Politics of the Republic of Macedonia

This article is part of a series on the
politics and government of
the Republic of Macedonia

Politics in the Republic of Macedonia occur within the framework of a parliamentary representative democratic republic, whereby the Prime Minister is the head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and parliament. The Judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature.

Political system

The political system of the Republic of Macedonia consists of three branches: Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The Constitution[1] is the highest law of the country. The political institutions are constituted by the will of its citizens by secret ballot at direct and general elections. Its political system of parliamentary democracy was established with the Constitution of 1991, which stipulates the basic principles of democracy and guarantees democratic civil freedom. The Elections for Representatives in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia is held in October. The Assembly is composed of 123 Representatives, who are elected for a period of four years. Out of this number, 120 are elected proportionally in 6 constituencies of 20 each, and 3 according to the majority principle, specifically for the diaspora (depending on turnout) (the territory of the Republic of Macedonia representing one constituency). There are approximately 1.5 million voters registered in the General Electoral Roll for the election of Representatives in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in 2.973 polling stations[?]. The voting for the representatives is conducted according to the list system. [2]


Executive branch

Main office holders
Office Name Party Since
President Gjorge Ivanov VMRO-DPMNE 12 May 2009
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev SDSM 31 May 2017

Although in Macedonian, these roles have very similar titles (Претседател на Република Македонија "President of the Republic of Macedonia" and Претседател на Владата на Република Македонија "President of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia") it is much less confusing to refer to them in English as President and Prime Minister respectively. These are also the terms used in the English translation of the constitution.

The President

Coat of arms of the President of Macedonia

The Government

The power of the President is fairly limited with all other executive power being vested in what the Constitution describes as the Government, i.e., the Prime Minister and Ministers.


Current Cabinet

The current cabinet is a coalition of SDSM, the Democratic Union for Integration, the Socialist Party of Macedonia, and the Party for the Movement of Turks in Macedonia.

The members of the Cabinet of the Republic of Macedonia are chosen by the Prime Minister and approved by the national Parliament, however certain cabinet level positions are chosen by both President and Prime Minister, and approved by the Parliament.

Member Portfolio Logo
Zoran Zaev Prime Minister
Dragan Tevdovski Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Finance
Musa Xhaferi Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Framework Agreement Implementation
Vladimir Peševski Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs
Dr. Fatmir Besimi Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European Integration
Nikola Dimitrov Minister of Foreign Affairs
Radmila Sekerinska Minister of Defense
Oliver Spasovski Minister of Internal Affairs
Blerim Bexheti Minister of Justice
Goran Sugareski Minister of Transport and Communication
Valon Saracini Minister of Economy
Ljupčo Nikoloski Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Watersupply
Nikola Todorov Minister of Health
Renata Deskovska Minister of Education and Science
Damjan Manncevski Minister of Information Society
Nevzat Bejta Minister of Local Self-Government
Robert Alagozovski Minister of Culture
Mila Carovska Minister of Labor and Social Policy
Abdilaqim Ademi Minister of Environment and Physical Planning
Bill Pavleski Minister for Attracting foreign investment
Hadi Neziri Minister without Portfolio
Nedžet Mustafa Minister without Portfolio
Vele Samak Minister without Portfolio
Dimitar Bogov Governor of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Ljupco Shvrgovski Attorney General
Metodija Velichkovski Chief of the General Staff of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia
Zoran Jolevski Special Envoy and Chief Negotiator of the Macedonia name dispute

Legislative branch

Coat of arms or logo
Logo of the Macedonian Assembly

The Assembly (Sobranie) has 120 members, elected for a four-year term, by proportional representation.

Political parties and elections

Template:Macedonian presidential election, 2014

Party/Coalition Abbreviation Number of votes % of votes Number of seats won Seats change from dissol.
VMRO-Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity, Socialist Party of Macedonia, Democratic Union, Democratic Renewal of Macedonia, Democratic Party of Turks of Macedonia, Democratic Party of Serbs in Macedonia, Union of Roma in Macedonia, VMRO-DPMNE 438,138 38.98 51 Decrease7
Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, New Social Democratic Party, Party for European Future, Liberal Party of Macedonia, SDSM 368,496 32.78 49 Increase18
Democratic Union for Integration DUI 115,092 10.24 10 Decrease3
Democratic Party of Albanians DPA 66,315 5.90 2 Increase1
National Democratic Revival NDR 29,996 2.67 2 Increase2
VMRO – People's Party VMRO-NP 28,217 2.51 0 0
New Democracy ND 19,958 1.78 0 Decrease4
United for Macedonia OM 17,081 1.52 0 0
Liberal Democratic Party LDP 16,551 1.47 0 Decrease4
Political Party Dignity PPD 8,837 0.79 0 0
Democratic Union of Albanians DUA 4,517 0.40 0 0
Party of United Democrats of Macedonia PODEM 4,395 0.39 0 0
Social Democratic Union SDU 2,270 0.20 0 0
Social Democratic Party of Macedonia SDPM 1,807 0.16 0 0
Democratic Right / 1,517 0.13 0 0
National Democratic Union NDU 470 0.04 0 0
Party for Democratic Prosperity PDP 277 0.02 0 0
European Party of Macedonia / 130 0.01 0 0
Total (turnout 63,48%) 1,124,064 100 123 Increase3

Judicial branch

Judiciary power is exercised by courts, with the court system being headed by the Judicial Supreme Court, Constitutional Court and the Republican Judicial Council. The assembly appoints the judges.

Administrative divisions

With the passage of a new law and elections held in 2005, local government functions are divided between 78 municipalities (општини, opštini; singular: општина, opština. The capital, Skopje, is governed as a group of ten municipalities collectively referred to as "the City of Skopje". Municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia are units of local self-government. Neighbouring municipalities may establish cooperative arrangements.

Ethnic diversity

The country's main political divergence is between the largely ethnically-based political parties representing the country's Macedonian majority and Albanian minority. The issue of the power balance between the two communities led to a brief war in 2001, following which a power-sharing agreement was reached. In August 2004, the Republic's parliament passed legislation redrawing local boundaries and giving greater local autonomy to ethnic Albanians in areas where they predominate.

Foreign relations



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