Panchakshara Stotra

Panchakshara Stotra (Sanskrit : श्रीशिवपञ्चाक्षरस्तोत्रम् Śrī śivapañcākṣarastōtram) Is a Stotra. Stotras are a type of popular devotional literature and are not bound by the strict rules as some other ancient Indian scriptures, such as the Vedas.[1] In Sanskrit literature, poetry written for praise of god is called stotras. The Panchakshara (Sanskrit : पञ्चाक्षर) literally means "five letters" in Sanskrit and refers to the five holy letters 'Na', 'Ma ','Si','Va', 'Ya'. This is prayer to Lord Shiva, and is associated with Shiva's Mantra Om Namah Shivaya , of which Namah Shivaya is also called the Panchakshari Mantra.

Shiva absorbed in meditation, as depicted commonly in Hinduism

Lord Shiva is the main deity in Śaivism school of Hinduism. The holy word chant to worship him is made of five letters and is popularly called Panchakshara- Na Ma Si Va Ya. According to Hindu traditions, the human body is considered to be made up of five elements and these holy letters represent these elements. Na Consecrates Prithvi Tattva (Earth element), Ma does the same with Jal Tattva (Water factor) Si energizes Agni Tattva (Fire element) Va energizes Vayu Tattva (Air factor) and finally Ya energizes Akasha Tattva (Sky/Space element).

In this popular Stotra, each of these holy letters is considered as representing Shiva and the Lord is praised for his great qualities.

The great Shri Adi Sankaracharya (considered an incarnation of Shiva Himself) is the author of this stotra.

Stotra And Meanings

Naagendra[2] Haaraaya TriLocanaaya,

Bhasmanggaraagaaya[3] Maheshvaraaya.

Nityaaya Shuddhaaya DigAmbaraaya,[4]

Tasmai "Na"kaaraaya Namah Shivaaya...

Meaning: The great shiva Who has the King of Snakes as His Garland and, has Three Eyes in his face, Whose Body is Smeared with Sacred Ashes and Who is the Great Lord The supreme God. Who is Eternal, Who is ever Pure and Who has the Four Directions as His Clothes, Salutations to that Shiva, Who is represented by syllable Na, The first syllable of the Panchakshara mantra.

Mandaakinii[5] Salila Chandana[6] -Carcitaaya,



Tasmai "Ma"kaaraaya Namah Shivaaya...

Meaning: Who is Worshipped with Water from the River Mandakini and Smeared with Sandal Paste, Who is the Lord of Nandi and of the Ghosts and Goblins, the Great Lord, Who is Worshipped with Mandara and Many Other Flowers, Salutations to that Shiva, Who is represented by syllable "Ma", The second syllable of the Panchakshara mantra.

Sivaaya Gauri[8] VadanaAbjaVrnda,

Suuryaaya[9] Dakssadhvara Naashakaaya.

Srii Niilakanntthaaya[10] Vrissa[11]-Dhvajaaya

Tasmai "Si"kaaraaya Namah Sivaaya...

Meaning: Who is Auspicious and Who is like the Sun Causing the Lotus-Face of mother Gauri to Blossom, Who is the Destroyer of the arrogance of Daksha, Who has a Blue Throat and has a Bull as His Emblem, Salutations to that Shiva, Who is represented by syllable "Shi", The third syllable of the Panchakshara mantra.




Tasmai "Va"kaaraaya Namah Shivaaya.

Meaning: Who is Worshipped by the Best and most Respected Sages like Vashistha, Agastya and Gautama and also by the Gods and Who is the Crown of the Universe, Who has the Chandra(Moon), Surya (Sun) and Agni(Fire) as His Three Eyes, Salutations to that Shiva, Who is represented by syllable "Va", The fourth syllable of the Panchakshara mantra.

Yagnya Svaruupaaya JattaaDharaaya,

Pinaaka[13] Hastaya Sanatanaya.[14]

Divyaaya Devaaya Dig-Ambaraaya,

Tasmai "Ya"kaaraaya Namah Shivaaya...

Meaning: Who is the Embodiment of Yajna (Sacrifice) and Who has Matted Hairs, Who has the Trident in His Hand and Who is Eternal, Who is Divine, Who is the Shining One and Who has the Four Directions as His Clothes (signifying that He is ever Free, Salutations to that Shiva, Who is represented by syllable "Ya", The fifth syllable of the Panchakshara mantra.

Pancaakssaramidam Punnyam Yah Patthet ShivaSamnidhau,

ShivalokamAavaapnoti Shivena Saha Modate...

Meaning: Whoever Recites this Panchakshara hymn in praise of the five syllables of Na-Ma-Shi-Va-Ya, He is near Shiva Everytime, and Will Attain the Abode of Shiva and enjoy His Bliss.

See also


  1. Stotra
  2. Nagendra means king of snakes.
  3. Bhasma(Ash) Anga(Parts of body) Ragaya(Smeared).
  4. DigAmbar Means Endless Sky, Shiva in just like Endless sky.
  5. Mandakini is River Of Pure Water.
  6. Chandana means Sandal paste.
  7. Maheshvara means Supreme Lord.
  8. Gauri is 2nd name of Mother parwati(Shiva's Wife).
  9. Surya Means Sun.
  10. Neelkanth means Blue Neck, Because Shiva have blue colored neck.
  11. Vrish Means Bull, Used for nandi the bull.
  12. Lochan means eyes.
  13. Pinaaka means trident, also trishool means trident(Shiva's weapon).
  14. Sanatana means who's never die.
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