Philippe Zawieja

Philippe Zawieja is a French psychosociologist, essayist and researcher in occupational health at Mines ParisTech,[1] Paris, known for his research on occupational burnout[2][3] and other forms of fatigue,[4] in particular in health care industry and Alzheimer's care.[5]


Zawieja graduated from Burgundy School of Business in 1991, and obtained a master's degree in health economics and management from Paris School of Medicine and a Ph.D. in science and engineering of at-risk activities from Mines ParisTech. He also serves as Secretary of the International Scientific and Ethics Council of ORPEA, the European leader in dependency care.

Awards and honors

Zawieja was nominated in 2013 Knight of the Ordre des Palmes académiques[6] (Order of Academic Palms), a French Order of Chivalry for distinguished academics and figures in the world of culture and education.

He was granted in 2014 the René-Joseph Laufer Award for social preventive health by the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques (French Academy of Moral and Political Sciences), part of the Institut de France.

Selected publications


  1. Entreprise & Carrières, 18 February 2014 : 8
  2. Agoumi K. Épuisement professionnel : combattre le burn out. L'Économiste', 24 October 2014.
  3. Wierzbicki B. La terminologie concernant les RPS est un objet évolutif- Interview with Philippe Zawieja. Personnel. June 2014: 80-81.
  4. Maillard C. Risques psychosociaux: le vécu subjectif du travailleur prime. Le Concours médical. 2014/04; 136(4): 314-317.
  5. Zawieja P (2012). Vous avez dit ‘fatigue compassionnelle’? Mensuel des maisons de retraite. 151: 25-26.
  6. Paris-Sud Infos 93: 12.
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