Polariton superfluid

Polariton superfluid is predicted to be a state of the exciton-polaritons system that combines the characteristics of lasers with those of excellent electrical conductors. [1] [2] Researchers look for this state in a solid state optical microcavity coupled with quantum well excitons. The idea is to create an ensemble of particles known as exciton-polaritons and trap them. Wave behavior in this state results in a light beam similar to that from a laser but possibly more energy efficient.

Unlike traditional superfluids that need temperatures of approximately ~4 K, the polariton superfluid could in principle be stable at much higher temperatures, and might soon be demonstrable at room temperature.[3]

Claims of the polariton superfluid appeared in the May 18, 2007, issue of the journal Science by David Snoke, an associate professor in the physics and astronomy department in the University of Pittsburgh School of Arts and Sciences.[4] Snoke worked with University of Pittsburgh graduate students Ryan Balili and Vincent Hartwell on the project and their collaborators at the Bell Labs of Alcatel-Lucent in New Jersey.

Although several other researchers are working in the same field,[5][6] the Pittsburgh group terminology and conclusions are not completely shared by them. In particular, important properties of superfluids, such as zero viscosity, and of lasers, such as perfect optical coherence, are a matter of debate. Although, there is clear indication of quantized vortices when the pump beam has orbital angular momentum.[7] Furthermore, clear evidence has been demonstrated also for superfluid motion of polaritons, in terms of the Landau criterion and the suppression of scattering from defects when the flow velocity is slower than the speed of sound in the fluid.[8] The same phenomena have been demonstrated in an organic exciton polariton fluid, representing the first achievement of room-temperature superfluidity of a hybrid fluid of photons and excitons.[9]


  1. Byrnes T, Kim NY, Yamamoto Y (2014). "Exciton–polariton condensates". Nature Physics. 10: 803–813. Bibcode:2014NatPh..10..803B. arXiv:1411.6822Freely accessible. doi:10.1038/nphys3143.
  2. Sanvitto D, Kéna-Cohen S (2016). "The road towards polaritonic devices". Nature Materials. 15: 1061–1073. PMID 27429208. doi:10.1038/nmat4668.
  3. Morgan Kelly. "Pitt Researchers Create New Form of Matter". University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved 2007-05-31.
  4. Stella Hurtley; Phil Szuromi. "Rubble Pile in Space" (PDF). American Association for the Advancement of Science. Retrieved 2007-05-31.
  5. Jacek Kasprzak (2006). "Condensation of exciton polaritons" (PDF). Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble I.
  6. Hui Deng (2006). "Dynamic Condensation of Semiconductor Microcavity Polaritons" (PDF). Stanford University.
  7. D. Sanvitto; et al. (2010). "Persistent currents and quantized vortices in a polariton superfluid". Nature Physics. 6 (7): 527–533. Bibcode:2010NatPh...6..527S. arXiv:0907.2371Freely accessible. doi:10.1038/nphys1668.
  8. A. Amo; et al. (2009). "Superfluidity of polaritons in semiconductor microcavities". Nature Physics. 5: 805–810. doi:10.1038/nphys1364.
  9. G. Lerario; et al. (2017). "Room-temperature superfluidity in a polariton condensate". Nature Physics. online ed. doi:10.1038/nphys4147.
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