Places of worship in Leicester

Leicester, in Leicestershire, UK has a long history which stretches back to pre-Roman times. Since then the population has grown continually, and keeping pace with this growth has been the building of numerous places of worship. Some still remain from the medieval period. However, it was during the 19th century, at the time of the Industrial Revolution, that saw the town's largest influx of population and correspondingly a large increase in places of worship. Adding to the number of these buildings was the accommodation required due to an increase in the various forms of nonconformism.

During the 20th and 21st centuries further places of worship have been built. Some in the suburbs – again to cater for the movement of population – and some for the diverse faiths that arrived in the city from many parts of the world, especially in recent decades.

The following is a list of the various denominations which have established their own buildings at some stage in Leicester's history. The restriction is the current boundary of the city:



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