Pola Weiss Álvarez

Pola Weiss Álvarez (born, died Mexico City; 1947- 1990) was a Mexican independent television producer, scholar, and video and performance artist known as a pioneer in video art in Latin America.[1] She is also remembered for her experimental videos in which she merged dance and video, becoming a pioneer in what is now known as screendance[2] or videodance.[3]


1977, IX Encuentro Internacional de Videoarte, CAYC, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City.

1978, Bienal de Febrero: Nuevas Tendencias, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City.


  1. "Pola Weiss". Pola Weiss, Biography. Retrieved March 7, 2015.
  2. Rosenberg, Douglas (2012). Screendance: Inscribing the Ephemeral Image. Oxford University Press.
  3. Lachino,, Hayde; Benhumea, Nayeli (2012). Videodanza, De la Escena a la Pantalla. Mexico City: UNAM.

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