
Polybothris luczoti from Madagascar
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Suborder: Polyphaga
Superfamily: Buprestoidea
Family: Buprestidae
Genus: Polybothris
Spinola, 1837

Polybothris is a genus of beetles in the family Buprestidae, containing the following species:[1]

  • Polybothris acripes Guérin, 1925
  • Polybothris adspersipennis (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris aeneicollis (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris aeneomaculata (Klug, 1833)
  • Polybothris alboplagiata (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris amorosa Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris amorpha (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris ampliata (Fairmaire, 1869)
  • Polybothris analis (Chevrolat, 1833)
  • Polybothris angulicollis (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris angulosa (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris angusta (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris anniae (Obenberger, 1928)
  • Polybothris antiopa Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris antiqua (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris anulifer (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris artemis Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris auberti Théry, 1912
  • Polybothris aureopilosa (Guérin-Méneville, 1832)
  • Polybothris auriventris (Laporte & Gory, 1837)
  • Polybothris auroclavata Coquerel, 1851
  • Polybothris aurocyanea (Coquerel, 1848)
  • Polybothris auropicta (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris azurea (Kerremans, 1903)
  • Polybothris bernieri (Laporte & Gory, 1837)
  • Polybothris bilobata Kerremans, 1894
  • Polybothris bipustulata Fairmaire, 1903
  • Polybothris blairi Théry, 1930
  • Polybothris blanchardi (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris blucheaui Fairmaire, 1899
  • Polybothris bothripyga (Fairmaire, 1869)
  • Polybothris bourgoini (Obenberger, 1928)
  • Polybothris bouvieri Théry, 1909
  • Polybothris calypso Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris carinifrons (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris carreti (Kerremans, 1903)
  • Polybothris cassandra (Obenberger, 1924)
  • Polybothris cassidioides (Guérin-Méneville, 1832)
  • Polybothris caudatula (Obenberger, 1917)
  • Polybothris chalcochrysea (Klug, 1833)
  • Polybothris chalybeopicta Kerremans, 1898
  • Polybothris chalybeoventralis (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris chloe (Obenberger, 1924)
  • Polybothris cicerini (Obenberger, 1928)
  • Polybothris circularis (Laporte & Gory, 1837)
  • Polybothris circulum (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris circumdata (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris coccinella (Laporte & Gory, 1837)
  • Polybothris coelestis (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris coeruleipes (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris coeruleiventris (Kerremans, 1903)
  • Polybothris coindardi Fairmaire, 1902
  • Polybothris colliciata (Guérin-Méneville, 1832)
  • Polybothris complanata (Guérin-Méneville, 1832)
  • Polybothris cordiformis (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris corinna (Obenberger, 1924)
  • Polybothris crassa (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris cribraria (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris cribripennis Théry, 1912
  • Polybothris cupreonitens Kerremans, 1894
  • Polybothris cupreovaria Kerremans, 1894
  • Polybothris cuprifera (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris cyanella (Obenberger, 1917)
  • Polybothris cyclopyga (Fairmaire, 1889)
  • Polybothris darwini Théry, 1912
  • Polybothris deyrollei (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris diecki Théry, 1905
  • Polybothris diffinis Kerremans, 1894
  • Polybothris dilatata (Olivier, 1790)
  • Polybothris diversicollis (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris dodone Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris dujardini (Descarpentries, 1974)
  • Polybothris elliptica (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris eros Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris errata (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris eubrachea (Obenberger, 1924)
  • Polybothris expansicollis (Fairmaire, 1869)
  • Polybothris fairmairei Saunders, 1871
  • Polybothris faucherei Théry, 1912
  • Polybothris flesa (Klug, 1833)
  • Polybothris francoiseae Neef de Sainval, 2000
  • Polybothris fulgidiventris (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris geminata (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris goryi (Guérin-Méneville, 1833)
  • Polybothris grandidieri (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris gratiosa (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris gueyraudi Neef de Sainval, 2000
  • Polybothris heliobia Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris heydeni (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris hova Künckel d'Herculais, 1890
  • Polybothris humblotii Fairmaire, 1893
  • Polybothris hypocyana Fairmaire, 1901
  • Polybothris impressipennis (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris incerticolor (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris inclyta Fairmaire, 1902
  • Polybothris indigna Fairmaire, 1899
  • Polybothris indistincta (Gory, 1840)
  • Polybothris indurata (Obenberger, 1926)
  • Polybothris infrasplendens (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris inornata (Fairmaire, 1869)
  • Polybothris insignis (Kerremans, 1903)
  • Polybothris jansonii (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris klugii (Laporte & Gory, 1837)
  • Polybothris lachesis (Obenberger, 1924)
  • Polybothris laeta (Laporte & Gory, 1837)
  • Polybothris laeviventris (Waterhouse, 1882)
  • Polybothris lafertei (Gory, 1840)
  • Polybothris lamina (Klug, 1833)
  • Polybothris laportedeana Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris lateralis (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris laticollis (Kerremans, 1903)
  • Polybothris latissima Meyer-Darcis, 1906
  • Polybothris lelieurii Buquet, 1854
  • Polybothris lepetitii (Gory, 1840)
  • Polybothris linearis (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris luczoti Guérin-Méneville, 1833
  • Polybothris luteopicta Kerremans, 1900
  • Polybothris maculiventris (Laporte & Gory, 1837)
  • Polybothris madoni Théry, 1912
  • Polybothris marginalis (Olivier, 1790)
  • Polybothris mariae Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris marmorata (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris melitta Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris miribella Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris mocquerysi (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris moesta (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris molesta (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris moralesi (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris mucronata (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris muhlbergi (Kerremans, 1893)
  • Polybothris multiguttata (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris myrmido (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris mystica (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris natalensis Théry, 1930
  • Polybothris navicularis (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris nickerli (Obenberger, 1924)
  • Polybothris nigra Kerremans, 1898
  • Polybothris nitidiventris (Laporte & Gory, 1837)
  • Polybothris nivicincta (Fairmaire, 1902)
  • Polybothris nivifera (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris nossibiana (Fairmaire, 1869)
  • Polybothris oberthurii (Fairmaire, 1893)
  • Polybothris obesa (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris obscura (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris obsoleta (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris obtusa (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris ochreata (Olivier, 1790)
  • Polybothris ogloblini (Obenberger, 1928)
  • Polybothris orbicularis (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris ovalis (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris ovularis (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris pandora Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris parallela (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris parmulata (Fairmaire, 1869)
  • Polybothris penelope Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris perrieri Fairmaire, 1901
  • Polybothris petrequini (Théry, 1910)
  • Polybothris peyrierasi (Descarpentries, 1974)
  • Polybothris pfeifferae Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris pisciformis (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris planula (Obenberger, 1926)
  • Polybothris psyche Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris pulverulenta (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris pulvifera (Obenberger, 1926)
  • Polybothris puncticollis (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris punctipennis Kerremans, 1894
  • Polybothris punctiventris (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris pygidialis Fairmaire, 1904
  • Polybothris pyrogastra Fairmaire, 1903
  • Polybothris pyropyga Coquerel, 1851
  • Polybothris quadricollis (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris quadrimaculata (Waterhouse, 1882)
  • Polybothris quadripunctata (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris quadrispilota (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris ranavalona (Obenberger, 1928)
  • Polybothris regalis Théry, 1912
  • Polybothris renardi Théry, 1912
  • Polybothris republicana (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris rotundata (Guérin-Méneville, 1832)
  • Polybothris rubidipes (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris ruficauda (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris rustica (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris salvazai (Obenberger, 1924)
  • Polybothris sanguineotincta Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris scapularis (Guérin-Méneville, 1832)
  • Polybothris scenica (Gory, 1840)
  • Polybothris sexmaculata (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
  • Polybothris silphoides (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris sobrina (Waterhouse, 1882)
  • Polybothris sodalis (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris solea (Klug, 1833)
  • Polybothris sparsuta (Laporte & Gory, 1837)
  • Polybothris specialis (Obenberger, 1924)
  • Polybothris spesivcevi (Obenberger, 1928)
  • Polybothris splendidiventris (Laporte & Gory, 1837)
  • Polybothris squalus (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris staudingeri Théry, 1912
  • Polybothris strigithorax (Obenberger, 1928)
  • Polybothris stygia Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris suarezina (Obenberger, 1924)
  • Polybothris subelongata (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris subpropinqua Théry, 1912
  • Polybothris subsilphoides (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris sulcicollis (Kerremans, 1903)
  • Polybothris sumptuosa (Klug, 1833)
  • Polybothris surcoufi Théry, 1912
  • Polybothris tacens (Obenberger, 1917)
  • Polybothris tananarivensis (Obenberger, 1928)
  • Polybothris terminalis (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris tetraleuca Fairmaire, 1901
  • Polybothris theryi Meyer-Darcis, 1906
  • Polybothris thyris Obenberger, 1942
  • Polybothris transversa Fairmaire, 1902
  • Polybothris truncatella (Waterhouse, 1880)
  • Polybothris truncatipennis (Fairmaire, 1889)
  • Polybothris vacheri (Théry, 1909)
  • Polybothris vermiculata (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris videns (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris villettei Théry, 1926
  • Polybothris violaceiventris (Kerremans, 1911)
  • Polybothris viridichalybea (Thomson, 1878)
  • Polybothris wautersi (Théry, 1905)
  • Polybothris zoufali (Obenberger, 1928)


  1. Bellamy, C. L. (2010). "Genus Polybothris". A Checklist of World Buprestoidea. Retrieved 22 Jun 2011.
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