Patrick Cousot

Patrick Cousot

December 2007
Born 3 December 1948
Residence New York City
Nationality French
Alma mater École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy,
Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble I
  • Définition interprétative et implantation de langages de programmation (1974)
  • Méthodes itératives de construction et d'approximation de points fixes d'opérateurs monotones sur un treillis, analyse sémantique des programmes (1978)
Doctoral advisor Michael Griffiths (1974),
Philippe Jorrand (1978)
Known for Abstract interpretation
Notable awards

CNRS Silver medal
Great prize of the EADS Foundation
honorary doctorate by Saarland University
ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Achievement Award

IEEE Computer Society Harlan D. Mills Award
Spouse Radhia Cousot

Patrick Cousot (born 3 December 1948) is a French computer scientist.

Together with his wife Radhia (19472014), Cousot is the originator of abstract interpretation, an influential technique in formal methods. In the 2000s, he has worked on practical methods of static analysis for critical embedded software (Astrée), such as found in avionics. He has been Professor of Computer Science at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris since 1991. As of March 2008, Cousot is a Professor of Computer Science at New York University.

He is a knight (Chevalier) in the Ordre National du Mérite and the Ordre des Palmes académiques. In 1999 he received the CNRS Silver medal and in 2006 the great prize of the EADS Foundation. In 2001, he was bestowed an honorary doctorate by Saarland University, Germany. With Radhia Cousot, he received the ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Achievement Award in 2013 and the IEEE Computer Society Harlan D. Mills award in 2014, For the invention of abstract interpretation, development of tool support, and its practical application. Dr. Cousot is a member of the Board of Trustees at the IMDEA Software Institute.


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