his money in a game, he murders the gambler who walked away from the table with the most money. A cursed deck of cards owned by the man he murdered attacks him and bonds to his skin. He finds that he can mentally detach and direct the cards for various effects. Taking the name Double Down, he joins Keystone City's supervillain community.

Powers and Abilities The "cards" of the cursed deck have replaced Double Down's skin. He is able to mentally control them, detaching them from his body and directing their movement. He can use a card's razor edges to cut through objects, or to encase an opponent with his cards.

In Other Media

Jeremy Tell/Double Down was portrayed by J.R. Bourne in the third episode of Arrow season four, "Restoration".[13] Here, he gained his powers when he was having his playing card tattoos applied at the same time as a particle accelerator exploded in Central City. He is not connected to his cards after they detach from his skin, but he can nevertheless shoot them with great precision; Green Arrow's best efforts to deflect his cards still resulted in him being struck in the arm with one card. Double Down is hired by H.I.V.E. to take care of Oliver Queen, but was threatened by Damien Darhk when he failed and after another failure he decided to run away and return to Central City, only to be stopped and sent to Iron Heights by Green Arrow.

Folded Man

First appearance The Flash vol.2, #153 (October 1999)
Created by Mark Waid and Brian Augustyn
Aliases Edwin Gauss

The character, created by Mark Waid and Brian Augustyn, first appeared in The Flash vol.2, #153 (October 1999).

Within the context of the stories, the Folded Man is Edwin Gauss, a physics student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology looking to definitively resolve Albert Einstein's Unified field theory. He invents a device that allows interdimensional travel using proprietary software stolen from Norman Bridges. He incorporates this into a suit that allows its wearer to move across at least four dimensions.

When Bridges tries to take the technology, Gauss uses the suit to create the identity of the Folded Man to strike back at Bridges. The Flash is caught in the middle and winds up taking Gauss into custody.[14]

The Folded Man wears a suit that allows him to manipulate his personal dimensions. He can flatten to a two-dimensional form which allows him to slice through objects more cleanly than the sharpest razor. By shifting into four dimensions, he can leave our plane and pop back anywhere he likes.


First appearance Flash: Iron Heights (2001)
Created by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver
Aliases Tony Woodward

The character, created by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver, first appeared in Flash: Iron Heights (2001).

Within the context of the stories, Tony Woodward causes a riot at the steel plant where he works when he assaults a female co-worker. He is thrown into a vat of molten steel which includes scraps from S.T.A.R. Labs experiments. These scraps convert his body into living iron and imbue him with superhuman strength and a high resistance to harm, though he does rust. Taking the name Girder, he is eventually sent to Iron Heights Penitentiary for a conviction on robbery charges.[15] He is among the criminals that Blacksmith recruits as the new Rogues.

In Other Media

Girder shares the origin and powers with Pig-Iron of the Zoo Crew, a comic series Geoff Johns has previously cited as inspiration for another character of his creation, Stargirl.

Kid Zoom


An early concept design for Magenta by George Pérez appeared in DC Sampler #2, with the character's initial name being Polara and her color scheme consisting of red and blue rather than magenta and white. Frankie Kane was a one time girlfriend of Wally West, who gained magnetic powers which killed her family. Not knowing her purpose in life, she became a villain and first joined the Cicada cult and the New Rogues before reforming. Magenta can generate and control magnetic fields, which she can use to move, lift, and manipulate ferrous metals. She can focus her powers into blasts of concussive magnetic force that can shatter steel, or fire electromagnetic pulses to disrupt electronic systems. She can concentrate her magnetic powers into a protective shield that repels metals and most physical assaults. By surrounding herself with an aura of magnetism that has an equal polarity to the Earth's own geomagnetic field, she can cause the Earth to repel her upward, and thereby fly by magnetic levitation.


Magenta made her live action debut in the third season of The Flash portrayed by Joey King. This version is a teenaged, orphan girl who has disassociative identity disorder. She had metahuman powers in the alternate timeline Flashpoint before the Flash restored it. Her powers are given back by Doctor Alchemy, and she develops a darker personality named Magenta. She attempts to get revenge on her abusive foster father and ends up putting him in the hospital. When Magenta emerges again, she attempts to kill her foster father by destroying the hospital he was held in, but stops and reverts to Frankie with the combined efforts of Flash and Jesse Quick. Frankie's father is prosecuted by the district attorney while Frankie is accepted into a kinder foster family.[17]

Manfred Mota

Manfred Mota is a nuclear engineer, and the father of Valerie Perez. He was introduced in the Flash 50th Anniversary Special as having faced multiple incarnations of the Flash, each time using a new moniker, but similar powers.[18]

On his first appearance as the Atom Smasher, he uses his knowledge as a nuclear engineer, to create a suit giving him an atomic-power punch. Mota is defeated by Jay Garrick. In prison, Mota plots revenge and when the new Flash, Barry Allen, appears, Mota believes him to be Jay. Released from prison, Mota holds Central City hostage as Professor Fallout, secretly hiding a neutron bomb in a sculpture of an atom. He is quickly defeated by Barry and returned to prison.[19]

During his second stint in prison, Mota begins to obsess over revenge, the Flash and safe nuclear power. Creating the identity of Fusionn, Mota steals equipment from a nuclear power plant and crafts a suit that allows him to shoot blasts of energy. Mota manages to unmask the third Flash, Wally West, in the fight, only to realize that he is not fighting Jay, and that West's identity is publicly known. Enraged, Mota attempts to melt the entire city, but West throws a piece of iron—waste from the nuclear fusion reaction of Mota's suit—through one of Mota's cooling tanks, melting the suit into radioactive rock. One Year Later after Infinite Crisis, Mota's daughter, Valerie, has begun a romance with the fourth Flash, Bart Allen. Mota somehow has been transformed into an energy being, and has been stalking his daughter. He kidnaps her with the help of Allen's clone Thaddeus Thawne (Inertia). Mota plans to use his daughter's DNA to reconstruct his own body, but is doublecrossed by his partner. Manfred later appears to Valerie again, claiming that he still loves her, but is captured by Bart Allen.[20]

The future Flash, John Fox, faces Mota when he returns as a monster made of living Plutonium in 2645. Fox manages to send Mota into the future where he decays into lead.

Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)

Murmur (Dr. Michael Amar)

Dr. Michael Amar, a once respected surgeon, succumbed to madness and started a killing spree to stop the voices inside his head. This spree went through Central and Keystone City and caught the eye of police officers Fred Chyre and Joe Jackam. They later tracked Amar down with the help from Central City forensic scientist, Barry Allen. Part of Amar's psychosis is the inability to stop himself from blurting out his crimes. Because of these outbursts, he is quickly convicted and sentenced to death.

It is soon discovered that Amar's blood is so abnormal that lethal injection can not kill him. While incarcerated in Iron Heights prison, Amar cuts out his own tongue and sews his mouth shut so he will no longer be able to incriminate himself. Wearing a thin mask of his own design, Amar becomes known as Murmur.

While in prison, Murmur creates a virus that kills the guards and prisoners and escapes during the riots it causes. He then joins Blacksmith, who helps him with creating the virus, and her rogues. Afterwards, Murmur strikes out on his own.

Murmur is one of the villains being controlled by the Top during the Rogue War story arc.

In Infinite Crisis #1, Murmur is seen working in Gotham City with the Riddler, the Body Doubles and the Fisherman in a murderous attack on Gotham police officers. He is seen in issue #7 as part one member of the Secret Society of Supervillains, participating in an attack on Metropolis. A superhero army stops the Society. Murmur has also teamed up with another Batman villain - Hush - in the Man-Bat miniseries,[21] which takes place before the Infinite Crisis event.

One year after the events of Infinite Crisis, Murmur has made only one full appearance in the DC Universe. In writer Gail Simone's Secret Six, he is one of the villains sent to retrieve the Get Out of Hell Free card from the team. The only other mention of the villain post-One Year Later is a framed front page newspaper of the Central City Citizen detailing Murmur's arrest and incarceration by police. It is seen on a wall of the Allen household in The Flash: Rebirth #1.

Powers and abilities

Murmur has no super human powers of a combative nature. All he has is a mutated physiology making him immune to bloodbourne disease or toxins.

In other media

Murmur appears in Arrow played by Adryan Glynn McMorran.[22] He's portrayed as a criminal that was wrongly imprisoned in Iron Heights after giving a false confession. He escapes from prison to have his revenge on the police, but is stopped by the Arrow, Arsenal, and Black Canary. He returns in Season 4, where Damien Darhk threatens his grandmother's life when Amar attacks him. After Damien stages a prison riot, he joins H.I.V.E. and teams up with Brick to stop Team Arrow, but is defeated.



Savitar first appeared in Flash (vol. 2) #108 (December 1995), and was created by Mark Waid and Oscar Jimenez.

A Cold War pilot for a third-world nation, the man who would become known as Savitar was to test a supersonic fighter jet. As he reached top speed, his plane was struck by what appeared to be lightning, and he went down in hostile territory. Discovering he could defeat the enemy by moving at super-speed, he became obsessed with speed, naming himself after Savitr the Hindu "god of motion", and dedicating his life to unlocking its secrets. As Savitar studied, he discovered new powers that no other living speedster has mastered. He can protect himself in a null-inertia force field, give speed and kinetic energy to objects or people, even those in a real estate, he could also heal his own injuries almost instantly.

Savitar’s obsession gained followers, and he became the leader of a cult. In search of more knowledge, he sought out the only super-speed hero operating at the time: Johnny Quick. This encounter became a battle, the tide of which was turned with the arrival of Max Mercury, who led Savitar toward the Speed Force, but caused him to bounce off.

Savitar reappeared decades later to find that his cult had grown in his absence, awaiting his return. He recruited former Red Trinity member Lady Flash (Christina Alexandrova), and discovered a way to use her speed to divert all energy from the Speed Force to his own army of ninjas. He then sought to eliminate the competition: Flash (Wally West), Impulse, Golden Age Flash (Jay Garrick), Johnny Quick, Jesse Quick, XS, and especially Max Mercury.

Fortunately, Wally’s direct line to the Speed Force prevented Savitar from stealing his speed, and a coalition of just about every speedster (except for Red Trinity), foiled his plans. Hell-bent on at least destroying Flash’s world in retribution, he led the Flash on a worldwide race of destruction, until Flash chose to give Savitar what he wanted: union with the Speed Force. His earlier encounter had shown him that the others who had arrived before would deal with Savitar as they saw fit.

In The Flash Rebirth mini-series, Savitar is able to escape from the Speed Force. He is run down by the recently returned to life Barry Allen; however, when Barry touches him, Savitar disintegrates, leaving only a pile of bones.[23] It is revealed that Reverse-Flash altered the Speed Force and Barry to make the Flash shift in reverse, and cursed to kill every Speed Force user with a single touch, though it seemed to be undone by the defeat of Reverse-Flash during the conflict between the two speedsters.[24] Thus far, Savitar, Lady Flash (Lady Savitar at the time) and Johnny Quick have been killed by this effect.[25][26]

Savitar appears as the principle antagonist for season 3 of The CW network television series The Flash, later revealed to be a Speed-Force-based clone of Barry from the future.[27]

Tar Pit

The younger brother of a local drug lord Jack Monteleone, Joey Monteleone was arrested for armed robbery. While serving time, he discovered he had the metahuman ability to inhabit inanimate objects. With this ability, he got his kicks by transferring his mind from object (for example, a fire hydrant which he used to spray the Flash in vol. 73) to object until he couldn't move his mind from a vat of asphalt. Now he remains in that hot tar pit while his real body remains unconscious and is being abused by his padded-cellmate in Iron Heights.

In his new form, Tar Pit first caused havok at a Keystone City ice hockey game, trying to steal the Stanley Cup for himself. He was stopped by Flash and Captain Cold, although Cold himself stole the trophy. He has appeared sporadically with the other rogues ever since.

In Infinite Crisis, "Joey" became a member of the Secret Society of Super Villains.

He has been seen among the new Injustice League and is one of the villains featured in Salvation Run.

In Blackest Night crossover, Tar Pit is shown with Owen Mercer, visiting his father's grave, accompanying Owen in his search for the Black Lantern version of his father on the grounds that he will be of no interest to the Black Lantern Corps as his tar-based form has no heart for them to take.[28]

Powers and abilities

Tar Pit's body is made of molten asphalt and burns on touch. He is able to trap people in the substance of his body and can hurl flaming chunks of tar at his enemies. Due to his body being made of tar, Tar Pit is practically invulnerable.

Before becoming Tar Pit, Joey was able to project his consciousness into inanimate objects and animate them.

Other versions

In the alternate timeline of the Flashpoint event, Tar Pit was imprisoned in Iron Heights. Tar Pit is confronted by Mirror Master, who assembles the Rogues.[29] Tar Pit then escaped from Iron Heights and pursued revenge against Citizen Cold for stealing his family's money.[30] Citizen Cold killed Tar Pit revealing that his brother, Jack Monteleone was dealing drugs of their family fortune.[31]

In other media

Marco Grazzini portrays Joey Monteleone/Tar Pit in the 12th episode of season 2 of The Flash, "Fast Lane". In this episode, Joey is a small-time crook who is thrown into a construction site's tar pit by his cohorts right before the particle accelerator explosion. Now with the metahuman ability to become living, burning tar, he sets out to take revenge on those who tried to kill him.

Trickster (Axel Walker)

Recurring aliases of more than one enemy


Zoom (Hunter Zolomon)

Other enemies

In chronological order (with issue and date of first appearance):

Villain First appearance Description
Dmane Flash Comics (Wheaties Promotional Giveaway) A criminal from the 70th century who is accidentally sent to 1946 by a time travel experiment. The Flash is finally able to send him back just before his execution.

Black Flash The Flash vol. 2, #138 (June 1998) Black Flash is a death manifestation in the DC universe, created by Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, and Ron Wagner. Within the context of the stories, the Black Flash appears as an omen of death to those connected to the Speed Force. When it appears to claim Wally West and draw him back into the Speed Force, it is first delayed, taking Linda Park, then outrun by Wally to the end of time, causing it to dissipate.[Flash 9] It later reappears shortly before Bart Allen is killed by the Rogues.[Flash 10]

After the return of Barry Allen, a charred corpse is discovered that appears to be the Black Flash. While inspecting the remains, Barry temporarily becomes the replacement Black Flash due to Professor Zoom's tampering with the Speed Force. Soon after, Professor Zoom assumes the role, freeing Barry.[Flash 11]

In the Arrowverse, the Black Flash was originally Hunter Zolomon, a rogue Speedster from Earth-2 who threatened to wipe out the multiverse. But Zolomon is spirited away by two Time Wraths, out of reality, in the second-season finale of The Flash, and transformed into the Black Flash.[32] The Black Flash is next seen in the second season of Legends of Tomorrow, chasing Eobard Thawne, following the events of Flashpoint in the third-season premiere of The Flash.[33] He returns in The Flash, "Into the Speed Force," where he chases after Barry Allen, who manages to escape from him. He then returns in Legends of Tomorrow, "Doomworld," where Eobard is revealed to have captured the Black Flash after rewriting reality with the Spear of Destiny. In the Season 2 finale of Legends of Tomorrow, "Aruba," the Black Flash is released by Sara Lance and kills Eobard Thawne, erasing him and his past copies, as with the Spear of Destiny from existence. In the Season 3 finale of The Flash, the Black Flash shows up again when Savitar attempts to splice an infinite number of time remnants of himself into the Speed Force, in order to make himself omnipotent by existing in every instant of time, and to make himself immune to time paradoxes. When the Black Flash races up to Savitar to kill him, Killer Frost freezes it solid, and the Black Flash crumbles into ice shards.

The Eel Comic Cavalcade #3 (Summer 1943) "Eel" Madden was a criminal who had a grease gun which made it almost impossible for anyone to catch him.
The ChangelingFlash Comics #84Nothing is known of the life of Erik Razar before he became a small-time gangster in Keystone City. In the early 1940s, Razar ran a small mob that was taken over by a larger operation run by gangster Topper Hull. Hull framed Razar and had sent him to prison. For years Razar fumed and swore revenge. In the summer of 1947, Razar had hatched a plan to escape by sabotaging the prison power generator. His plan had an unforeseen side-effect, charging Razar with enormous amounts of electricity. Unhurt, Razar slowly changed into a gorilla and made his way across the prison yard where he was sighted by guards. When they opened fire, Razar changed into a giant tortoise, bouncing the bullets off its thick shell. When the bullets ceased, Razar became a rhinoceros and battered down the gate. Fleeing into the woods, Razar became a bird and set out in pursuit of Hull.

Perched on Hull's window sill, Razar learned that Hull had planned a bank job by intercepting an armored car delivery. Razar decided to torture Hull by thwarting his crimes and intercepted the car first. By this point, the police had consulted with scientist Jay Garrick who was among those who witnessed Razar, as a large bull elephant, intercept and dismantle the armor car. Quickly changing to the Flash, Garrick engaged the shape-shifting criminal but was quickly dispatched into a large water reservoir.

Razar, now named The Changeling by the local papers, decided to foil Hull's hijack of a sunken ship recovery operation and then kill him. The Flash also became aware of Hull's plans by eavesdropping in his invisible super-speeding from and determined to intercept them both. Razar dove into the water as Hull's boat left the pier and transformed himself into a large shark. The Flash dived in behind the Changeling but the criminal irritated a large clam which seized the Flash's leg and threatened to drown him. After extricating himself, he came upon the Changeling-shark threatening the divers in the recovery operation and assaulted him. Deciding that he would need to kill the villain to stop him, the Flash battered the shark's gills until it could not breath and then knocked it unconscious as the Changeling tried to change forms. As the unconscious and unmoving shark drifted to the bottom, the Flash left to capture Hull. (Flash Comics #84) Whether the Changeling survived or not as never been determined.

Star Sapphire All-Flash #32 (January 1948) A queen of the 7th Dimension, she tried to take over the Earth twice but failed. She is now trapped in the Gem.
Mazdan Showcase #4 (October 1956) A criminal from the 38th century, who the authorities decide to exile to the 50th century when Earth is desolate. He is accidentally sent to the 20th century and tries to steal equipment needed to repair his Time Capsule, such as gold to coat it, and get back to the future to exact revenge, using advanced heat-based weapons. The Flash discovers this and captures Mazdan, who escapes using a contact lens that fires lasers and a "magnetic rod" that focuses heat; the Flash discovers that if Mazdan escapes using his Time Capsule, it will destroy everything within a radius of at least ten miles, killing thousands. He uses his superspeed to break through the time barrier with Mazdan, who oddly enough does not die from the friction and returns to the 38th century. The authorities say they will make sure next time the Time Capsule reaches the 50th century and the Flash returns to his own time. Mazdan later escapes to the 20th century and uses a mind-affecting hallucinatory weapon to cause trouble for the Flash, but is beaten again and returned to prison.
Brain Showcase #5 A trio of identical brothers who commit crimes while the city has been distracted by three giant boxes they have placed in each other after a fog has descended on the city, which the authorities try to open. Flash jails the first two as they attempt robberies with clever tricks, like a tightrope which the first one cuts and spring-heeled shoes, and jails the last one when he attempts a bank robbery by draining his live wire suit with which he intended to break his brothers out with silver. It is then revealed the last box led into the bank vault.
Bretans The Flash #119 (March 1961) A fish-like undersea race that kidnaps humans to work as slaves. After the Elongated Man disappears while skin-diving on his honeymoon, Flash is called by his wife, and reveals other skin-divers have disappeared around here, but he is knocked out with a blast and captured himself. He finds himself in a tank, where skin-divers are fished out and become the slave of the fisherman that captures them. The weakened Flash is captured while trying to get food and forced to work building a house in the city of Breta, and finds the blow that captured the Elongated Man has made him lose his memory. He restores it by making him use his power, and together they defeat the Bretans, who agree to never again kidnap humans and return them.
Cloud Creatures The Flash #111Sentinent, cloud like creatures which emerge from underground to take over the world and can project lightning. The Flash notices each has a dark spot on them, and realises striking it will destroy the cloud. He skims over normal clouds and is able to dissipitate the invaders, turning them to rain.
DokrisThe Flash vol 1 #125Dokris were a species of green-skinned aliens who briefly conquered Earth in the year 2287. Under the leadership of Mynher, they sent a hive to the distant past, 100,842,246 BC, which robbed Earth's minerals of all its radioactivity. This in turn caused the atomic weapons of humanity to deactivate. In the first use of the Cosmic treadmill, Kid Flash went to the past to destroy the hive, and Flash to the Future to battle the aliens so they didn't wipe out humanity. He is knocked out by a radiation gun and taken captive, and Kid Flash is stung by a giant insect in the past. Finally he is given an antidote by half man half bird beings. He destroys the hive, causing the weapons of the Future to work again, meaning the aliens are defeated.
MaugitesThe Flash vol 1 #109Undersea superfast creatures that resseamble black fish with limbs and attack another race, the Saremites. The Flash finds out about the Saremites from an astronaut who was saved when his capsule fell into the sea by the Muagites, and defeats a horde of them. By the end the Saremites are making weapons, having been shown the Maugites can be defeated.
Clive Yorkin The Flash #270 (February 1979) Clive Yorkin, a criminal spending life in prison, agreed to take part in a prison experiment. The experiment went wrong, and it drove him mad and able to kill someone by touching them. It was thought he killed Iris West, but he was innocent, the real culprit being the Reverse Flash. He appears in The Flash, portrayed by "Matthew Kevin Anderson," where he was one of the metahumans from the Flashpoint reality and goes on a killing spree, killing all of the police officers that arrested him in Flashpoint, but is stopped by the Flash and Kid Flash.
Steve PalmerThe Flash #118An actor who has been hired to play the Flash, but plans to eliminate him and impersonate him, hiring out his image to companies. He causes dangerous events on set, causing the Flash to take his place to find out who is behind it. The Flash evades a mine cave-in, but is knocked out from behind by Palmer and tied up. Palmer reveals his plan, and his henchmen are about to shoot the Flash, when Iris West rings the doorbell on the trailer, giving the Flash enough time to vibrate free of his bonds, and defeat the crooks.
Katmos The Flash #105 (March 1959) Katmos is the sole survivor and former ruler of an iron-based race that ruled the Earth 8 million years ago until nearly all of them were wiped out by a comet. When an archaeologist frees Katmos after he takes control of their mind, he uses his mind control gun on the archaeologist to further his power. Deciding to take over the world, Katmos begins stealing devices he needs in order to do so with his great strength, attracting the attention of the Flash.

Finding Katmos when he is testing his device, the fastest man alive battles the prehistoric humanoid, but is captured with the mind control gun and sealed in a tube that once under the direct light of the sun will make the Flash 1,000 times heavier than normal. Katmos meanwhile tells the Flash of his origins before leaving. The Flash manages to break out of the tube by bouncing out of the cavern into the sky and crashing onto the ground. The Flash then quickly knocks out Katmos and turns him over to the police.

Colonel Computron The Flash #304 (December 1981) Colonel Computron was a toymaker named Basil Nurblin, a disgruntled employee of Wiggins Toy Corporation. After donning a suit of armor that resembled one of his toy creations, Basil set out to seek revenge against his employer Willard W. Wiggins (president of Wiggins Toy Corporation) in retribution for being cheated out of adequate compensation for his invention of the popular Captain Computron toy.
Razer Flash vol. 2, #84 (November 1993) Razer is a villain who was a mercenary for hire who wears a suit coated completely with lubrilon, an experimental near-frictionless chemical polymer. He nearly destroyed a shopping mall, though the Flash got almost everyone out. Razer later escaped and began working for Data Highways, Inc.
Plunder Flash vol. 2, #165 (October 2000) Jared Morillo was a police officer at Keystone City Police Department and a rival to Hunter Zolomon. As a member of the Department of Metahuman Hostility, he'd help The Flash battle the Rogues, such as Weather Wizard. In retaliation, the Rogues entered an alternate reality and picked up Plunder, a villainous version of Morillo that joined the ranks of Rogues as a criminal. Unfortunately for this Morillo, Hunter Zolomon had not forgotten their rivalry and, during the Rogue War, appeared in his new guise as Zoom, the Reverse Flash, and slaughtered Plunder, tearing him into a myriad of pieces. In The Flash, Jared Morillo a.k.a. Plunder is a jewel thief who uses futuristic technology, but was the first villain to be defeated by Kid Flash, earning him praise from the people of Central City. He was portrayed by Stephen Huszar.
Fallout Flash: Iron Heights (2001) Neil Borman was a mason hired to do some additional work on a nuclear power plant he and his team had helped construct. During a series of tests an explosion destroyed the floor that Borman and his workmates were working on, and they fell into the reactor's cooling system. His co-workers died, but Borman survived as his body’s molecular structure shifted transforming into a man composed of high-energy electrons. Unfortunately, Borman had brought his wife and son to work to show them around the plant. Contact with his new body killed them, and in the same way he inadvertently killed several people. Genuinely remorseful, he was imprisoned in Iron Heights Penitentiary, where he was used to power the prison with his new abilities. The Flash found out about the inhumane treatment of Fallout and the disastrous state of Iron Heights, and while he was unable to change the living conditions within, he managed to have the prison's systems changed so Fallout would not have to suffer as the energy within his body was siphoned.
The Griffin The Flash: Fastest Man Alive #1 (August 2006) Griffin Grey was a friend of Bart Allen until he was caught in an explosion at work; he found out he had enhanced speed and strength, and he became a hero, but only for the glory of it. His powers made him age faster, and he looked like an old man in days. He tried to find the secret of what kept Jay Garrick young, but could not. He then became a villain, and during a fight with Bart, he was overpowered and died.

On season 2 of The Flash, Griffin Grey, portrayed by Haig Sutherland, was a meta-human who had super strength, but left him with accelerated aging whenever he used his strength. Griffin was 16 when the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator exploded turning him into a meta-human. Two years later and now appearing middle-aged, Grey kidnapped Harry believing him to be the Earth-1 Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne and took him to the Central City Amusement Park to force him find a cure for his aging. Later, Grey broke into a chemical factory, and when Barry Allen, Joe West and Cisco Ramon showed up, Grey began throwing barrels at them, intent on driving them out. He threw a barrel at Barry and succeeded in hitting him, but then visibly aged further. He later watched Harry mix a "cure" but Grey deduced that that Harry did not actually make cure and had just diluted the chemicals that Grey had stolen. The Flash then arrived (currently de-powered) and walked down to meet him. He then repeatedly punched the Flash, causing him to age to the point that he died.

Spin Flash vol. 2, #238 (May 2008) Mysterious villain with the ability to magnify people’s fears and make them reality. Spin is actually Dantley Walker, a person in authority at KN News or its parent company. Spin’s secret headquarters, located below the television station’s office, conceals an emaciated captive telepath, plugged into machines and used to track public anxiety so that he can more reliably manipulate it.W
Mob Rule The Flash #1 (August 2011) A group consisting of dozens of duplicates of Barry Allen's old friend Manuel Lago. They are neither good nor evil, they just wish to continue living and will do so by any means necessary. Mob Rule first came into existence when Manuel Lago was tortured by a criminal organization called Basilisk. They cut off his fingers one by one and discovered that because of a CIA experiment he could regrow lost limbs. More than that each of those severed limbs grew into a full-grown duplicate of Manuel, these duplicates began calling themselves Mob Rule. Initially they worked with Manuel in his 'one-man' crusade against Basilisk but when they began to die for no reason in the same order in which they were 'born' Manuel ran. Mob Rule's new mission is to find any doctor who can help them and force them and Manuel to find a cure so they can continue to live. Members of Mob Rule all identify each other by numbers based on the order in which they were 'born'. After encountering Mob Rule trying to steal a human genome re-coder, Barry Allen identifies his old friend Manuel Lago as one of the thieves after he died for no reason during the incident. Later the next night, Manuel breaks into Barry's apartment being chased by Mob Rule so Barry follows his friend. Barry feeling like something is wrong changes into the Flash, but when he catches up with Manuel he finds his old friend surrounded by copies of himself. The Flash manages to take out a few of the duplicates but they have been watching Barry and kidnapped his reporter friend, Iris West. They will only let Iris go if The Flash allows them to take Manuel, to which The Flash reluctantly agrees. Mob Rule had kidnapped Dr. Guerrero, the original doctor who gave Manuel his regenerative powers, and were forcing him to find out why they were dying. Even with Manuel as their hostage the doctor could not find out why their lifetime was limited to just a few months. They killed Dr. Guerrero and did manage to replenish their ranks by cutting off Manuel's fingers and hands again. With Dr. Guerrero dead they seek out the man who built the genome re-coder Dr. Darwin Elias and kidnap him. Meanwhile, with the help of his friend and co-worker Patty Spivot, Barry Allen located Manuel being held by Mob Rule in Dr. Guerrero's lab. Mob Rule finds them and Barry stays behind to give Patty and Manuel a chance to escape. During the conflict it appeared that one of Mob Rule shot Barry in the head, believing him to be dead they left his body behind.
Turbine The Flash #8 (August 2011) Roscoe Hynes also known as Turbine is a Former Tuskegee Airman who led a fleet of prototype war planes on its first combat mission during World War II. However, when he broke formation to test the plane's capabilities, he and his plane inexplicably disappeared. Roscoe Hynes and the plane ended up trapped in the Speed Force for 70 years. With the arrival of The Flash (who was in search of Iris West) Roscoe Hynes has found his way home.

Villains from comics in other media

A number of villains from the comic books have made an appearance, or appearances, in other media featuring the Flash.

Villain Media Actor/Actress
Abra Kadabra Justice League Unlimited

Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Young Justice

The Flash

None (did not speak)
Jeff Bennett

David Dastmalchian

Black Flash Justice League Heroes: The Flash
Legends of Tomorrow
The Flash
None (did not speak)
Captain Cold Challenge of the Super Friends

The Flash

Justice League Unlimited

Justice League: The New Frontier

Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Young Justice

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

Animal Man

Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered

Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League

Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Attack of the Legion of Doom

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox


Injustice 2

Dick Ryal
Michael Champion
Lex Lang
James Arnold Taylor
Steven Blum
Alan Tudyk
Michael Gough
Kevin Michael Richardson

Danny Jacobs

Wentworth Miller

C. Thomas Howell

Captain Boomerang Justice League Unlimited

Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox

Arrow (TV series)

Suicide Squad (film)

Donal Gibson
John DiMaggio

James Patrick Stuart
Nick Tarabay
Jai Courtney

Doctor Alchemy Justice League Unlimited
The Flash
Tom Felton
Tobin Bell (voice)
Fiddler Justice League Udo Kier
Girder The Flash Greg Finley
Golden Glider The Flash Peyton List
Gorilla Grodd See here Stanley Ralph Ross
Powers Boothe
Neil Kaplan
John DiMaggio
Phil LaMarr
Jens Anderson
Travis Willingham
David Sobolov
Heat Wave Justice League Unlimited

Batman: The Brave and the Bold


Lex Lang
Steven Blum
Dominic Purcell
Magenta The Flash Joey King
Mirror Master See here Casey Kasem
David Cassidy
Alexis Denisof
John Larroquette
Tom Kenny
Brandon Young
Alexis Denisof
Grey Damon
Mister Element Justice League Unlimited
Murmur Arrow Adrian Glynn McMorran
Pied Piper The Flash Andy Mientus
Professor Zoom See here John Wesley Shipp
C. Thomas Howell
Tom Cavanagh
Matt Letscher
Rag Doll See here Jeff Bennett
Reverse-Flash See here
Rogues See here
Savitar The Flash Tobin Bell
Shade Justice League Stephen McHattie
Top The Flash Ashley Rickards
Trickster The Flash

Justice League Unlimited

The Flash

Justice League Action

Mark Hamill
Devon Graye
Thinker Justice League Unlimited None (did not speak)
Turtle Justice League Unlimited

The Flash

None (did not speak)

Aaron Douglas

Weather Wizard See here Jeff Altman
Miguel Ferrer
Corey Burton
Robin Atkin Downes
Corey Burton
Brandon Young
Chad Rook
Liam McIntyre
Zoom The Flash Tony Todd (voice)
Teddy Sears

See also


  1. "Showcase #13". The Grand Comics Database. Retrieved 2012-05-30.
  2. 1 2 Beatty, Scott. "Doctor Alchemy". The DC Comics Encyclopedia. p. 102.
  3. Geoff Johns (w), Alberto Dose, Howard Porter (p). "Ignition (parts 2 through 6)" The Flash v2, 202-206 (November 2002 – March 2003)
  4. 1 2 "The Flash: Iron Heights #[nn]". The Grand Comics Database. Retrieved 2012-05-29.
  5. "Flash #168". The Grand Comics Database. Retrieved 2012-05-30.
  6. "Flash #171". The Grand Comics Database. Retrieved 2012-05-30.
  7. 1 2 Wallace, Dan. "Cicada". The DC Comics Encyclopedia. p. 82.
  8. "Speed Force #1". The Grand Comics Database. Retrieved 2012-05-30.
  9. 1 2 Beatty, Scott. "Cobalt Blue". The DC Comics Encyclopedia. p. 86.
  10. "Flash #71". The Grand Comics Database. Retrieved 2012-06-02.
  11. Ge, Linda (July 23, 2015). "Arrow Adds JR Bourne As DC Villain Double Down (Exclusive)". The Wrap.
  12. Brian Augustyn, Mark Waid (w), Paul Pelletier (p). "The Folded Man" The Flash v2, 153 (October 1999)
  13. Wallace, Dan. "Girder". The DC Comics Encyclopedia. p. 137.
  14. Highfill, Samantha (August 20, 2014). "Greg Finley joins 'The Flash' as Girder". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved August 20, 2014.
  15. Burlingame, Russ (August 19, 2016). "Fargo's Joey King Comes to The Flash as Magenta".
  16. The Flash 50th Anniversary Special (1990)
  17. Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #3 (October 2006)
  18. Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #8 (March 2007)
  19. Man-Bat #1-5 (June–October 2006)
  20. Russ, Burlingame. "Murmur On 'Arrow'? Michael Amar May Convince Oliver To Stay In Starling City". Retrieved 14 April 2016.
  21. The Flash: Rebirth #1 (April 2009)
  22. The Flash: Rebirth #4 (August 2009)
  23. The Flash: Rebirth #2 (May 2009)
  24. The Flash: Rebirth #3 (June 2009)
  25. Byrne, Craig (August 11, 2016). "The Flash Will Face Savitar In Season 3". Flash TV News.
  26. Blackest Night: The Flash #1 (December 2009)
  27. Flashpoint: Citizen Cold #1 (June 2011)
  28. Flashpoint: Citizen Cold #2 (July 2011)
  29. Flashpoint: Citizen Cold #3 (August 2011)
  30. Abrams, Natalie (August 19, 2016). "Spoiler Room: Scoop on Blindspot, Originals, SVU and more".
  31. Mitovich, Matt (January 8, 2017). "The Flash's Zoom to Resurface as Black Flash, on Multiple CW Shows". TV Line. Retrieved January 8, 2017.


  1. Geoff Johns (w), Scott Kolins (p). "Crossfire" The Flash v2, 183-188 (April–September 2002)
  2. Geoff Johns (w), Angel Unzueta (p). "Brother Grimm" The Flash v2, 168 (January 2001)
  3. Geoff Johns (w), Angel Unzueta (p). "Wonderland" The Flash v2, 164-169 (September 2000 – February 2001)
  4. 1 2 Brian Augustyn, Mark Waid (w), Pop Mahn (p). "Nature vs. Nurture" The Flash v2, 144 (January 1999)
  5. Mark Waid (w), Jim Aparo (p). "Burning Secrets" Speed Force 1 (November 1997), DC Comics
  6. Brian Augustyn, Mark Waid (w), Paul Pelletier (p). "Finish Line" The Flash v2, 150 (July 1999)
  7. Mark Waid (w), Greg LaRocque (p). "Nowhere Fast" Flash v2, 71 (December 1992)
  8. Mark Waid (w), Sal Velluto (p). "Chemistry" Flash v2, 72 (January 1993)
  9. Mark Millar (w), Pop Mhan (p). "The Black Flash" The Flash v2, 139-141 (July–August 1998), DC Comics
  10. Marc Guggenheim (w), Tony S. Daniel (p). "Full Throttle" Flash: The Fastest Man Alive 12 (July 2007), DC Comics
  11. Geoff Johns (w), Ethan Van Sciver (p). The Flash: Rebirth 1-4 (June–September 2009), DC Comics
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