PowerBuilder Foundation Classes

The PowerBuilder Foundation Class Library (PFC) is a set of PowerBuilder objects that are customized and used to develop class libraries. These objects can be used to provide corporate, departmental, or application consistency. PFC also includes objects that are used as is for utility purposes, such as debugging. PFC is written in PowerBuilder and delivered as PowerBuilder objects with supporting PowerScript source code. It uses advanced PowerBuilder object oriented coding techniques, and features a service-oriented design that ensures that an application uses the minimum amount of computer resources.

The library was initially developed by Powersoft and introduced when PowerBuilder 5 was released. The library was later open sourced by Sybase when PowerBuilder 10 was released.[1] Since then a couple of forks have occurred, including one specifically to support the Appeon web enabling tool for PowerBuilder.[2]


Sr. No. Vendor (Product) Architecture

Sr. No. Vendor Product Architecture
01 Janiff Softrware APOL Advance PowerBuilder Object Library Nonvisual based class library w/ visual object library
02 Finalcial Dynamics Finalcial Cornerstrone 5.0 PFC baswed application Framework
03.PowerCerv FLWOBuilder Workflow development tool separate from application.
04.PowerCerv PADLock Security Application with links to PowerTool.
05.PowerCerv PowerTool Template-based application framework.
06. ObjectWorks OBjectFrame Framework & object library.
07. Businesssoft OBjectSolutions Framework & object library.
08. Greenbrier & Rssell ObjectStart Application Framework.
09. Outlook Systems OK-PowerBase Application Framework.
10. Case/Mate PowerAid Source code class library.
11. Millennium PowerBase Application framework, security and adhoc report management.
12. ServerLogic PowerLock Security.
13. ServerLogic PowerObjects Advanced object library.
14. ServerLogic PowerClass Class library.
15. Metasolv software PowerFrame Application Framework.
16. N.E.Solution PowerLib Function library.
17. Paradigm Computer PowerPlate Application Framework.
18. Beard Technology ProFrame Foundation classes.
19. Applied Knowledge Progey Component-based class library.
20. QuadriTech Q-Frame V1.5 Application Framework.
21. Advance Business RAD-Tool Object Library.
22. System Evolution INc. SEIObject Class Library 3.0 Application Framework.
23. Sales Vision Sales Vision Framework Framework for sales automation business.
24. Castle Software Engineering ObjectFramework Service-based class library.

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