Peronospora sparsa

Peronospora sparsa
Scientific classification
(unranked): SAR
Superphylum: Heterokonta
Class: Oomycetes
Subclass: Incertae sedis
Order: Peronosporales
Family: Peronosporaceae
Genus: Peronospora
Species: P. sparsa
Binomial name
Peronospora sparsa
Berk., (1862)

Peronoplasmopara sparsa (Berk.) Uljan., (1967)
Peronospora fragariae Roze & Cornu, (1876)
Peronospora rosae-gallicae Savul. & Rayss, (1934)
Peronospora rubi Rabenh. ex J. Schröt., (1888)
Pseudoperonospora sparsa (Berk.) Jacz., (1928)

Peronospora sparsa is a plant pathogen that causes downy mildew on rose and diseases on caneberries and strawberries. In climate controlled greenhouses it doesn't occur so often because of the lack of free water maintained by humidity settings in the climate computers. In greenhouses without heating and without humidity controls and with Free Water Spots (FWS's), the disease can wipe out Downy Mildew susceptible rose varieties in 3 to 4 days completely, if unchecked.


    Further reading

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