Periploca (plant)

Periploca forrestii
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae
Genus: Periploca
Tourn. ex. L.

Periploca is a genus of plants in the Apocynaceae family, first described for modern science by Linnaeus in 1753. It is native to Europe, Asia, and Africa.[1][2]

  1. Periploca aphylla Decne. - Middle East from Sinai to Pakistan
  2. Periploca calophylla (Wight) Falc. - S China, Nepal, Bhutan, Assam, E Himalayas, Vietnam
  3. Periploca chevalieri Browicz - Cape Verde Islands
  4. Periploca chrysantha D.S. Yao, X.D. Chen & J.W. Ren - Gansu Province in China
  5. Periploca floribunda Tsiang - Yunnan, Vietnam
  6. Periploca forrestii Schltr. - Guangxi, Guizhou, Qinghai, Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan, India, Kashmir, Myanmar, Nepal
  7. Periploca graeca L. - Mediterranean
  8. Periploca hydaspidis Falc. - Kashmir
  9. Periploca laevigata Aiton - Spain, Sicily, Crete, North Africa, Canary Islands
  10. Periploca linearifolia Quart.-Dill. & A. Rich - Ethiopia
  11. Periploca nigrescens Afzel. - W Africa
  12. Periploca refractifolia Gilli - Tanzania
  13. Periploca sepium Bunge - widespread across much of China
  14. Periploca tsiangii D. Fang & H.Z. Ling - Guangxi Province in China
  15. Periploca visciformis (Vatke) K. Schum. - Somalia
formerly included[3]
  1. P. africana, syn of Cynanchum africanum
  2. P. albicans, syn of Streptocaulon albicans
  3. P. alboflavescens, syn of Parsonsia alboflavescens
  4. P. apiculata, syn of Tacazzea apiculata
  5. P. arborea, syn of Wrightia arborea
  6. P. astacus, syn of Trachelospermum axillare
  7. P. bifida, syn of Cryptolepis bifida
  8. P. calophylla (Baill.) Roberty 1953 not (Wight) Falc. 1841, syn of Omphalogonus calophyllus
  9. P. capsularis, syn of Parsonsia capsularis
  10. P. chinensis, syn of Cryptolepis sinensis
  11. P. cochinchinensis, syn of Calotropis gigantea
  12. P. cordata, syn of Hemidesmus cordatus
  13. P. divaricata, syn of Strophanthus divaricatus
  14. P. emetica, syn of Secamone emetica
  15. P. esculenta, syn of Oxystelma esculentum
  16. P. gracilis, syn of Cyprinia gracilis
  17. P. indica, syn of Hemidesmus indicus
  18. P. mauritiana, syn of Camptocarpus mauritianus
  19. P. palvallii, syn of Ichnocarpus frutescens
  20. P. parviflora, syn of Streptocaulon parviflorum
  21. P. pyrotechnica, syn of Leptadenia pyrotechnica
  22. P. secamone, syn of Sarcostemma secamone
  23. P. sylvestris, syn of Gymnema sylvestre
  24. P. tunicata, syn of Cynanchum tunicatum
  25. P. umbellata, syn of Pinochia corymbosa
  26. P. virgata, syn of Orthosia virgata


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