Physics outreach

Physics outreach encompasses facets of science outreach and physics education and is an umbrella term for a variety of activities by schools, research institutes, universities, clubs and institutions such as science museums aimed at broadening the audience for and awareness and understanding of physics. While the general public may sometimes be the focus of such activities, physics outreach often centers on developing and providing resources and making presentations to students, educators in other disciplines, and in some cases researchers within different areas of physics.


Ongoing efforts to expand the understanding of physics to a wider audience have been undertaken by individuals and institutions since the early 19th century. Historic works, such as the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, and Two New Sciences by Galileo Galilei, sought to present revolutionary knowledge in astronomy, frames of reference, and kinematics in a manner that a general audience could understand with great effect.

In the mid 1800s, English physicist and chemist, Michael Faraday[1] gave a series of nineteen lectures aimed towards young adults with the hopes of conveying scientific phenomena. His intentions were to raise awareness, inspire them and generate revenue of the Royal Institution. This series became known as the Christmas lectures, and still continues today. By the early 20th century, the public notoriety of physicists such as Albert Einstein and Marie Curie, and inventions such as radio led to a growing interest in physics. In 1921, in the United States, the establishment of Sigma Pi Sigma physics honor society at universities was instrumental in the expanding number of physics presentations, and led to the creation of physics clubs open to all students.[2]

Museums were an important form of outreach but most early science museums were generally focused on natural history. Some specialized museums, such as the Cavendish Museum at University of Cambridge, housed many of the historically important pieces of apparatus that contributed to the major discoveries by Maxwell, Thomson, Rutherford, etc.[3] However, such venues provided little opportunity for hands-on learning or demonstrations.

In August 1969, Frank Oppenheimer dedicated his new Exploratorium in San Francisco primarily to interactive science exhibits that demonstrated principles in physics. The Exploratorium published the details of their own exhibits in 'Cookbooks' that served as an inspiration to many other museums around the world, and since then has diversified into many outreach programs. Oppenheimer had researched European science museums while on a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1965. He noted that three museums served as important influences on the Exploratorium: the Palais de la Découverte, which displayed models to teach scientific concepts and employed students as demonstrators, a practice that directly inspired the Exploratorium's much-lauded High School Explainer Program; the South Kensington Museum of Science and Art, which Oppenheimer and his wife visited frequently; and the Deutsches Museum in Munich, the world's largest science museum, which had a number of interactive displays that impressed the Oppenheimers.[4]

In the ensuing years, physics outreach, and science outreach more generally, continued to expand and took on new popular forms, including highly successful television shows such as Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, first broadcast in 1980.

As a form of outreach within the physics education community for teachers and students, in 1997 the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and Department of Energy USDOE established QuarkNet,[5] a professional teacher development program. In 2012, the University of Notre Dame received a $6.1M, five-year grant to support a nationwide expansion of the Quarknet program. Also in 1997, the European Particle Physics Outreach Group, led by Christopher Llewellyn Smith, FRS, and Director General of CERN, was formed to create a community of scientists, science educators, and communication specialists in science education and public outreach for particle physics. This group became the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) in 2011 after the start up of the LHC[6]


Many contemporary initiatives in physics outreach have begun to shift focus, transcending traditional field boundaries, seeking to engage students and the public by integrating elements of aesthetic design and popular culture. The goal has been not only to push physics out of a strictly science education framework but also to draw in professionals and students from other fields to bring their perspectives on physical phenomena. Such work includes artists creating sculptures using ferrofluids, and art photography using high speed and ultra high speed photography.

Other efforts, such as University of Cambridge's Physics at Work program have created annual events to demonstrate to secondary students uses of physics in everyday life and a Senior Physics Challenge. Seeing the importance these initiatives, Cambridge has established a full-time physics outreach organization, an Educational Outreach Office, and aspirations for a Center of Physics and expanded industrial partnerships that "would include a well equipped core team of outreach officers dedicated to demonstrating the real life applications of physics, showing that physics is an accessible and relevant subject".[7]

The French research group, La Physique Autrement (Physics Reimagined), of the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides works on research about new ways to present modern solid-state physics and to engage the general public. In 2013, Physics Today covered this group in an article entitled "Quantum Physics For Everyone" which discussed how with the help of designers and unconventional demonstrations, the project sought out and succeeded to engage people who never thought of themselves as interested in science.[8]

The Science & Entertainment Exchange,[9] was developed by the United States National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to increase public awareness, knowledge, and understanding of science and advanced science technology through its representation in television, film, and other media. It was officially launched in 2008 as a partnership between the NAS and Hollywood. The Exchanged is Based in Los Angeles, California.

Museums and public venues primarily focused on physical phenomena





Islamic Republic of Iran


United States

Scientific institutions and societies with physics outreach programs




United Kingdom

United States

Media and Internet



Prominent individuals



United Kingdom

United States

Funding sources


See also


  1. Lan, Boon Leong, and Jeanette B. S. Lim. "Michael Faraday: Prince Of Lecturers In Victorian England." The Physics Teacher (Stony Brook, N.Y.) 39.1 (2001): 32-36.
  2. Dixon, P. (1996, October 1). History. Retrieved from
  3. Visit the Cavendish Museum. (2008, January 1). Retrieved from
  4. Dr. Frank Oppenheimer - Biography (long). (2014, January 1) Retrieved from
  5. "QuarkNet".
  6. About IPPOG. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  7. The Future of Outreach. Retrieved from
  8. "Quantum Physics for Everyone", J. Bobroff, Physics Today p.60, sept 2013
  9. "NAS Announces Initiative to Connect Entertainment Industry With Top Experts". National Academies. 2008.
  10. "The Museum of Science, Art and Human Perception - Exploratorium".
  11. Slafkosky, Jenny. "Fact Sheet: One Year at Pier 15". Exploratorium. The Exploratorium. Retrieved 2014-05-15.
  12. Outreach. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  13. "Particle physics lab TRIUMF invites artists to connect science to society". Retrieved 2016-02-09.
  14. "FAQ About TRIUMF". TRIUMF. Retrieved 2016-02-09.
  15. "What CAP Does". Canadian Association of Physicists. Retrieved 2009-06-06.
  16. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V. (2013, January 8). Retrieved from
  17. About us. (2014, January 1). Retrieved from
  18. Dreifus, C. (2013, September 9). On 'The Big Bang Theory,' Helping Physics and Fiction Collide. The New York Times. Retrieved from
  19. Big Bang Theory Extended to 2016-2017. Retrieved from
  20. List of episodes of the French outreach program C'est pas sorrier
  21. "Fritjof Capra".
  22. Women's Engineering Society, Role Models. Retrieved
  23. Krauss, Lawrence (June 1, 2010). "Faith and Foolishness: When Religious Beliefs Become Dangerous". Scientific American. Retrieved March 31, 2014.
  24. "NAS Announces Initiative to Connect Entertainment Industry With Top Experts". The National Academies. Retrieved 4 June 2012.
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